Mongolia News Summary for August 06, 2024

The following news articles are the opinions of their authors and publications. They are presented here as translations for informational purposes and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Mongolia Strategy Center or its members.
Today's Stories
- Request for a Hearing on Human Rights Issues to be Submitted to the Speaker of Parliament
- "There is no mechanism to control a government that celebrates each other"
- IEC: The Majority of Citizens Opposed the Formation of a Coalition Government
- J.Bayarmaa: The Democratic Party has submitted a request to the Speaker of Parliament for a hearing on the issue of a 21-year-old citizen who lost their life
- Rapper B.Gantulga to Work as Prime Minister's Advisor on Youth Affairs
- Top-20 index exceeds 50,000 units for the second time
- 436,617 tourists have visited Mongolia since the beginning of the year
- Mongolbank Purchased 1.5 Tons of Precious Metal in July
- Memorandum of Cooperation Established for QR Code Transactions Using SocialPay App When Traveling to China
- Mongolbank Purchased 1.5 Tons of Precious Metals in July
- Blinken: Mongolia is a Key Partner in this Region
- Japanese Prime Minister to Visit Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Mongolia This Week
- Philippine Foreign Minister Enrique A. Manalo is visiting Mongolia
- B. Battsetseg: Discussed the possibility of hiring workforce from the Philippines in sectors such as education, tourism, and services
- VISIT: Expanding Cooperation with the Philippines in Foreign Relations and Sports Sectors
- Enrique A. Manalo: Possible to collaborate in English language training to strengthen internal capacity of Mongolian civil servants
- VISIT: Philippines to provide workforce in the following sectors
- Schedule for electrical line and equipment maintenance this month
- Zamyn-Uud toll collection point fully digitalized
- Water drainage pipes to be installed in six locations prone to heavy rainwater accumulation
- Suspects Who Killed and Fled Found in Uvurkhangai Province
- Criminal Case Opened for Alleged Child Sexual Abuse Crime
- Swiss President Viola Amherd Enjoys a Mini-Naadam Showcasing the Three Manly Games
- 27 schools and 48 kindergartens to be newly put into operation this academic year
- This school year, a total of 265 school buses from both public and private schools are planned to be in service
- EVENT: Information regarding the start of accepting requests for enrollment in kindergartens in the capital through the e-mongolia system
- Inviting Mongolian Youth to Compete Globally and Nominate for the "TOYP" Award
- WARNING: Tuul, Orkhon, Khurkh, Balj, Onon rivers are flooding 10-100 cm above dangerous levels
- 118 people trapped by flood waters of Tuul River at recreation area rescued to safety zone
- 118 Citizens Trapped in Water at Resort Area
Request for a Hearing on Human Rights Issues to be Submitted to the Speaker of Parliament
Published: Mon, 05 Aug 2024 | Translated from:
Members of the Democratic Party group in the Parliament will submit an official request to the Speaker of Parliament D. Amarbayasgalan to hold an open hearing on human rights violations, as announced in a press conference today.
A 21-year-old man whose rights were restricted has lost his life. The victim had filed a complaint with the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) in January, stating, "The police tortured me, treated me inhumanely and cruelly." The ACA is investigating this complaint. Regarding this issue, the ACA stated, "The interrogation room of the Bayangol district investigators had no camera, their department floor had no camera, and the angle of the existing camera had been altered. This is considered to have created conditions for torture." As a result of this case, the Democratic Party members have concluded that it is necessary to hold a hearing on human rights violations.
Human rights violations are not only related to the issue of citizens whose rights have been restricted and lives lost, but also to the discipline in the military, violations of human rights of people in detention centers, freedom of the press, and many other issues where human rights are being seriously violated. Therefore, there is a need to hold the hearing without delay. More than 20 members of the Democratic Party group in the Parliament have signed the request for the hearing. All members who are in Ulaanbaatar and not in their constituencies have supported and signed it.
The ideology of the Democratic Party prioritizes human rights and freedom. Because we value the ideology that people should be free in all aspects to think, create, and work, the Democratic Party is sensitive to human rights violations.
"There is no mechanism to control a government that celebrates each other"
Published: Mon, 05 Aug 2024 | Translated from:
We interviewed economist B. Lkhagvajav.
-A coalition government was formed as a result of the 2024 parliamentary elections. What expectations do you have for this government in terms of stimulating Mongolia's economy?
-Although the election results were clear, a coalition government was formed. Since a coalition government has been formed, a major budget will be approved to implement the policies outlined in the election programs of the Mongolian People's Party, Democratic Party, and Justice Coalition Party.
IEC: The Majority of Citizens Opposed the Formation of a Coalition Government
Published: Mon, 05 Aug 2024 | Translated from:
The IEC research organization presented the political barometer for July 2024. This survey is notable for being conducted after the formation of the new Parliament and Government. The study included 1,850 citizens of voting age living in Ulaanbaatar city and rural areas, and the data was collected using a quota sampling method from July 26-31.
Key highlights of the survey include:
- In terms of politicians' ratings, L. Oyun-Erdene led the positive ratings, while U. Khurelsukh topped the negative ratings.
- When evaluating the performance of state institutions, the Prime Minister's activities received the highest score of 6.1 points. Anti-corruption efforts, economic recovery, and the start of mortgage lending were highly rated. On the other hand, the Mayor of Ulaanbaatar received the lowest score of 4.2 points, although this is 1.5 points higher compared to a year ago.
- The survey participants were asked about their position on the coalition government. The majority of citizens did not support the formation of a coalition government, with 65% of respondents believing that the Mongolian People's Party (MPP) should form the government on its own.
J.Bayarmaa: The Democratic Party has submitted a request to the Speaker of Parliament for a hearing on the issue of a 21-year-old citizen who lost their life
Published: Mon, 05 Aug 2024 | Translated from:
The Democratic Party group provided information this morning about holding an open hearing to consolidate issues related to actions infringing on press freedom, human rights violations, and the negligent and irresponsible handling of cases by law enforcement agencies.
Member of Parliament J.Bayarmaa: Recently, a 21-year-old young man whose rights had been restricted by a decision of a state organization has tragically lost his life. The cause will likely be determined through an investigative process. However, the victim had filed a complaint with the Anti-Corruption Agency in January stating, "I was tortured. I was treated inhumanely." The Anti-Corruption Agency is conducting an investigation based on this. The Anti-Corruption Agency's document also states, "The interrogation room of the Bayangol district investigators had no camera. The floor of that department had no camera, and the angle of the camera had been changed." This has been very seriously concluded as creating conditions for torture. All of this came to light last week. As a result of this case, Democratic Party members have suggested that it is necessary to hold a hearing on human rights issues.
Rapper B.Gantulga to Work as Prime Minister's Advisor on Youth Affairs
Published: Mon, 05 Aug 2024 | Translated from:
Rapper B.Gantulga is set to work as an advisor on youth affairs to Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene.
He had previously stated, "I have an interest in becoming a politician. I want to change the tendency of young people to stop being interested in politics and to consider everything related to politics as completely false. I want to make young people informed and knowledgeable, and to encourage them to read and study facts."
According to the official government website, the Prime Minister has 11 advisors.
Top-20 index exceeds 50,000 units for the second time
Published: Mon, 05 Aug 2024 | Translated from:
The Top-20 index has reached 50,228 units, surpassing the 50,000 unit level for the second time in its history, while the stock market capitalization has exceeded 12.3 trillion tugriks. Previously, it first surpassed 50,000 units on July 31.
During Friday's trading, 851,159 shares of 43 joint-stock companies were traded with a total value of 833.6 million tugriks. The share prices of 19 companies increased, 15 companies decreased, and nine companies remained stable.
The shares of "Darkhan Khovon" JSC (DAH +15.00%), "Crypto Nation" JSC (CNF +12.70%), and "Bodi Insurance" JSC (BODI +9.96%) showed the highest growth, while "Juulchin Duty Free" JSC (SUL -14.61%), "Remicon" JSC (RMC -8.62%), and "State Bank" JSC (SBM -1.88%) experienced the biggest declines.
In addition, APU JSC announced that it will distribute 55 tugriks per share, totaling 58.5 billion tugriks, as dividends for the first half of this year.
436,617 tourists have visited Mongolia since the beginning of the year
Published: Mon, 05 Aug 2024 | Translated from:
As of July 31 this year, 436,617 tourists have visited Mongolia.
In the past month alone, 139,502 foreign tourists were received.
As can be seen from the following data, citizens from Russia, China, and South Korea are visiting and traveling in our country the most.
By country of origin:
- Russia 120,412
- China 109,584
- South Korea 108,295
- Kazakhstan 16,465
- Japan 12,485
- America 10,587
- Germany 6,476
- Turkey 4,581
- China, Taiwan 6,233
- Belarus 3,352 foreign tourists have visited respectively.
Mongolia has set a goal to receive 1,000,000 tourists this year.
Media organizations (Television, Radio, Social and Web pages) must always cite the source ( when using our information in whole or in part in any form!
Published: Mon, 05 Aug 2024 | Translated from:
We interviewed B. Nazym, Senior Investment Analyst at MICC (Mongolia International Capital Corporation) Securities, who will be presenting strategic infrastructure projects impacting Mongolia's economy at the closed "Investor" forum to be held on August 16, 2024.
A professional investor refers to an individual or organization that has the experience, in-depth knowledge of financial markets and investment strategies, and manages a large amount of assets required to make independent investment decisions and correctly assess the risks associated with these decisions. Professional investors are usually subject to regulatory requirements and standards, have the ability to manage and mitigate risks, and focus primarily on creating long-term value rather than short-term profits. Looking at the practices of other highly developed countries, professional investors influence market trends and company strategies through their investment decisions, supporting business growth and playing a crucial role in the financial ecosystem, significantly impacting economic development. They also play an important role in setting asset prices in the market, improving market efficiency, and increasing liquidity.
Mongolbank Purchased 1.5 Tons of Precious Metal in July
Published: Mon, 05 Aug 2024 | Translated from:
The Bank of Mongolia announced that it purchased 1,514.7 kg of precious metal in July. This brings the total to 9.3 tons since the beginning of the year. Compared to the same period last year, this represents a 9.5% increase.
Since the start of the year, the Mongolbank branch in Darkhan-Uul province has purchased 335.2 kg of gold, while the branch in Bayankhongor province has purchased 688.8 kg.
The Bank of Mongolia reported that the average price for purchasing gold in July was 259,674 tugriks.
The Bank of Mongolia buys an average of over 20 tons of gold annually and refines it in the Swiss Confederation. The President of the Bank of Mongolia clarified that the refined gold is either sold on the world market or stored in the Central Bank's gold reserves.
In addition, due to the escalating geopolitical situation in the Middle East, the price of gold is approaching a new record high. In July, the spot price of gold increased by 5.2%, which is the highest monthly increase since March. Investors believe that geopolitical and economic uncertainties will support the demand for gold.
The U.S. Federal Reserve announced at its July 31 meeting that it could lower policy rates if economic indicators show positive results.
Memorandum of Cooperation Established for QR Code Transactions Using SocialPay App When Traveling to China
Published: Mon, 05 Aug 2024 | Translated from:
Golomt Bank, as part of its mission to provide customers with the world's best digital payment solutions, participated in the "China-Mongolia Cross-Border Digital Payment Solutions Cooperation Project" event held in Hohhot, China on July 24, 2024. During this event, a tripartite memorandum of cooperation was signed with China Construction Bank (CCB) and NetsUnion Clearing Corporation (NUCC).
During the event, M. Sainbileg, Chief Information Officer of Golomt Bank, greeted the guests, saying: "The relationship between Mongolia and China is expanding year by year, especially the cooperation in financial digital transformation is successfully flourishing and yielding results. This digital payment solution with NUCC and Golomt Bank's long-term partner CCB offers the easiest and most flexible payment solution for Mongolian and Chinese citizens, businesses, and organizations, opening up new opportunities to save costs and time."
The implementation of this project, aimed at enabling citizens and customers to make payments quickly and seamlessly when traveling to China, will create a new solution for paying using the SocialPay application.
Please click HERE to learn about other payment solutions offered by Golomt Bank to its customers.
World Standard Mongolian Bank
Mongolbank Purchased 1.5 Tons of Precious Metals in July
Published: Mon, 05 Aug 2024 | Translated from:
The Bank of Mongolia reported that it purchased 1,514.7 kg of precious metals in July. This brings the total to 9.3 tons since the beginning of the year. Compared to the same period last year, this represents a 9.5 percent increase.
Since the start of the year, the Bank of Mongolia's branch in Darkhan-Uul aimag has purchased 335.2 kg of gold, while the branch in Bayankhongor aimag has purchased 688.8 kg.
The Bank of Mongolia reported that the average gold purchase price in July was 259,674 tugriks.
The Bank of Mongolia purchases an average of over 20 tons of gold annually and refines it in the Swiss Confederation. The President of the Bank of Mongolia clarified that the refined gold is either sold on the global market or stored in the Central Bank's gold reserves.
In addition, due to the escalating geopolitical situation in the Middle East, the price of gold is approaching a new high. The spot price of gold increased by 5.2 percent in July, the highest monthly increase since March. Investors believe that geopolitical and economic uncertainties will support the demand for gold.
The US Federal Reserve announced at its July 31 meeting that it could lower policy rates if economic indicators show positive results.
Blinken: Mongolia is a Key Partner in this Region
Published: Mon, 05 Aug 2024 | Translated from:
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken concluded his 10-day tour of Asia on Thursday with a visit to Mongolia.
He praised the growing relationship with landlocked Mongolia, which is sandwiched between the authoritarian powers of China and Russia. His long journey through Southeast Asia and Japan was aimed at increasing support for U.S. allies and countering China's influence in the region, although Washington has stated that it does not intend to pursue a policy of containment against Beijing.
In Japan and the Philippines, Blinken and U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin announced closer military and defense ties with the two countries against Beijing's "provocations," especially in the South China Sea. On Thursday in Ulaanbaatar, Blinken emphasized that U.S. policy is not directed against any particular country.
Mongolia is a vast, sparsely populated democratic nation of 3.4 million people that held parliamentary elections in June.
The U.S. intends to continue "comprehensive strategic dialogue" with Mongolia. Blinken met on Thursday with Mongolian Foreign Minister Batmunkh Battsetseg, who had come to Washington last week to meet with top diplomatic representatives and initiate strategic talks.
Blinken emphasized that "Mongolia is a key partner in this region." He stated, "The U.S. and Mongolia are third neighbors connected by common democratic values and common interests."
Japanese Prime Minister to Visit Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Mongolia This Week
Published: Mon, 05 Aug 2024 | Translated from:
Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida is planning to visit Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Mongolia from Friday to August 12 this week, according to official sources in Tokyo yesterday.
The purpose of the visit is to reduce the dependence of Mongolia and Central Asian countries, formerly part of the Soviet Union, on their neighbors Russia and China, and to provide high-tech assistance in combating climate change.
Specifically, they will discuss the possibility of modernizing power plants and introducing technologies for producing fertilizers and fuels.
In terms of human development, Japan, which is facing a shortage of workforce, will discuss the possibility of recruiting skilled workers from these Asian countries.
They will also address the issue of providing support for Japanese language education through the JICA organization.
The Japanese government has planned to organize a high-level meeting with the heads of state of the five Central Asian countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan) for the first time in Kazakhstan at the end of this month.
Philippine Foreign Minister Enrique A. Manalo is visiting Mongolia
Published: Mon, 05 Aug 2024 | Translated from:
News agency provides a summary of some events happening on Monday, August 5th.
At 09:00: The opening ceremony of the "International Young Mongolian Studies Summer School-2024" will be held at Erdmiin Ikh University.
At the invitation of Mongolian Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the Philippines, Enrique A. Manalo, is visiting our country
At 10:00: At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Philippine Foreign Minister Enrique A. Manalo and Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg will hold official talks.
At 11:10: Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg and Philippine Foreign Minister Enrique A. Manalo will participate in the signing ceremony of official documents.
At 11:20: Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg and Philippine Foreign Minister Enrique A. Manalo will brief media representatives.
At 11:00: At the Central Post Office: The Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Communications and the General Education Agency will start accepting requests for kindergarten enrollment in the capital for the 2024-2025 academic year through the E-Mongolia system.
At 13:30: At the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry: A discussion will be held to incorporate the opinions of private sector representatives and professional associations into the Joint Government Action Program for 2024-2028. Phone: 9910-7371, 9903-4043.
Culture and Arts:
At 14:00: At the Central Stadium: A press conference for the "Life" live music festival dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the "Kharanga" band has been announced. Phone: 8893-7492.
At the "Mongol Art Gallery": An independent exhibition of paintings and sculptures "Human Flowers-1" dedicated to the 60th anniversary of painter, sculptor and meditator L. Enkhtaivan is on display until August 10.
Sports: The "Paris-2024" Olympic qualifying and freestyle wrestling competition will begin. The Mongolian wrestlers' competition will start in the 68 kg weight class.
B. Battsetseg: Discussed the possibility of hiring workforce from the Philippines in sectors such as education, tourism, and services
Published: Mon, 05 Aug 2024 | Translated from:
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the Philippines, Enrique A. Manalo, is making an official visit to Mongolia from August 3-6.
Today, after signing official documents, the Foreign Ministers of the two countries held a joint briefing.
This visit is the first high-level visit to Mongolia by a Philippine Foreign Minister since the establishment of diplomatic relations between our two countries in 1973.
Mongolian Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg said, "I am confident that this historic visit will enrich the relations and cooperation between Mongolia and the Philippines with new content, increase the frequency of political dialogue, strengthen mutual trust, and provide an important impetus to strengthen people-to-people ties.
During the official talks, it was announced that the Philippine government has decided to provide humanitarian assistance to our country for disaster risk reduction and resilience.
As a member of the Government of Mongolia and President of the Mongolian Red Cross Society, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the goodwill assistance of our Philippine friends. As countries vulnerable to climate change, our two countries will continue to work together to combat climate change and improve disaster risk reduction and resilience capabilities.
Mongolia has always attached great importance to expanding friendly relations and cooperation with the Republic of the Philippines, an important partner in Northeast Asia and an influential member of ASEAN. I am pleased to note that last year we celebrated the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations in a grand and solemn manner."
Within the framework of this visit, a renewed Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation between the Foreign Ministries of the two countries was established. They also agreed to expand cooperation in the fields of sports, education, culture, agriculture, health, information technology, labor, and social protection.
VISIT: Expanding Cooperation with the Philippines in Foreign Relations and Sports Sectors
Published: Mon, 05 Aug 2024 | Translated from:
At the invitation of B. Battsetseg, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia, Enrique A. Manalo, Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the Philippines, is conducting a visit to Mongolia. Within the framework of this visit, the parties have established the following documents.
Foreign Affairs Minister B. Battsetseg and Foreign Affairs Secretary Enrique A. Manalo signed the memorandums. Specifically:
Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia and the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the Philippines
The memorandum of understanding between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia and the Philippines, originally established in 2013, has been renewed, creating a mechanism for cooperation between the Foreign Affairs Ministries. This will contribute to the development of cooperation in areas of mutual benefit and common interest for both countries, such as foreign relations, cultural exchange, employment, and education. The parties agreed to intensify discussions aimed at contributing to these efforts and to ensure the involvement of the Foreign Affairs Ministries in this process.
Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in the Sports Sector between the Ministry of Culture, Sports, Tourism and Youth of Mongolia and the Philippine Sports Commission
The memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the sports sector between Mongolia and the Philippines was first established in 2013, and has now been renewed to develop relations and cooperation in the sports sector on a broader scale.
Within the framework of this memorandum, the two countries will cooperate in participating in international and national competitions, exchanging teachers, coaches, and athletes, organizing friendly competitions, and developing the sports sector. Developing sports cooperation with the Philippines, which has achieved considerable success at the international level in Southeast Asia, especially in basketball and boxing, has many advantages and aims to implement cooperation focused on identifying and developing young sporting talents.
Enrique A. Manalo: Possible to collaborate in English language training to strengthen internal capacity of Mongolian civil servants
Published: Mon, 05 Aug 2024 | Translated from:
Enrique A. Manalo: "I am very grateful to the Foreign Minister and the Government of Mongolia for the warm welcome. My visit is the first official bilateral visit to Mongolia by a Foreign Minister of the Republic of the Philippines.
This is an appropriate part of the events marking the 50th anniversary of the long-standing official bilateral relations between our two countries.
The Philippines and Mongolia share common values of democracy, freedom, and the rule of law. Our two countries are fully sovereign states with our own strategic agencies, free from foreign influence, and firmly committed to charting our own paths.
The Philippines' independent foreign policy aligns with Mongolia's third neighbor policy.
The governments of our two countries are also united by the common aspiration to deliver the dividends of our rapidly developing economies to our own people.
Minister B. Battsetseg and I discussed promoting and developing the economies and trade between our two countries. In particular, we discussed the possibility of supporting this through establishing connections between our business groups, as well as collaborating in the fields of agriculture, mineral resources, sports, education, and English language training to strengthen the internal capacity of Mongolian civil servants.
For my part, I signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in the field of sports between the Foreign Ministries of the two countries with the Mongolian Foreign Minister.
We expressed our unity in working together in disaster reduction.
We signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation between the Foreign Ministries, expressing our mutual desire to further expand and develop bilateral relations. This agreement commits both sides to cooperate and coordinate on bilateral and international issues of mutual interest.
The Philippines and Mongolia expressed their support for each other in the areas of nuclear disarmament, arms reduction, roles in the framework of cooperation, disaster risk reduction, and response measures.
In this context, I emphasized to Minister B. Battsetseg the importance of reaffirming international law in the context of the challenges facing the rules-based international order.
We noted that the Philippines and Mongolia are interested in reaffirming the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, which guarantees the freedom of transit and access rights for landlocked countries.
Therefore, I highlighted that the Philippines is nominating itself for membership in the UN Security Council for 2027-2028. The Philippines proposes to discuss this issue, having demonstrated its success as a reliable partner, path seeker, and peacekeeper."
VISIT: Philippines to provide workforce in the following sectors
Published: Mon, 05 Aug 2024 | Translated from:
Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the Philippines, Enrique Manalo, held official talks on August 5, 2024.
During the talks, it was announced that the Government of the Philippines has decided to provide non-refundable assistance to our country for disaster risk reduction and recovery. In response, the Mongolian side expressed gratitude and agreed to work closely together to combat climate change, reduce disaster risks, overcome challenges, and build a resilient society.
The Foreign Ministers agreed to develop practical cooperation in all sectors and intensify cooperation in education, culture, sports, health, information technology, labor, and social welfare.
In this context, it was agreed to work with the Philippine side to train English language teachers from rural areas and universities in Mongolia on a regional basis, strengthen their capabilities, and implement teacher exchange programs.
They also agreed to establish a legal framework for cooperation in social welfare and employment, including collaboration in the social care and services sector, and to work together to recruit workforce from the Philippines in sectors such as education, tourism, and services. It was decided to exchange draft documents in the near future.
The parties agreed to make further progress in improving the favorable conditions for visa-free travel between citizens to strengthen people-to-people exchanges, which serve as a bridge of friendly relations between the two countries, and to expand cooperation in the tourism sector.
Schedule for electrical line and equipment maintenance this month
Published: Mon, 05 Aug 2024 | Translated from:
The Ulaanbaatar Electricity Distribution Network Company has announced the schedule for electrical line and equipment maintenance for August. During this time, electricity supply to consumers will be limited.
If there are changes to the schedule due to weather conditions, information will be sent to the phone numbers registered in the contract.
Zamyn-Uud toll collection point fully digitalized
Published: Mon, 05 Aug 2024 | Translated from:
The Zam Teevriin Khögjliin Töv (Road Transport Development Center) State-Owned Enterprise has announced that the toll collection point in Zamyn-Uud soum of Dornogovi aimag has been fully digitalized as of today.
Citizens and transporters can now pay their digital fees through, Emongolia, Autobox, Toki, Mostmoney, and Gerege applications.
It is advised that transporting individuals and business entities conduct transportation in accordance with the "MNS 4598:2020" standard for general requirements for the technical condition of motor vehicles.
The Road Transport Development Center SOE is planning to digitalize all toll collection points nationwide in 2024.
Citizens and business entities are advised to conduct transportation in accordance with the "MNS 4598:2020" standard for general requirements for the technical condition of motor vehicles.
The Road Transport Development Center SOE is planning to digitalize all toll collection points nationwide in 2024.
Water drainage pipes to be installed in six locations prone to heavy rainwater accumulation
Published: Mon, 05 Aug 2024 | Translated from:
Water drainage pipes will be installed in the following six locations where rainwater tends to accumulate heavily:
- In front of the Sun Bridge
- Below the Peace Bridge
- Yarmag
- 22nd Junction
- Takhilt underpass
- Central Railway Station
Source: Ulaanbaatar News
Suspects Who Killed and Fled Found in Uvurkhangai Province
Published: Mon, 05 Aug 2024 | Translated from:
On August 2nd around 23:00, a 39-year-old man "M" was beaten to death by unknown individuals in the 13th khoroo of Sukhbaatar district. Police officers conducted an investigation into the incident.
The investigation determined that four individuals - D, G, B, and J - committed this crime.
A search operation was carried out for the suspects, and they were located and identified in Uvurkhangai province. The investigation is ongoing.
Source: Press Center of the General Police Department
Media outlets (TV, Radio, Social and Web pages) must always cite the source ( when using our information in whole or in part in any form!
Criminal Case Opened for Alleged Child Sexual Abuse Crime
Published: Mon, 05 Aug 2024 | Translated from:
Last week, from July 29 to August 2, the police conducted investigations on 34,690 cases of criminal registration and 2,692 cases of investigation, and submitted 505 cases to the Prosecutor's Office with a "Recommendation to Transfer to Court".
Notable cases that have been resolved include:
In December 2023, a citizen contacted a 14-year-old minor A.A. via Facebook messenger, showed pictures of his genitals, demanded nude photos and videos, propositioned sexual intercourse, and attempted to lure the child into pornography. On July 22 this year, citizen S.D. was charged under Article 16.8.1 and Article 12.5.1 of the Special Part of the Criminal Code of Mongolia for this offense. Additionally, on December 7, 2023, in a vehicle outside the "GS-25" chain store located in the 27th khoroo of Bayangol district, the same citizen S.D. allegedly had sexual intercourse with a 13-year-old minor Ö.M., taking advantage of the victim's inability to defend themselves and understand the nature of the act. For this crime of rape against a young child, S.D. was charged on July 22 this year under Article 12.1.4 of the Special Part of the Criminal Code of Mongolia. The investigation was conducted, and on July 29 this year, the case was submitted to the Bayanzürkh District Prosecutor's Office with a recommendation to consolidate the charges.
Furthermore, 51 citizens who violated children's rights were fined a total of 15,000,000 tugriks, and 208 citizens who repeatedly committed domestic violence were recommended to the court for detention for 7-30 days, which was approved.
Source: General Police Department
Swiss President Viola Amherd Enjoys a Mini-Naadam Showcasing the Three Manly Games
Published: Mon, 05 Aug 2024 | Translated from:
The state visit of the President of the Swiss Confederation, Viola Amherd, to Mongolia from August 2-4, 2024, at the invitation of the President of Mongolia, Ukhnaagiin Khürelsükh, has concluded.
The President of the Swiss Confederation was seen off at the Chinggis Khaan International Airport by G. Zandanshatar, Chief of Staff of the Office of the President of Mongolia, Jürg Burri, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Swiss Confederation to Mongolia, and other official representatives.
During this first-ever state visit at the level of Head of State from Switzerland, the President of Mongolia Ukhnaagiin Khürelsükh and the President of the Swiss Confederation Viola Amherd held an official meeting and gave a press briefing.
Within the framework of the 60th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Swiss Confederation, the signing of the "Mongolia-Switzerland Joint Declaration" and the "Memorandum of Understanding on Democratic Governance Issues" during the state visit was of great significance in expanding and developing relations and cooperation between the two countries and deepening cooperation in strengthening democratic governance.
Before concluding her visit, President Viola Amherd familiarized herself with Mongolian nomadic life and customs, and enjoyed a mini-Naadam featuring the three manly games, Mongolian national music, and dance.
27 schools and 48 kindergartens to be newly put into operation this academic year
Published: Mon, 05 Aug 2024 | Translated from:
The capital city's leadership team discussed the preparations for the 2024-2025 academic year, winter preparations, and measures being taken to prevent potential flood risks during an urgent meeting. This academic year, 27 schools and 48 kindergartens will be newly put into operation in the capital with state and city budget investments.
Regarding this, B. Amartuvshin, head of the capital's Education Department, said, "As of August 2024, 7 kindergartens and 4 schools have been put into operation in the capital. 403,352 children will receive general education, and 142,150 children will receive preschool education in kindergartens. Online registration for kindergartens began on August 1st. As of today, 68,000 children have registered online. This new academic year, 38,398 children will enroll in the first grade of general education schools, and online registration will begin on August 12th. This academic year, a total of 265 public and private school buses are planned to be in service."
Continuing, as part of the measures being implemented by the Geodesy and Water Construction Agency to prevent potential flood risks, they are newly constructing 3700 meters of road drainage pipes and 1090 meters of flood channels at 5 locations. The work progress is currently at 70% and ongoing. Regarding this, B. Byambasaikhan, head of the Working Group of the GWCA, said, "We have completed the installation of a 210-meter embankment for shore protection of the Middle River at the Shunkhlay gas station site, and restoration work will be done. Also, within the framework of the construction of flood protection structures in the 13th khoroo of Chingeltei district, the repair work of a 350-meter long flood channel is ongoing with 85% completion."
During the urgent meeting, H. Nyambaatar, Governor of the Capital City and Mayor of Ulaanbaatar, instructed to accelerate the improvement of pedestrian paths and the land acquisition work being done within the project of converting ger districts into apartment areas.
He also gave the following instructions to the relevant officials:
- Intensify the work on engineering networks, roads, landscaping, and green areas as part of the preparations for the 2024-2025 winter season, ensuring quality and standards;
- Stockpile spare parts and equipment for urban utility vehicles and equipment, and accelerate the procurement of special-purpose machines and mechanisms essential for services;
- Ensure the normal operation of "Tavan Tolgoi Fuel" LLC's factory and intensify the stockpiling of improved fuel;
- Increase the number and availability of public transportation in the morning and evening as part of efforts to reduce traffic congestion;
- Improve the organization of parking lots in markets and shopping centers and work to prevent obstruction of traffic flow.
This school year, a total of 265 school buses from both public and private schools are planned to be in service
Published: Mon, 05 Aug 2024 | Translated from:
At the rapid meeting of Ulaanbaatar city officials, preparations for the 2024-2025 academic year, winter preparations, and measures being taken to prevent potential flood risks were discussed.
This academic year, 27 schools and 48 kindergartens will be newly opened in the capital with state and city budget investments.
Regarding this, B. Amartuvshin, Head of the Capital City Education Department, said, "As of August 2024, seven kindergartens and four schools have been put into operation in the capital.
403,352 children will receive general education in General Education Schools (GES), and 142,150 children will receive preschool education in kindergartens. Online registration for kindergartens began on August 1.
As of today, 68,000 children have registered online. In this new academic year, 38,398 children will enroll in the first grade of GES, and online registration will begin on August 12. This school year, a total of 265 school buses from both public and private schools are planned to be in service."
Continuing with measures being implemented to prevent potential flood risks, the Geodesy and Water Construction Agency is constructing 3,700 meters of road drainage pipes and 1,090 meters of flood channels at five locations.
The work is currently 70% complete. Regarding this, B. Byambasaikhan, Head of the Working Group of GWCA, said, "We have completed the construction of a 210-meter embankment for shore protection of the Middle River at the site of Shunkhlai gas station, and restoration work will be done.
Also, as part of the construction work for flood protection facilities in the 13th khoroo of Chingeltei district, Khailaast, the repair of a 350-meter long flood channel is 85% complete."
During the rapid meeting, Ulaanbaatar City Governor and Mayor Kh. Nyambaatar instructed to intensify the work on improving pedestrian walkways and land acquisition within the framework of the ger area housing project.
He also gave the following instructions to the relevant officials:
- Intensify engineering network, road, landscaping, and green space works as part of the preparations for the 2024-2025 winter season, ensuring quality and standards;
- Stock up on spare parts and equipment for urban utility vehicles and equipment, and expedite the procurement of special-purpose machinery and mechanisms urgently needed for services;
- Ensure the normal operation of the "Tavan Tolgoi Fuel" LLC factory and intensify the stockpiling of improved fuel;
- Increase the number and availability of public transport in the morning and evening as part of efforts to reduce road traffic congestion;
- Improve the organization of parking lots at markets and shopping centers to prevent obstruction of traffic, among other instructions.
EVENT: Information regarding the start of accepting requests for enrollment in kindergartens in the capital through the e-mongolia system
Published: Mon, 05 Aug 2024 | Translated from:
At 10:00, Mr. Enrique A. Manalo, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the Philippines, who is visiting our country, and Ms. B. Battsetseg, Minister of Foreign Affairs, will hold official negotiations. At 11:10, they will sign official documents, and at 11:20, they will provide information to media representatives.
At 11:00, the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Communications, "E-Mongolia Academy" state-owned enterprise, and the General Education Agency will provide information regarding the start of accepting requests for enrollment in kindergartens in the capital for the 2024-2025 academic year through the e-mongolia system.
At 13:00, a press conference for the joint concert of Flash, Outlaw, and No Name bands will be held.
At 14:00, information will be provided about the "Life" live music festival dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the legendary Mongolian live music band "Kharanga".
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Inviting Mongolian Youth to Compete Globally and Nominate for the "TOYP" Award
Published: Mon, 05 Aug 2024 | Translated from:
The JCI Mongolia organization selects the "TOP 10 YOUNG PEOPLE" from each sector with the aim of bringing positive change to society, and provides an opportunity to compete with young people around the world every year. TOYP stands for JCI TEN OUTSTANDING YOUNG PEOPLE, which recognizes active young citizens who have made a sustainable impact on society and created positive change on a global scale. This selection is organized at the national level by all countries where the JCI organization operates, and national winners compete globally.
This prestigious award has been received by world-renowned celebrities such as Henry Kissinger, former US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, legendary singer Elvis Presley, and actor Jackie Chan. From our country, S. Zorig in 1992 and N. Zoljargal in 1993 received the National Award of JCI Japan organization, while Ch. Ganjavkhlan was the first from Mongolia to be selected in the "Achievement for World Peace, Human Rights, and Children" nomination at the 2018 JCI World Congress.
This year's TOYP selection has officially started, and applications and required materials from nominees will be accepted until August 8, 2024.
JCI Mongolia will conduct the selection in the following categories this year:
- Business, economic, and entrepreneurial achievement
- Politics, law, and government affairs
- Academic leadership and achievement
- Cultural achievement
- Moral and environmental leadership
- Achievement for world peace, human rights, and children
- Humanitarian and voluntary leadership
- Achievement in scientific and technological development
- Personal growth, development, and achievement
- Medical innovation
The top 10 young people who have achieved success in the above categories will be identified and nominated for the prestigious "TOYP" award globally. A panel of reputable judges will evaluate each nominee's achievements and their impact on their professional field, society, and the world, following strict criteria.
Requirements for nomination:
- Must be between 18-40 years old.
- Must be a citizen of Mongolia.
- Can be nominated in only one category.
- Must have made a significant contribution and role in their working field.
It is our proud goal to select outstanding young people and promote them globally, adding to the motivation of Mongolian youth to strive for development and leverage their long-term goals. Let's together identify outstanding young people who shine brightly in their respective fields and spread positive change in our society.
Online registration: [Google Forms link] Email address: Application acceptance period: July 15, 2024 - August 8, 2024 Phone: 9999-2746, 8006-7050
WARNING: Tuul, Orkhon, Khurkh, Balj, Onon rivers are flooding 10-100 cm above dangerous levels
Published: Mon, 05 Aug 2024 | Translated from:
The Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Environmental Research has issued a warning about rising water levels in rivers.
As of today, water levels have increased by 10-45 cm compared to the previous day along the entire length of the Selenge River and Orkhon River, as well as in rivers originating from behind the Khangai Mountains such as the Khanui, the Zavkhan on the south side, and the Yeroo and Tuul (Altanbulag-Lun) on the western slope of the Khentii Mountains, and the Balj and Kherlen (Mungunmorit-Baganuur-Undurkhaan) on the eastern slope.
- The Kharaa (Darkhan), Yeroo, Tuul (Bosgyn Bridge-Altanbulag), Eg, Ulz, Kherlen (Khongon-Choibalsan), Khanui, Orkhon, Ongi, and Khogshiin Orkhon rivers are flooding 5-35 cm above flood levels
- The Tuul (Ulaanbaatar-Lun), Orkhon (Orkhontuul), Khurkh, Barkh, Balj, Onon, Kherlen (Mungunmorit-Baganuur-Undurkhaan), Ulz (Dashbalbar), and Khalkh rivers near Yalalt village are severely flooding 10-100 cm above dangerous levels.
The Khovd, Buyant, and Kharkhiraa and Namir rivers in the Uvs Lake basin, which originate from the Altai Mountains, are also flooding 5-10 cm above flood levels.
Tomorrow, August 6, water levels are expected to rise by 10-15 cm in the Selenge River near Khyalgant village and Sukhbaatar city, by 30 cm in the middle section of the Orkhon River, and by 10-15 cm in the Kherlen River near Baganuur district and Undurkhaan-Choibalsan cities.
Therefore, herders and travelers in the basins of these abundantly flowing rivers are strongly advised to be cautious of flood dangers.
118 people trapped by flood waters of Tuul River at recreation area rescued to safety zone
Published: Mon, 05 Aug 2024 | Translated from:
Due to river flooding, the following four calls were registered with the National Emergency Management Agency yesterday (04.08.2024).
In Ulaanbaatar city, Khan-Uul district, 12th khoroo, at a place called "Tsagaan-Ereg gurgul", a ger was submerged in flood waters and three citizens were trapped. The call was received at 10:12. Firefighters from the 65th Fire and Rescue Unit of the district's Emergency Department arrived at 10:50 after traveling 17 km. Citizen R's ger was submerged in flood waters of the Tuul River. Citizens R (64 years old, female), E (38 years old, male), and O (41 years old, female) were rescued after 10 minutes of work and taken to a temporary shelter.
In Ulaanbaatar city, Khan-Uul district, 12th khoroo, in front of the 3rd street of "Bio Kombinat", a ger was submerged in flood waters. The call was received at 11:12. Firefighters from the 65th Fire and Rescue Unit arrived at 12:54 after traveling 2 km. Citizen Ts's 4-walled ger was submerged in flood waters of the Tuul River. Citizens Ts (65 years old, male) and B (13 years old, male) were rescued after 15 minutes of work and taken to a temporary shelter.
In Ulaanbaatar city, Khan-Uul district, 12th khoroo, at a recreation area, citizens were trapped by flood waters. The call was received at 11:00. Rescuers from the Capital City Rescue Unit arrived at 14:03 after traveling 21.5 km. 118 citizens (83 adults, 35 children) trapped by flood waters of the Tuul River were rescued to a safe zone after 2 hours and 30 minutes of work. A Toyota Harrier passenger car was also pulled out.
In Ulaanbaatar city, Nalaikh district, 1st khoroo, at the crossing of "Terelj-Altai" resort, citizens were trapped in the waters of the Tuul River. The call was received at 16:08. Rescuers from the district's Emergency Department Search and Rescue Group arrived at 16:32 after traveling 4 km. Citizens B (32 years old, male), S (35 years old, female), B (31 years old, male), N (33 years old, female), B (26 years old, male), N (24 years old, female), and M (5 years old, female) were transported by boat to a safe area after 20 minutes of work.
118 Citizens Trapped in Water at Resort Area
Published: Mon, 05 Aug 2024 | Translated from:
Citizens were trapped in flood waters at a resort located in the 12th khoroo of Khan-Uul district in the capital. Specifically, yesterday, a total of 118 people, including 83 adults and 35 children, were trapped in the flood waters of the Tuul River. The Capital Rescue Unit personnel received the call and secured the safety of the citizens.
In addition, yesterday, there was also a report of citizens being trapped in water at the bridge of Terelj Altai Resort located in the 1st khoroo of Nalaikh district in the capital.
According to the call, the Search and Rescue Group of the Emergency Department of Nalaikh district arrived and safely evacuated seven citizens aged 5-35 by boat to a safe area.
Due to continuous rain in recent days, most rivers and lakes have reached flood levels. People are particularly warned to be cautious of river and water hazards while resting and relaxing at resort areas near the city.
Advice to Vaccinate Every Child Against Measles
Published: Mon, 05 Aug 2024 | Translated from:
The Ministry of Health has urged to vaccinate every child against measles by visiting their local family or rural health centers.
Children receive the measles vaccine twice, at 9 months and 2 years of age. Therefore, if you haven't received the vaccine on schedule, please visit your nearest family clinic, rural hospital, or district health center.
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