Mongolia News Summary for February 05, 2025

The following news articles are the opinions of their authors and publications. They are presented here as translations for informational purposes and do not necessarily represent the opinion of MongolBeat or its members.
Today's Stories
- The Legal Theft of Politicians or the Appointments of Those Involved in Corruption Cases
- E. Erdenejamyan Appointed as Advisor to the Prime Minister
- Appointing B. Batsukh, Head of the Ger District Development Party, as an Advisor to the Prime Minister
- L. Byambakhanda: America's Global Influence Will Decline
- Kh. Nyambaatar Fails to Build Sufficient Meat Reserves Due to Focus on Local Elections, Leading to Restricted Meat Exports
- CITIZENS: Electricity prices have risen sharply, and we are spending half of our salary on bills
- O.Batbold: It is crucial for us to join the trend of critical minerals early and attract investment
- What Changes Were Made to the Mortgage Loan Terms in 2025?
- Oyu Tolgoi Announces 100 New Job Openings
- Exploring the World of Critical Minerals
- ARKHANGAI: Mortgage Loans for Single-Family Homes to be Offered
- Trump Temporarily Halts 25% Tariff on Mexican and Canadian Goods
- Trump Gives 30-Day Grace Period to Canada and Mexico
- The USD Exchange Rate Rises by 70 Tugriks in Three Months
- Sukhbaatar: SMEs and Service Providers Support Reforming the Legal Framework of the Sector
- Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg Holds Phone Conversation with UN Secretary-General António Guterres
- Mark Ellis: Mongolia's Reliance on Russian Energy is Not a Reason to Avoid Arresting Putin
- Ukraine offers to supply rare earth elements in exchange for aid
- Discussed Expanding Cooperation in the Transportation Sector
- Official Launch of Joint Project with UNDP to Address Household Heating Using Renewable Energy
- Tram is Economically 10 Times Cheaper than Metro Project
- The new Zaisan bridge will be operational by June 1st
- Kh. Nyambaatar: The Government Will Soon Discuss the Incentive Program for Households in Ger Districts Transitioning to Electric and Gas Fuel
- Can a country that can't build a single oil refinery manage to implement 14 mega projects?
- Chinese Company Selected for the "New Great Ring Road" Project Design Tender
- B. Byambasaikhan: This Year, Drainage Pipes for Rainwater Will Be Installed in Seven Locations Including the Station, Bombogor, Altai Town, and Peace Bridge
- Bus Service to Chinggis Khaan Airport Temporarily Halted
- Buses May Be Converted to Gas Fuel with a Budget of 5 Billion
- Selenge: Developing Tourism Events at Mount Noyon
- UVURKHANGAI: More herders are applying for passports
- If We Cannot Reduce Smog, Let's Hold the Prime Minister and Government Accountable
- What is the Blue Coal Expected to Reduce Smoke Pollution?
- Smoke Issue: Stove and Fuel Technological Solutions Discussion in Progress
- Mongolia Has Spent 4.7 Trillion Tugriks on Air Pollution
- Mongolian students' study on air pollution awarded "Best Work" in the East Asian region
- S.Odontuya: The Air Pollution Issue Won’t Be Resolved Without Bold Decisions from the Parliament
- B. Naidalaa: Only by accepting our failure to reduce pollution can we find solutions
- PHOTO: Inconclusive Results on Efforts to Reduce Air Pollution from Two-Day Hearing
- UVURKHANGAI: 1.9% of the region at very high risk of dzud, 24.1% at high risk
- HEARING: 116 million MNT spent from air pollution reduction budget to fix fences and gates of houses
- Launched Project to Develop a National Artificial Intelligence Strategy
- Registration for the 2025 Startup Ecosystem Map has begun
- J.Chinburen: The Number of People Who Died from Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Has Doubled
- Liver cancer usually shows no clear symptoms until later stages, so regular check-ups are essential
The Legal Theft of Politicians or the Appointments of Those Involved in Corruption Cases
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
It has been a considerable time since Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene declared a war on corruption, loudly expressing his intention to wage a fierce battle. Despite loudly stating that individuals convicted of corruption would not be appointed to positions and launching the so-called "Broom" operation, there have been numerous cases where individuals involved in such crimes have been appointed to positions, even as defendants still holding high-powered seats. For example, D. Erdenebat, who is working as an adviser to Defense Minister S. Byambatsogt, was convicted in a corruption case involving the Civil Aviation Authority. Nevertheless, he continues to participate in meetings related to state secrets at the Ministry of Defense and General Staff, a violation of the law which we've previously informed our readers. Also, Ts. Davaatseren, involved in corruption cases, was employed as the Executive Director of "Tavantolgoi Fuel" LLC for a long period. Such appointments of those embroiled in corruption cases to state agencies and state-owned enterprise managerial roles are not isolated incidents. According to Article 14 of the Constitution, "Everyone is equal before the law and the court." Unfortunately, politicians, lawmakers, and ruling officials are working to undermine this principle. Here's an example: following the 2020 parliamentary elections, President U. Khurelsukh's government appointed B. Tsogtbaatar as Minister of Health, a person who had declared personal interests ahead of time to the Anti-Corruption Agency due to an ongoing investigation. At that time, B. Tsogtbaatar was being investigated for bribery, illicit enrichment, and abuse of official power together with his subordinates N. Chimedlkham and B. Bolorchimeg. Therefore, the CIA urged Prime Minister U. Khurelsukh not to appoint him to high state office. Consequently, the name was changed overnight, and T. Munkhsaikhan was proposed and appointed by the Parliament as the Minister of Health. However, it was later revealed that B. Tsogtbaatar was not involved in a crime, and his case was dismissed. Just a few appointments have recently seemingly contravened the constitutional principle of equality: Who decided to appoint S. Enkhbold as the head of the Health Insurance General Office? Health Minister T. Munkhsaikhan recently ordered the appointment of S. Enkhbold, who is being prosecuted for corruption, as the head of the Health Insurance General Office. Although the appointment was heavily criticized on social media, it has slipped from public memory. After the appointment, T. Munkhsaikhan told reporters, "I sent documents to the CIA to inquire if there were any violations in appointing S. Enkhbold as the head. Since we received a response saying 'no violations,' he was appointed to this position. The GSG reported the appointment to the government meeting. I was not informed that S. Enkhbold was being prosecuted. He is experienced in the field, hence the appointment." However, under the plan initiated by former MP Yo. Baatarbileg, it is illegal for the CIA to send documents regarding ongoing criminal investigations to those like T. Munkhsaikhan. According to the amendment to the Law on the Disclosure and Prevention of Conflict of Interest in Public Service initiated by Yo. Baatarbileg, the CIA is prohibited from issuing statements other than those specified in Article 23.6. According to the plan initiated by Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene, on multiple occasions, 2023 was declared "Year of Anti-Corruption" with the goal of tackling "white-collar" crime and to ensure full support was given to the respective measures. This took place in February, with campaigns called the 5S operation. Nonetheless, their "Broom" initiative has been largely unsuccessful. One of the goals of this initiative is to curb officials' spending beyond their legitimate income and prevent acquaintances from receiving appointments in public service. It focuses on ensuring accountability for corruption crimes and "removing" those involved from public service. Furthermore, it aims to separate those who misuse public office for personal enrichment and exploitation of state-owned property. Nevertheless, individuals who are charged and convicted in corruption cases continue to be appointed to public office and state-owned enterprises. For example, J. Bayanmunkh, who was convicted of corruption while serving as the Governor of Govisumber Province, held positions such as deputy director and executive director of "Gashuunsukhait Road LLC" under the "Erdenes Mongol" company until recently. Moreover, a few days ago, B. Dugerjav was appointed as the executive director of "Tavantolgoi Railway LLC," a joint venture between "Erdenes Tavantolgoi" JSC and "Mongolian Railway" SOE. B. Dugerjav was dismissed as Governor of Khovd Province in August 2022 amid accusations of corruption. He is accused of providing preferential treatment to "Saruul Tsmhhand" LLC for constructing a public treat plant infrastructure in accordance with state tenet allocation. The case is still under investigation, leaving questions about the "Broom" efficiency. In essence, politician-led lawmaking aimed at benefiting themselves through legal loopholes has turned the CIA into a "toothless" watchdog, with perpetrators of corruption cases "sneaking" into government positions and state-owned enterprises under the pretext "they have not been legally charged." In 2023, it's plausible that political favoritism was exercised over tenders. The legal theft intended to favor lawmakers does not stop with the mentioned law amendments. The infamous "alleviation" of Article 272 of the 2002 Criminal Code resulted in many escaping prosecution. Some of these individuals have ascended to public office. The constant oversight and improved legal literacy among the public are essential to prevent such legal theft.
E. Erdenejamyan Appointed as Advisor to the Prime Minister
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
E. Erdenejamyan, who previously served as the General Secretary of the Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party under Chairman N. Enkhbayar, has been appointed as an advisor to the Prime Minister of Mongolia, L. Oyun-Erdene, who is also the chairman of the Mongolian People's Party. He will hold the position of advisor responsible for matters related to the Mongolian People's Party. In other words, he will be in charge of overseeing the planned activities of the party and advising the Prime Minister-party chairman. Notice: Press organizations (Television, Radio, Social media, and Websites) must mention the source ( if they use our information in any form, full or partial.
Appointing B. Batsukh, Head of the Ger District Development Party, as an Advisor to the Prime Minister
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
The position of advisor to the prime minister has increased by one more. E. Erdenejamyan, former Deputy Minister of Justice and Home Affairs and former Secretary-General of the MPRP, has been appointed as an advisor responsible for the Mongolian People's Party. In addition, B. Batsukh, head of the Ger District Development Party, has been appointed as an advisor responsible for housing policy. The Ger District Development Party is one of the 37 political parties registered with the Supreme Court, and it is registered in 30 of them. According to the official website of the Government of Mongolia, the prime minister currently has eight advisors. With the new appointments, the number of advisors will become 10. Warning: Media organizations (TV, radio, social media, and websites) must mention their source ( when using our information in any form, fully or partially.
L. Byambakhanda: America's Global Influence Will Decline
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
We interviewed international relations researcher L. Byambakhanda about how the policies and decisions being made by US President Donald Trump will impact Mongolia and the world, as well as how the country's future policies might change. - US President Donald Trump has started a trade war. As an expert in international relations, how do you view this decision? - Trump's imposition of tariffs is one way he achieves the results he wants. In other words, by imposing tariffs on imports, he uses this policy as a way to achieve his desired decisions. This decision is made because the US has trade deficits with Mexico, China, and Canada. The US imports more from these countries than it exports to them, so the goal is to reduce this deficit. Additionally, there is an illegal demand for drugs. Recently, in the US, there has been a demand for synthetic drugs such as "fentanyl," which is used in medicine and has been illegally traded. Over 100,000 people die annually in the US due to drug addiction, and about 80% of those deaths are caused by "fentanyl" addiction. This substance is sold cheaply by China and is brought into the US market through the borders with Mexico and Canada. It's believed that illegal trade is established without control at the border, reaching the level of a national security issue. Therefore, solving this issue is also a goal. In general, if these countries want the import tariffs to be lifted, they need to fulfill Trump's demands. So it can be seen as a decision aimed at achieving his desired policy outcomes. TRUMP CONSIDERS ECONOMIC VALUE OVER POLITICAL VALUE IN HIS DECISIONS - Canada, Mexico, and China have announced that they will take countermeasures against this decision. Will Trump achieve his desired outcome? - Trump's decision is a restriction on free trade. Therefore, these countries, being members of the World Trade Organization (WTO), will file complaints to the WTO. However, the WTO has a multilateral mechanism, so the decision-making process takes a long time, often many months. Trump previously imposed tariffs on Chinese imports. In response, China also imposed tariffs, but it was not beneficial to either country. At that time, Trump achieved the results he wanted. Generally, Trump's policy of using tariffs as leverage has been quite successful and achieves certain results. This can also be seen from the Colombian decision. - It can be said that Mongolia's import-export market is dependent on China. In China, the real estate sector has fallen. Does this imposition of tariffs affect Mongolia? - Mongolia can be said to be dependent on the Chinese export market. A large portion of Mongolia's coal exported to China is coking coal, a basic raw material for steel production. Due to the collapse of the real estate industry in China, steel factories have also started to falter. In other words, there is a downside that negatively affects coal exports. However, economists may have a better perspective on the economic side. Anyway, the trade war between the two major powers will have a certain impact. However, if Trump achieves his policy outcomes, he tends to stop the trade war. Also, one of Trump's features is that he makes decisions based on economic value rather than political value because he comes from a business background. - Besides tariffs, there are other key decisions. For example, deporting immigrants and granting citizenship to newborns. How do you see these decisions? - These decisions have become severe for immigrants living and working in the US. Two things are discussed in society. Firstly, the US economy is strong due to the labor of immigrants. Other European countries fall into stagnation because of policies that prevent immigrants. For America, the main reason it maintains stable economic growth is due to regular demographic replenishment by immigrants. They keep the economy stable with their cheap labor. On the other hand, immigrants are blamed for the internal security issues arising in society. Many social issues are linked to immigrants. For example, crimes related to drugs, theft, and robbery increase, resulting in decisions to stop illegal immigrants. Additionally, in recent years, the number of Latinos in America has increased. These decisions are influenced by the demographic impact. Citizenship issues conflict with the Constitution because it's stated that anyone born on American soil is an American citizen. To implement the decision to limit citizenship for children born in the US, it requires a two-thirds majority of Congressional members to amend the Constitution. - During Donald Trump's four-year term, how do you see the relations between Mongolia and America changing? - Trump values opportunities beneficial to America when making agreements with other countries. Therefore, we need to propose opportunities that benefit America for cooperation. The Republican Party holds more force-based policies. In the years of its rule, military spending increases significantly. It prioritizes investment in the defense sector. When interacting with countries, the focus is on geostrategic positions. Therefore, I think Mongolia may be of interest from a geostrategic perspective because since 2004, Mongolia has had a Comprehensive Partnership with the US. Later, during Trump's presidency, in 2018, it was expanded to a Comprehensive Partnership. After that, in 2019, within less than a year, the two countries established a strategic partnership. Although direct business benefits may not have been seen, it's seen as showing interest in Mongolia from a geostrategic and military-strategic standpoint. - Trump promised to stop the Russia-Ukraine war. Will he be able to fulfill this promise? - During his campaign, he said he would stop the war within one day. The latest information indicates a plan to stop it within six months. The US has the opportunity and policy tool to stop the war within six months because America is the main supporter that provides financing, weapons, and support to Ukraine. Therefore, it can apply pressure on Ukraine using this policy tool. The war can be stopped by reaching an agreement on territorial grounds between Ukraine and Russia. It will probably be a very heavy negotiation. - If Mongolia maintains friendly relations with a third neighbor, especially the US, how will the influence of the two neighboring countries on Mongolia change? - As a sovereign state, Mongolia has the right to conduct its foreign policy independently. It has been seen from past experiences that relying on one country is unbalanced. Therefore, it is considered appropriate to implement a multi-pillar foreign policy. In this sense, cooperation with third neighbors in appropriate sectors is being carried out. In doing so, foreign policy is being implemented by maintaining equilibrium in relations so as not to negatively affect the interests of the two neighbors. This policy must continue to be implemented in the future. To do so, the relations with the third neighbor should be transparent to prevent distrust in the two neighbors. Secret negotiations behind the scenes cannot be conducted. In other words, the principle of open and balanced foreign policy should be followed at all levels. - How do you see America changing during Trump's four-year term? Will it remain a major power in the world? - The US has played the role of the world's police. In other words, while America used to respond to security hot spots around the world, it is now only involved in issues related to itself. Therefore, in the next four years, America's involvement will be considerably reduced. America is implementing a policy focused on itself, putting America first. For example, it has withdrawn from several organizations that are not beneficial to America (such as UNESCO and WHO). This policy will have a significant impact on countries that previously received support from these organizations because America's investments in them are no longer there. In general, in the future, the US will invest in technology sectors and potential projects beneficial to itself. In the next four years, I see a decrease in America's global involvement and a shift towards more closed and isolated policies.
Kh. Nyambaatar Fails to Build Sufficient Meat Reserves Due to Focus on Local Elections, Leading to Restricted Meat Exports
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
According to Article 6.3 of the Food Law, the governor of a province or district must implement measures to accumulate and distribute strategic seasonal food reserves within their territory as prescribed by Article 6.2 of the same law. In accordance with this law, Mayor Kh. Nyambaatar has the duty to ensure there are enough meat reserves for the capital city's residents for spring and summer. However, due to focusing on elections throughout the fall, Kh. Nyambaatar neglected his responsibilities, resulting in insufficient reserves of this strategic food, which is a staple in the Mongolian diet. - ANNUALLY 8,000 TO 12,000 TONS OF MEAT ARE STORED, WITH ONLY 4,000 TONS CONSUMED - Every year, 8,000 to 12,000 tons of meat are prepared for the food needs of the capital. Of this, only 4,000 tons are consumed by the residents, while the rest is sold to restaurants and meat-processing factories. This year, however, the target was not met, with only 7,000 tons prepared so far, raising questions about how much meat was prepared by September when 8,000 tons should have been ready. Each July, the task order for reserve meat preparation is issued, contracts are signed by companies, and funds sourced from banks. By September, the preparation of reserve meat begins, completing before the peak winter usage period. But during this critical time, Mayor Kh. Nyambaatar was overly focused on local elections and engaged in disputes, potentially neglecting the essential task of ensuring food supply for the capital's residents. - DID MEAT PRICES RISE DUE TO PREPARATION OF RESERVE MEAT OVERLAPPING WITH THE SLAUGHTERING SEASON? - It is reported that meat prices may have increased as the preparation of reserve meat coincided with the slaughtering season. This overlap in timing reduced the meat supply and led to price hikes. Consequently, due to the decreased supply in the market, the government decided to restrict meat exports during last week's meeting. However, it is expected that once the capital's meat supply is secured sufficiently soon, exports will return to normal by next month. Officials have remarked that if Kh. Nyambaatar had prioritized preparing strategic food reserves over elections, there would be no need to restrict exports to meet domestic demand today. As of January 27, 2025, the average price per kilogram for mutton with bones was 15,836 MNT, and for beef with bones, it was 19,220 MNT, representing a 1.1% increase.
CITIZENS: Electricity prices have risen sharply, and we are spending half of our salary on bills
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
The Chairman of the State Great Khural, D. Amarbayasgalan, and Member of the State Great Khural, E. Bolormaa, are working in the Altai and Uench soums of Khovd aimag today, reporting to citizens on the State Great Khural's policies and activities and becoming familiar with the implementation of legislation. Altai and Uench soums of Khovd aimag are located more than 1500 kilometers from Ulaanbaatar city. The citizens of these remote soums expressed their appreciation for the State Great Khural's introduction of its policies, activities, and enacted legislation to them, and attentively listened to their opinions and suggestions. In Uench soum this year, there are plans to establish clean and waste water systems and heating networks, and to extend the 35 kV power transmission line and substation from the Khushuut mine to Uench soum. The necessary financing has been included in the state budget. As a result, Uench soum will have an uninterrupted power supply, creating conditions for industrial activities. Citizens expressed criticism about the electricity price increase, which was said to be 30%, but it has risen sharply, and they are spending half of their salary on electricity bills. They stated that they will address the sudden increase in electricity costs with the government to investigate and clarify the matter. The Chairman of the State Great Khural stated that the 126-member parliament constantly listens to the opinions and suggestions of citizens living in remote areas, acts as their voice in the state's supreme governing body, and will continue to pay attention to their issues, as reported by the Media Section of the State Great Khural.
O.Batbold: It is crucial for us to join the trend of critical minerals early and attract investment
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
The international conference "Future Minerals" took place in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. During this conference, discussions covered a wide range of topics, including the public's negative attitude towards the mining sector, examples of irresponsible mining in Indonesia, Brazil, China, and South Africa, and concepts such as the circular economy. Criticism was directed at countries that compete through low-price policies, causing environmental harm. Matthew Chamberlain, CEO of the London Metal Exchange, stated, "We do not list companies on our exchange that implement irresponsible mining projects and do not trade their shares." Mining governance researcher O.Batbold attended the international conference "Future Minerals" in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and was interviewed. - Representatives from 90 countries participated in the fourth summit, including 16 countries from the G20. The participation of the attendees demonstrated how critical minerals are becoming increasingly important in the future. The topics discussed and the scope of the conference indicate that the demand for critical minerals will grow significantly in the future, driven by climate change. The Ambitions of the Arabs M.Dagva: The decrease in coal exports can be compensated with revenues from critical minerals On the first day of the conference, a council meeting of ministers took place. This meeting was closed to the public, allowing only selected individuals to participate. Ministers of mining, minerals, and energy discussed how to collaborate in the industry and unite against climate change. Additionally, the participation of the United Nations in guiding and supporting the forum was notable this year. Over 50 international organizations took part in the conference. One critical issue discussed was how to strategically collaborate in the critical minerals sector. Furthermore, the introduction of new innovation involving all stakeholders in the exploration and extraction of critical minerals was emphasized. In the last 2-3 years, Mongolia has started to discuss and address critical minerals. Although the government did not participate in this conference, representatives from professional associations and journalists attended, indicating recognition of the global importance of this topic. Moreover, considering investment conditions and the unique characteristics of critical minerals, identifying exploration and extraction models is crucial. Mongolia has certain reserves of these minerals, and exploring and extracting them is certain. Therefore, it is important to engage early in this sector and attract investment. It is evident that Mongolia must focus on the direction of critical minerals.
What Changes Were Made to the Mortgage Loan Terms in 2025?
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
The state-subsidized loan product, namely the mortgage loan, is primarily aimed at improving the housing situation for residents living in ger (traditional tent) areas, making their living conditions more comfortable, reducing the number of ger areas, and consequently decreasing air and soil pollution. The Ministry of Urban Development and Housing aims to introduce a tiered interest rate structure for mortgage loans based on the size of the housing area. The reason is that a study by the Mongol Bank indicates that the desired average area for loan applicants is between 50sqm and 60sqm, but it's not feasible to designate a specific size criterion like under 50sqm. Therefore, changes will be made according to the source of the borrower's income. According to recommendations from the World Bank, the government plans to implement a system where the interest rate decreases as the housing area becomes smaller, and increases for larger areas. They intend to offer a 4% interest loan for apartments up to 40sqm and 11-12% for apartments of 100sqm, based on conducted research. The target consumers of the mortgage loans are middle and lower-income citizens, who make up 53.9% of total loan applicants. The aim is to include as many first-time borrowers as possible, especially those with lower incomes, by offering them the lowest possible interest rate. In contrast, those who are interested in applying for a second mortgage loan would be offered a higher interest rate according to new regulations. If you are planning to obtain housing through a mortgage loan, please visit the following link and leave your information. We will provide you with information on available housing options through the mortgage loan. Mortgage Interest 6%
Oyu Tolgoi Announces 100 New Job Openings
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
Oyu Tolgoi is undoubtedly one of the companies that provide the conditions to work stably alongside international experts by learning world-class skills. Generations of 20,000 miners have worked enthusiastically at this company, contributing to the development and progress of their country. If you aspire to work at one of the most desirable mining companies and top employers, read this article carefully. First of all, Oyu Tolgoi emphasizes on its official page that it does not discriminate against job applicants based on age, ethnicity, skin color, social origin, gender, sexual orientation, political or religious beliefs, and does not cooperate with any intermediaries or individuals. There is no fee or charge for applying to work at Oyu Tolgoi. The company provides equal opportunity for everyone who applies for a job, selecting candidates based on their knowledge, skills, and advantages relevant to the job requirements. Now let's talk about the selection process. When submitting an application for the announced vacancies, it is advised to pay attention to the following: - Whether your experience and skills meet the requirements and duties of the job; - Prepare your resume (CV) and cover letter in both Mongolian and English, specifying your experience and skills relevant to the job requirements; - Check the deadline for submitting the application materials and send them before it ends. What are the benefits of working at Oyu Tolgoi? Oyu Tolgoi actively works to ensure the comfort and health of its employees and provide opportunities for skill development and growth. For example, employees and their family members can receive free professional psychological counseling. For those working on the mining site, comprehensive recreational facilities such as a sports complex, cinema, gaming center, music and dance classes, and a library are available. The company also provides opportunities for employees to develop their skills, work experience, and leadership capabilities by working at other Rio Tinto mines for a period of three months to two years. Advantages include: - Market-competitive salaries and benefits; - Flexible working hours; - Employees are covered by private health insurance along with two family members; - Retirement savings fund; - New fathers receive 18 weeks and new mothers receive an additional two months of paid leave beyond what is required by law. Currently, 100 job positions are open for recruitment at Oyu Tolgoi. For more detailed information, you are advised to visit their website at or contact the staffing team at If you have any comments or complaints related to Oyu Tolgoi's recruitment and selection, you may report them through the My Voice program at Good luck to you! Note: Media organizations (Television, Radio, Social, and Web pages) should always cite the source ( when using our information in any form, in full or in part.
Exploring the World of Critical Minerals
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
Have you ever thought about the "unsung heroes" that empower the modern world? Today, the most crucial elements for innovation, technology, and sustainable development are critical minerals. Therefore, we present to you the most commonly listed critical minerals across various countries' lists. To compare the lists, we used the officially approved lists from Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and the European Union. The following elements are included in the lists of these countries: 1. Antimony
2. Bismuth
3. Cobalt
4. Gallium
5. Lithium
6. Magnesium
7. Manganese
8. Niobium
9. Platinum group metals
10. Rare earth metals
11. Tantalum
12. Tungsten
13. Vanadium
14. Graphite
Source: Mongolian Critical Minerals Association
ARKHANGAI: Mortgage Loans for Single-Family Homes to be Offered
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
The Ministry of Urban Development, Construction, and Housing provided information to public servants and citizens about the policy on mortgage loans for apartments and single-family homes. The ministry emphasized that a new mortgage is being introduced, allowing loans to be made available for single-family homes. A single-family home is defined as a residential property built according to the partial master plan of the aimag, capital city, or soum center, surrounded by walls or partially joined walls suitable for residential purposes. Such homes are earthquake-resistant, flood-proof, free from soil and air pollution, and are energy efficient. To obtain a loan for a single-family home, individuals must own the land (excluding vacation sites), be located in a city according to the general plan or in a designated residential zone, and have a basic green building certification as key criteria. To implement the green building certification locally, people are being trained in the "BestGer" green building evaluation course, and "green auditors" are being prepared. Arkhangai became the first aimag to submit a proposal for this training. To obtain the basic certification, your house must meet 11 criteria in two groups: energy and water efficiency, and durability and environmental friendliness. This will be certified by "green auditors" trained in the course. The ministry has proposed to the government to support citizens in improving their quality of life by building single-family homes, suggesting the loan interest be 3% for the first three years and 6% from the fourth year onwards. Moreover, a "Single-Family Housing Information Center" is being established in three buildings in Ulaanbaatar to provide comprehensive information on single-family homes in one place, with the ministry suggesting local offices be created based on available resources. As part of the housing development policy, the Ministry of Urban Development, Construction, and Housing plans to build 8-unit apartments exclusively for public servants in 68 soums nationwide. In Arkhangai aimag, multi-unit housing is planned in the six soums of Erdenemandal, Khutul, Kharkhorin, Chuluut, Ikh-Tamir, and Ulziit, with the first project to be undertaken in Erdenemandal soum. Research has shown a real need to build 150,000 housing units nationwide. Loans will be available for citizens purchasing their first home, specifically for units between 50-60 square meters. The loan interest rate will be 6% in Ulaanbaatar and 3% in rural areas.
Trump Temporarily Halts 25% Tariff on Mexican and Canadian Goods
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
U.S. President Donald Trump had made a decision to impose a 25% tariff on goods from Mexico and Canada, which was set to take effect on Tuesday. However, after Mexico and Canada announced measures to strengthen border security and to combat the smuggling of drugs, Trump decided to halt the decision for a month. Specifically, Canada will enhance the inspection and control of fentanyl substances, while Mexico has announced it will send 10,000 troops to its border with the U.S. to prevent illegal immigration. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is preparing a $1.3 billion plan to tackle illegal activities occurring around the border. Regarding the situation, Trump expressed his satisfaction on social media by stating, "Very satisfied with the resulting outcome." Meanwhile, the decision to impose a 10% tariff on Chinese goods remains in effect. Trump made the decision to increase import tariffs on Canada, Mexico, and China due to the illegal fentanyl drug entering the U.S. and causing millions of deaths. Source: Reuters
Trump Gives 30-Day Grace Period to Canada and Mexico
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
U.S. President Donald Trump announced a 25% tariff on goods from Canada and Mexico. As a result, Canadians have begun canceling trips to the U.S. and started boycotting American alcohol and other products. Trump had mentioned his intention to impose tariffs even before taking office. However, as a country very close to the U.S. both culturally and geographically, Canada is surprised by the economic war. Windsor city mayor Drew Dilkens said, "It seems Trump wants to change the world order. What will he do to other countries if he is ready to start with his closest ally? Every day, 400 million Canadian dollars or 272 million U.S. dollars of trade goes over the bridge connecting Detroit and Windsor." In response to Trump's decision, Canada imposed a tariff on U.S. goods worth 107 billion U.S. dollars. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has also urged people to buy domestically and vacation within Canada. Due to the ongoing misunderstandings between the countries, Donald Trump decided to temporarily halt the tariff imposition on Canada and Mexico for 30 days. He termed this as a 30-day period to assess if a final economic agreement can be reached. Meanwhile, the decision to impose a 10% tariff on Chinese goods takes effect from today. SOURCE: AP, REUTERS
The USD Exchange Rate Rises by 70 Tugriks in Three Months
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
The exchange rate of the US dollar against the tugrik is strengthening day by day. Specifically, the exchange rate of the dollar against the tugrik is currently 3,449 tugriks. One year ago, the dollar rate was 3,400 tugriks. Since then, it gradually decreased and remained stable between 3,376 and 3,381 tugriks until October of that year. However, from mid-October until now, it has steadily increased daily, reaching 3,449 tugriks. Since the dollar began to increase steadily from October of last year, economists have expressed the view that the rise in imported goods is influencing the dollar's exchange rate increase. Currently, the exchange rates are as follows: yuan at 475.64 tugriks, won at 2.35 tugriks, euro at 3,524.71 tugriks, and ruble at 34.59 tugriks.
Sukhbaatar: SMEs and Service Providers Support Reforming the Legal Framework of the Sector
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
A series of discussions on the current state of household, micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and the service sector, as well as the need for updating legal regulations, took place. Member of Parliament M. Badamsuren, head of the working group of the Permanent Committee on Industrial Policy of the Parliament, participated in the discussion and met with local SMEs and service providers to listen to their conditions and pressing issues. As of 2024, 1,790 organizations were registered, of which 50.4 percent, or 902 organizations, are in operation. Among these, 35 percent, or 316 organizations, focus on trade and repair services, while 4.7 percent, or 42 organizations, operate in the hotel and restaurant sectors. Over 100 representatives from both the private and public sectors participated in the discussion, expressed their opinions, and supported reforming the sector's legal environment. Mr. Erdene, who runs an automotive repair shop and provides four citizens with regular jobs aside from himself, stated, "We have no choice but to take out high-interest bank loans to continue and expand our business. The other preferential loans never reach the right people. Also, there are no criteria to determine if a person can use a loan as intended, leading to misuse and resulting in business failures. For those who are capable and want to continue their production or service, the tax policy is the biggest burden. If the government really wants to support its citizens, it should first improve the regulatory environment of the tax law and then increase the financing provided under preferential conditions." Meanwhile, Ms. D. Ulaanaa, a media organization manager, has been running a regular publication in her locality for eight years. Media organizations also fall under the SME and service sectors; however, they do not receive any support. When they try to access preferential loans, they are told their field does not qualify, and they are denied. For newly developing organizations, the tax system is the largest obstacle and obstacle, providing no opportunities and only restrictions. This affects the productivity and sustainability of these organizations. Therefore, the government needs to urgently address and implement tax law reforms. Raising the VAT threshold and reducing fees may provide the most tangible support. Many producers and service providers expressed similar views during the discussions. The organizing working group emphasized the importance of responding to each citizen's questions and suggestions and aims to draft conclusions and decisions from the discussions.
Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg Holds Phone Conversation with UN Secretary-General António Guterres
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
On February 3, 2025, Minister of Foreign Affairs Batmönkh Battsetseg held a phone conversation with the United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres. During the conversation, they discussed the preparations for the 17th Conference of the Parties (COP17) to the UN Convention to Combat Desertification. This conference is scheduled to be held in Ulaanbaatar in 2026. Minister B. Battsetseg noted the 80th anniversary of the UN in 2025 and expressed Mongolia's intent to strengthen cooperation with the UN and contribute to solving global challenges. She also emphasized the Mongolian government's commitment to the preparations for COP17 and expressed confidence that the Secretary-General would participate in the 17th conference. In response, the UN Secretary-General Mr. António Guterres expressed his gratitude to Minister B. Battsetseg and wished success in the preparations for COP17. He also conveyed his upcoming Lunar New Year greetings to the President of Mongolia, Ukhnaagiin Khürelsükh.
Mark Ellis: Mongolia's Reliance on Russian Energy is Not a Reason to Avoid Arresting Putin
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
The establishment of a special tribunal against Russian aggression has been ongoing for three years without significant results. In this regard, Mark Ellis, the Executive Director of the International Bar Association and an expert in international law, recently gave an interview to the RBC-Ukraine agency about the challenges facing the establishment of a special tribunal against Russian aggression. He pointed out that the process is being delayed due to political and legal complexities and highlighted the main reasons for the delay as follows: - The lack of international political will: Due to Russia's influence, some countries, particularly those in the Global South, view this as a European issue and refrain from actively supporting it. - The principle of head of state immunity: Prosecuting Russia's president presents a new challenge in international law, leading some countries to hesitate in this process. - Russia's membership in the UN Security Council: The UN Security Council established the tribunals for Yugoslavia and Rwanda, but as a permanent member, Russia can veto such decisions. The most serious part of Russia's war crimes is the unlawful mass deportation of Ukrainian children to Russia, for which the International Criminal Court has issued arrest warrants against Russian President Putin and Maria Lvova-Belova. However, the process of bringing new charges for other war crimes is progressing slowly. He also mentioned Mongolia's role in this matter. Ellis noted that Mongolia, as a member of the Rome Statute, has not complied with the International Criminal Court's decision. Mongolia's refusal to arrest Putin has attracted considerable criticism in international legal circles. Here's an excerpt from his interview regarding Mongolia: - In your opinion, what responsibilities should Mongolia bear for refusing to arrest Putin during his visit? - As a member of the Rome Statute, Mongolia is obliged to arrest any person indicted by the International Criminal Court. However, Mongolia refused to arrest Putin, accepting his visit on the grounds of head of state immunity. The ICC rejected this explanation, but Mongolia, reliant on Russian energy, did not change its decision and welcomed Putin. However, this cannot be a valid reason. If such a situation is allowed, other member states would also have the opportunity to avoid the law. Mongolia's actions have attracted negative attention internationally, including strong criticism from the International Bar Association. I hope this situation serves as a lesson to other countries to avoid similar actions. - Is it possible to expel Mongolia from the Rome Statute? - No, there is no possibility of forcibly expelling member states. However, if Mongolia repeatedly refuses to fulfill its obligations, the Assembly of States Parties of the International Criminal Court might discuss possible measures. However, they do not have the right to impose economic sanctions. Currently, diplomatic isolation might be the most effective way to send a strong message. In conclusion: - The International Criminal Court does not accept Mongolia's explanation and considers the application of head of state immunity to be unfounded. - It has been suggested that Mongolia's decision may have been heavily influenced by its dependence on Russian energy supplies. - Although Mongolia cannot be forcibly expelled from the Rome Statute, international diplomatic criticism and trends towards isolation may arise. Ellis emphasized that while legal actions against Putin are progressing, the possibility of his arrest in the near future is low. However, historical examples such as Milosevic, Charles Taylor, and Saddam Hussein show that leaders eventually face accountability before the court. Furthermore, the international legal process against Russia is expected to proceed slowly but steadily.
Ukraine offers to supply rare earth elements in exchange for aid
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
As payment for financial support in the war against Russia, Ukraine is willing to supply the United States with rare earth elements, President Donald Trump announced on Monday. Speaking to reporters at the White House, Trump emphasized that the Ukrainian side is prepared to make such an agreement and expressed his desire for Kyiv to respond to the approximately 300 billion dollars in aid provided by Washington. "Ukraine is a country rich in rare earth elements. We are willing to establish an agreement with Ukraine to pay for our support with their rare earth elements and other resources," he said. It is unclear whether Trump used the term "rare earth elements" to refer broadly to critical minerals or specifically to rare earth metals. Although Ukraine has significant deposits of uranium, lithium, and titanium, none of these are among the world's top five largest deposits. The United States also has untapped reserves of these and other critical minerals. In the U.S., there is only one mine operating for rare earth elements, and the capability to process these elements is very limited. However, several companies are working on related projects. China is the world's largest supplier of rare earth elements and other critical minerals.
Discussed Expanding Cooperation in the Transportation Sector
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
Minister of Roads and Transportation B. Delgersaikhan met with a delegation led by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Elnur Mammadov. During the meeting, the parties exchanged information about the policies and goals of both governments and discussed opportunities to expand and develop cooperation in the transportation sector between Mongolia and Azerbaijan. In particular, information was provided about 14 mega projects planned by the joint government of Mongolia for the next four years, as well as construction projects to be implemented in the capital city this year. They expressed a desire to engage in practical and effective cooperation in the transport and logistics sectors of both countries. Furthermore, within the framework of developing economic and transportation sector cooperation, opinions were exchanged on utilizing Azerbaijan's international transport network, which includes railway and road connections crucial for Europe-Asia transit, to create a new transportation corridor and increase cargo transit capacity, as reported by the Ministry of Roads and Transportation.
Official Launch of Joint Project with UNDP to Address Household Heating Using Renewable Energy
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
The "Solar Heat" project has been launched by Chingeltei District of the capital and the UN Development Programme in cooperation with an aim to support Mongolia’s transition to clean energy and reduce air pollution. Through the project, the ambition is to decrease coal consumption, the main source of Ulaanbaatar's air pollution, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by introducing a heating system based on solar energy for households in the ger districts. As part of the project, a comprehensive solution comprising solar power generation systems, electric heaters, and heat accumulators has been introduced on a trial basis to households in the ger district. The new project aims to expand this solution, beginning with 100 households in Chingeltei district, with the ultimate goal of transitioning a total of 1,000 households to solar energy over the next four years. The project aims to establish the financial sustainability of solar electricity by investigating potential revenue flows such as carbon credit income, electricity sales, and transferred coal subsidies. Furthermore, it seeks to accelerate the transition to renewable energy by providing policy support and financial incentives, while also enhancing public knowledge, understanding, and driving behavioral change. Chingeltei District Governor N. Manduul stated, "We need clean air and low-cost energy. We are pleased to launch a real, long-term solution that will improve the health of the city's residents, reduce energy costs, and support Ulaanbaatar's transition to clean energy." Matilda Dimovska, the UNDP Resident Representative in Mongolia, emphasized the significance of this initiative in creating systemic change, noting that "Implementing an equitable and inclusive energy transition requires cooperation at all levels. Through innovation, investment, and perseverance, Mongolia can shed its reliance on coal and achieve development that benefits everyone."
Tram is Economically 10 Times Cheaper than Metro Project
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
In an effort to reduce traffic congestion in Ulaanbaatar, the Ulaanbaatar Tram project is being implemented. The tender for the first line of this project will be announced in spring, and construction will begin in summer. The first line will be constructed with city funds. The mayor of Ulaanbaatar, H. Nyambaatar, visited the starting point of the initial line of the Ulaanbaatar tram project. During the visit, Mayor H. Nyambaatar stated, "The capital city of Ulaanbaatar is implementing major mega projects to reduce air and environmental pollution and traffic congestion. The general plan to develop Ulaanbaatar city until 2040 includes the goal of developing diverse forms of public transportation in the city. The first line of the tram project within these efforts will extend from Steppe Arena to Sukhbaatar Square. We have arrived at the starting point for the tram route. Here, the goal is to construct the line through the central green area of the road without limiting the current road lanes. The international open tender for the first line will be announced immediately after the feasibility study is completed. The investment for the second line is planned to be carried out under highly concessional loans. The feasibility study for the second line is being done by the city's design institute, while land clearance will begin in spring. A public-private partnership is also important for the tram project," he emphasized. The tram will not overlap with roads. It intersects with the road network only at intersections with traffic lights. The city has prepared a 90-hectare area south of the National Archives for the tram depot. The tram is economically 10 times cheaper than the metro project, takes half the time to construct, and can be built relatively quickly. It is energy-efficient, environmentally friendly, and can carry 150-300 people at a time. It is estimated that traveling by tram from Yarmag to Sukhbaatar Square will take 20-30 minutes. This will help to increase the average speed of road traffic by 25.7%. Moreover, Mayor H. Nyambaatar stated that the tender process for the metro project is continuing within the legal framework, with the first stage of selection concluding on the 28th of this month. The second stage of selection is planned to be announced in March. Additionally, as a start to reducing congestion, multi-level intersections and roads are planned. The tender for the Tuul Expressway, the first expressway project in Ulaanbaatar, has been announced internationally.
The new Zaisan bridge will be operational by June 1st
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
The demolition work of the old Zaisan bridge is continuing at 25% progress, and it is expected to be completely dismantled by April 1st. However, officials have reported that the new bridge will be operational by June 1st. The head of the Capital City Road Development Agency, B. Odbayar, stated, "The demolition work of the old Zaisan bridge is currently 25% complete. Out of a total of 90 beams, 30 have been dismantled by yesterday. As of today, the dismantling of water and sewer network lines has been completed. We are planning to put the new bridge into operation by June 1st." The progress of demolishing the old Zaisan bridge is at 25%. Out of the total 90 beams of the bridge, 30 were dismantled as of yesterday. Today, the dismantling of water and sewer network lines is complete. The plan is to have the new bridge operational by June 1st.
Kh. Nyambaatar: The Government Will Soon Discuss the Incentive Program for Households in Ger Districts Transitioning to Electric and Gas Fuel
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
A plan is underway to include 50,000 households from the ger districts, which are adjacent to the housing complexes of Ulaanbaatar, into the green zone and transition them to the use of gas fuel. The mayor, Kh. Nyambaatar, has informed that the government is soon to discuss in a session the implementation of an incentive program for households transitioning to gas fuel. He stated, "In Article 6.1.6 of the Air Law approved in 2022, a system was legislated to provide incentives to households in ger districts that have transitioned to electric and gas fuel. This incentive scheme will soon be deliberated in a government meeting. Research and calculations are being conducted to transition households in ger districts to gas fuel with two options—LNG and LPG—with experiments ongoing. Results of the study to introduce LNG pipelines to qualified single-family homes and LPG systems with heaters to ger dwellings will be released soon. For example, in a trial, a household was equipped with an LPG heater and stove and used them for a month. Without using an electric stove and adjusting their home to maintain a constant temperature above 25 degrees (with an automatic on-off setting), they spent 165,000 MNT in December at current LPG prices. According to the Air Law, if the state covers 50% of consumption for each month of the seven-month heating season, the household would pay around 83,000 MNT. However, insulation is very important. Hence, citizens are encouraged to express their suggestions," he said. Plans to convert locations such as Moscow District, First District, the hills behind the III and IV Districts, the area around the Mother and Child Hospital, Gandan, the circle at 32, the central zone of the city, and the ger districts behind the UB Registration Department and around Mamba Datsan Monastery into green zones and switch them to gas usage and introduce gas heaters are also underway. The project of laying gas pipelines and drafting designs for installing LNG connections in single-family, brick houses and placing LPG stoves and charging systems in gers is being planned. Notice: Media organizations (television, radio, social networks, and websites) must cite the source ( when using our information in any form, whether in full or in part.
Can a country that can't build a single oil refinery manage to implement 14 mega projects?
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
In April 2016, the Government of Mongolia decided to establish an oil refinery by negotiating a $1 billion concessional loan with India's Exim Bank. By April 2018, the construction costs of the oil refinery's infrastructure were to be financed by a 250 billion tugriks loan agreement with the Development Bank of Mongolia, with 171.6 billion provided based on performance. By October 2019, India's Engineers India Limited estimated the total project funding at $1.2 billion, requiring another $236 million loan from the Indian side. The government then decided in March 2022 to finance the $397 million needed for the oil pipeline construction by pre-selling coal through Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi. In September 2023, Mongolia's Ministry of Mining and Heavy Industry's Mineral Resources Professional Council verified that the total investment for the oil refinery project was set to rise 34% above the originally calculated amount from general and additional loan agreements, reaching $431 million, attributing this to economic crisis, price increases, and contractor proposals. In January 2025, the Mongolian Government officially approved the agreement with India's Exim Bank, allowing for an additional $431 million concessional loan for the refinery's construction. The funds and financial data above indicate the significant money spent over the last nine years on establishing the refinery, along with the unregulated growth in costs. The original plan was to build the refinery for $1 billion, but sources report around $2.2 billion has been used from foreign and domestic sources, yet progress has not reached even 40%. The main structures for deep processing and core technologies are only 8% completed, stalled due to financing issues, effectively exhausting all resources and funds. India's Exim Bank has been negotiated with for the third concessional loan, with the $431 million intended to finish the main refinery structures within 36 months. Originally, the project was scheduled to become operational in 2021, later adjusted to 2023, and now pushed to 2027. Predicting possible future delays is difficult. Critics argue the oil refinery project has long been a doomed dream, a money laundering scheme, or a means for politicians to fund election expenses. Money has continuously poured in, yet the progress lags, justifying such suspicions. The lack of ability or experience to implement mega projects is clearly demonstrated, despite available funding. The example proves it is easy to talk big, make promises, initiate projects, but difficult to see them through with persistence, planning, and execution. They have repeatedly revised feasibility assessments and loan agreements due to inaccurate projections of costs and risks, showing how unsuccessful and misguided the project has been from the start. The prime minister and industry ministers often tour Dornogovi's Altanshiree, reporting the refinery construction as proceeding as planned, but since 2022, progress has been sporadic, reportedly halted multiple times due to funding issues. The refinery project is divided into four main sections by purpose. The EPC1 construction for non-core facilities started in 2021 and was completed last year. Completed figures for EPC2, EPC3, and EPC4 are remarkably low, with main construction only 8% finished, effectively making total project completion around 33%. Despite completed non-core structures, the project can be considered not truly advanced, primarily aiming to build the refinery rather than support facilities alone. Thus far, spent amounts approach 6 trillion tugriks, though the prime minister announced total costs at 4.1 trillion last year. Still, the country's 2024-2028 mega project plans include continuing the oil refinery project. Given the prolonged difficulties and challenges in completing one refinery, it's hard to believe launching or completing multiple projects simultaneously in four years is feasible. Yet, parliamentary work groups are committed to identifying causes for the delays and improving conditions, examining finances and increasing transparency. During discussions, this prompted questions from members of parliament about viability, ensuring completion within timelines without further need for funding, but ministerial officials could provide no substantial answers, highlighting the obscured reality. The government's ambition in implementing multiple mega projects is evident, yet the lack of groundwork and preparation to face challenges, noticeable inaccuracy in accounting, and trusting success in this existing situation is unreasonable. Instead of hurriedly launching many projects, identifying and correcting past errors to streamline stalled work is essential. Only through an established healthy ecosystem can mega projects be managed successfully. Can a country that can't build a single oil refinery manage 14 mega projects?
Chinese Company Selected for the "New Great Ring Road" Project Design Tender
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
Authorities have devised plans to implement three major road projects in the capital city, namely the "New Ring Road," the "New Great Ring Road," and the "Tuul Highway." The first two projects are currently at the stage of developing feasibility studies, project design, and selecting consulting service providers. Meanwhile, a tender has been announced to select the contractor for the "Tuul Highway" project. Previously, it was reported that a consulting service provider had been selected for the preliminary feasibility study and project design of the "New Ring Road" project. Out of four enterprises and organizations from Mongolia and China that participated in the tender, China's "CSCEC AECOM consultant" company was selected and signed a contract with the relevant authorities. The preliminary feasibility study and project design work for this project will be carried out at a cost of 16 billion MNT (Mongolian Tugriks). Similarly, a Chinese company has been selected for the feasibility study and project design tender of the "New Great Ring Road" highway project. Announced by the City Procuring Department, the tender saw participation from three enterprises and organizations from Mongolia, China, and Russia. Among them, China's "Guangdong Communication Planning & Design Institute Group" was chosen to carry out this work. This company proposed to complete the consulting services for the technical and economic feasibility study and project design of the "New Great Ring Road" highway project for approximately 14 billion MNT. The city's General Department of Administration reported that they are working to establish a contract with this company. Under this project, plans have been made to build a highway connecting Terelj, Nalaikh, Zuumnod, Khushig Valley, Emeelt, and Rashaan. The total projected cost of the "Tuul Highway" project is 1.9 trillion MNT, of which 538.6 billion MNT is to be financed from the city budget this year. The Tuul Highway is planned to be about 32 kilometers long, with six lanes, allowing a speed of 100 km/h. Relevant city authorities have announced that construction will commence in April and is expected to be completed within two years. The tender will open on the 24th of this month at 09:30.
B. Byambasaikhan: This Year, Drainage Pipes for Rainwater Will Be Installed in Seven Locations Including the Station, Bombogor, Altai Town, and Peace Bridge
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
It has been planned to newly install rainwater drainage systems and networks for roads in seven locations in the capital city. According to the Geodesy, Water Construction Facilities Authority, NDTC, UBZAA, plans are underway to carry out work to protect Ulaanbaatar city from flood and water risks in three directions. Specifically, they will build drainage pipes for groundwater, rainwater drainage systems for roads, and flood protection structures. If we introduce the locations for the installation of rainwater drainage pipes, by 2025, seven locations in the capital will have 15 kilometers of rainwater drainage pipes. Water accumulates at these locations whenever it rains. Specifically, the first location, around the Station area, will have a 2,393 meter long rainwater drainage pipe installed, while a 1,200 meter pipe will be installed under the Peace Bridge, according to the Geodesy, Water Construction, and Facilities Authority's Director, B. Byambasaikhan. The seven locations to have rainwater drainage systems installed are: - Bayangol District, 4th Khoroo, around the train station - Bayangol District, 5th Khoroo, near building 14 of "Altai" town - The southern part of the Narny Bridge, around the "Altai" town bus stop - Khan-Uul District, 15th Khoroo, under the Peace Bridge - Khan-Uul District, 3rd Khoroo, TEC 3 or Worker’s Street - In front of the "Bombogor" shopping center road - Chinggis Avenue, around 120 Myangat. Plans have been made to start the installation work in March if the weather warms up before the rainy season starts and to finish by the end of May. The next time, they will introduce the locations for the construction of groundwater drainage pipes and flood protection structures. Note: Media outlets (TV, Radio, Social, and Web pages) must cite the source ( when using our information in any form, whether fully or partially.
Bus Service to Chinggis Khaan Airport Temporarily Halted
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
The buses operating from Sukhbaatar Square and 5 Shar Bus Stop to Chinggis Khaan International Airport, namely route X:19 "Chinggis Khaan International Airport-Sukhbaatar Square Central Stop" and route X:20 "Chinggis Khaan International Airport-5 Shar", have been temporarily halted. This decision was made due to low passenger flow and announced by the directive of the Director of the Public Transportation Policy Office. The services of routes X:19 and X:20 have been temporarily suspended starting February 4, 2025.
Buses May Be Converted to Gas Fuel with a Budget of 5 Billion
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
At a recent city management meeting, D. Munkhbaatar, head of the City’s Air and Environment Pollution Control Agency, announced that they are working on drafting a law to reduce air and environmental pollution in Ulaanbaatar, which they plan to pass next month. Once this law is passed, it will create a legal framework to establish chimney-free zones in Ulaanbaatar. Consequently, the plan is to convert 40,000 households to gas fuel next year. Additionally, of the 1,278 registered large and medium-sized buses, 1,130 buses are in operation daily. It was reported that 1,016 buses will be converted to use gas next year. According to the draft law on measures to reduce air and environmental pollution in Ulaanbaatar, there are 1,278 registered buses in the city, with 1,128 in public transport service daily. Of these, 84% use Euro-5 standard fuel. It is believed that converting public transport buses to gas fuel by October 1, 2025, will have an impact on reducing air pollution.
Selenge: Developing Tourism Events at Mount Noyon
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
In the fresh air, to promote public physical activity and spread national heritage, a tourism event at Mount Noyon was successfully developed into an event during the "Kharaa Silver Winter-2025" snow festival over the weekend. This event, organized by the Mandal District Administration, included friendly sports competitions among state institutions, and among the public, there were horse races for pacing horses as well as a horse mane styling contest. In addition, the best participants in national costumes and the best participants among young horse riders were selected. The event, held in Biluutiin Valley at the foot of Mount Noyon in the Mandal district of Selenge province, is notable for promoting and spreading national heritage and culture to children and young people.
UVURKHANGAI: More herders are applying for passports
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
"The mild winter and the cheerful, relaxed spirits of the herders are reflected in the increased number of passport applications this year, as they travel to other countries," said D. Tsedmaa, head of the Provincial Registry Office. This office was awarded "Best Unit" of the province for its performance and evaluation in 2024. This year, they have started a mobile registration service with the aim of reaching rural areas. Herders and residents in the soums have responded positively, enabling them to apply for passports within their soums and travel abroad with their families. For example, at the beginning of the year, over 50 herder households from Tugrug soum applied for passports. In addition, it is noted that 4,802 citizens applied for passports at the State Registration Office in 2024.
If We Cannot Reduce Smog, Let's Hold the Prime Minister and Government Accountable
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
The Standing Committee on Environment, Food, and Agriculture of the State Great Khural (Parliament of Mongolia) is conducting a general oversight hearing titled "Results and Solutions for Policy and Decision Implementation on Air Pollution Reduction" for the second day at the State Palace. Today's hearing included a discussion on "The Issue of Smog: Legal Environment, Policy Implementation, Funding, and Accountability" and "The Issue of Smog: Technological Solutions for Stoves and Fuel," where the conclusions of relevant experts were heard. On this occasion, the Chairman of the State Structure Standing Committee, Member of Parliament J. Bat-Erdene, said, "We cannot resolve the issue of smog without holding someone accountable. It will just be talked about incessantly over time. First and foremost, the Parliament and the Government themselves must take responsibility. This is where accountability should start. What are we even talking about by saying don't hold these numerous officials accountable? Of course, accountability must be realized. Recently, Member Bayarbaatar mentioned issues such as the legal environment, policy implementation, funding, spending, and accountability, with many monetary issues involved. Yesterday and today, many people are crying and complaining. They are upset. We must understand and accept this. Let's learn to accept our faults. First and foremost, the Parliament should accept its shortcomings. The Parliament must take this responsibility and improve the legal environment. Let's take the suggestions made by people and assign tasks to our government. Whether it's Oyunerdene or someone else, let's create a scheme to assign tasks to the government. Moving forward, let's enter into a system where Odontuya or anyone is held accountable in their capacity as President of the National Committee to Reduce Air Pollution. As for the President of the National Committee to Reduce Environmental Pollution, let’s ask President S. Odontuya. When and how will the smog be reduced? There needs to be an answer here. If not able, who will be held accountable? Let's have some reckoning with the Prime Minister and the Government. If we cannot create this scheme, forming a temporary committee will not help. It will only result in more complaints, tears, and anger."
What is the Blue Coal Expected to Reduce Smoke Pollution?
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
As part of the initiative to reduce air pollution, the government decided to phase out Tavantolgoi Fuel Company's improved briquettes and establish a semi-coked blue coal plant based on the Baganuur mine. “Establishing this plant requires an investment of USD 190 million and will be funded by Erdenes Mongol LLC, utilizing the Baganuur coal mine. The project will be implemented in three stages, planning to produce the first 100,000 tons of blue coal in 2025, and a total of 800,000 tons of products by 2027. Thus, air pollution can potentially be solved by 2027. This is one of the main solutions to reduce air pollution,” explained the Minister of Environment and Green Development, S. Odontuya. Tavantolgoi's briquettes are a type of compressed coal not processed in any factory, hence they emit smoke. However, representatives of the scientific community have stated that using blue coal could potentially reduce smoke. The development of the feasibility study for the blue coal plant has begun. What is blue coal? Blue coal is expected to reduce the harmful compounds in raw coal, and consequently reduce Ulaanbaatar's air pollution by approximately 80%. Compared to improved briquettes, the emissions of PM2.5 particulate matter are 80% lower, sulfur dioxide is 64% lower, and nitrogen oxide emissions are 85% lower. The "Blue Coal" project is to be implemented from 2024 to 2027, and with its implementation: - Blue coal is economically efficient, with production costs 62% lower than the current improved fuel. - Air pollution reduction potential of 60-80%. - The project will generate 100 MW of power from coal waste. - Possibility of producing raw materials for chemical substances domestically. Mongolia has abundant reserves of brown coal, estimated at over 170 billion tons, with approximately 20.3 billion tons located in the Baganuur district. Additionally, studies show that the Baganuur site's reserves amount to over 700 million tons of brown coal. Therefore, one of the government's 14 mega projects, the "Blue Coal" project, will be implemented based on the Baganuur mine.
Smoke Issue: Stove and Fuel Technological Solutions Discussion in Progress
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
The discussion "Smoke Issue: Stove and Fuel Technological Solutions" is currently underway. The State Great Khural's Standing Committee on Environment, Food, and Agriculture has been organizing the "Policy, Implementation Outcomes, and Solutions for Addressing Smoke Issues in the Framework of Air Pollution Reduction" general oversight hearing at the State Palace for the second day. Today's hearing includes discussions on topics such as "The Smoke Issue: Legal Environment, Policy Implementation, Funding, and Responsibility" and "Smoke Issue: Stove and Fuel Technological Solutions," and expert evaluations will be heard. The general oversight hearing on "Policy, Implementation Outcomes, and Solutions for Addressing Smoke Issues in the Framework of Air Pollution Reduction" aims to collect and provide information, ensure the public's right to know, hear suggestions, and achieve a unified understanding at the decision-making level. It also intends to direct the Government and relevant organizations to rectify violations and shortcomings in state institutions and officials' operations.
Mongolia Has Spent 4.7 Trillion Tugriks on Air Pollution
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
Air pollution has been a common topic among Mongolians for the past 20 years. Fortunately, the winter season is not too long; otherwise, people would lament the spring that comes with a sigh of relief for surviving severe cold, smoke, and intoxication. In 2025, a public hearing based on citizen proposals is planned to find solutions to the seemingly unsolvable issue of air pollution. Additionally, two sessions of oversight hearings packed with information were conducted through three discussions with officials, citizens, non-governmental organizations, and experts. However, it's not expected that the sky will clear immediately following these discussions. The total expenditure for efforts to reduce air pollution, when added up, shows a figure with 12 zeros on the calculator. This number is derived from statistics mentioned during open hearings on smog. The public seldom receives funding and budget information regarding efforts to reduce air pollution in such an open manner. Therefore, during the third discussion on the issue of smoke, titled "Smoke Issue: Legal Environment, Policy, Implementation of Decisions, Funding, Expenditure, and Responsibility," the budget breakdown highlighted in the reports is presented here. 1.4 trillion tugriks have been spent on producing smoke-free or enhanced briquettes. "Tavantolgoi Fuel" LLC was established in accordance with the government's national program to reduce air pollution, prohibiting the use of raw coal by resolution number 62, and a 2018 directive given to "Erdenes Tavtolgoi" JSC and "Erdenes Mongol" LLC to use intermediate products from the Ukhaa Khudag coal beneficiation plant for producing enhanced briquettes. During the pandemic, 2019-2021, there were several violations and shortcomings, including unaccounted expenditures on materials and depreciation, according to K.Ariunzaya, head of the planning and economic department of "Tavantolgoi Fuel" LLC. However, the company normalized operations in 2022, spending a total of 1.4 trillion tugriks on briquette production from 2018-2024. The breakdown is as follows: - Salaries and social insurance contributions: 400.6 billion tugriks - Binders: 321 billion tugriks - Middling transportation: 226.3 billion tugriks - Operation, maintenance, and other spare parts: 139 billion tugriks - Working capital: 117.3 billion tugriks 288 billion tugriks have been utilized in night electricity tariff discounts and other projects/programs. According to I. Luvsantseren, head of the fuel policy implementation department at the Ministry of Energy, the following work has been carried out under the "National Program to Reduce Air and Environmental Pollution" approved by the Air Law and Government Resolution No. 98 of 2017. The funding source is the state budget, with a total of 86.4 billion tugriks allocated. The first task involved creating a new capacity of 28.1 MW for 309 substation transformers to make it technically possible for households to use 4.0 kW electric heaters in winter. The second task involved stopping heating boilers and connecting consumers to central heating services. This project was implemented in the capital during 2017-2021 with a capital investment of 43.5 billion tugriks, resulting in the shutdown of 68 operating heating boilers and the completion of 9 packages of tasks to connect consumers to central heating. Thirdly, the night-time electricity tariff discounts were given according to the Air Law, Government Resolution No. 199 of 2017, and Resolution No. 115 of 2020, which approved the "Regulation for Providing Electricity Tariff Discounts to Households in Ger Districts." From 2017-2024, a total of 340.4 billion tugriks was approved, with an execution amount of 275.1 billion tugriks. According to the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, many legal documents related to reducing air pollution exist. The first law on Meteorology and Environmental Monitoring was approved in 1997. During the third discussion on smog issues, the total budget and execution related to reducing air and environmental pollution were revealed to be 340.4 billion tugriks from 2017-2024, with an implementation amount of 275.1 billion tugriks. The Ministry’s detailed introduction covers all completed work and budget breakdown related to this execution. Seven projects with a total investment of 2.3 trillion are being implemented to transform ger districts into apartment housing. The Ministry of Finance introduced the project plans, current undertakings, and budget details funded by both the state budget and external loans and assistance to reduce air pollution. The following diagram shows the budget allocation and expenditures.
Mongolian students' study on air pollution awarded "Best Work" in the East Asian region
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
Mongolian students have excelled in the "Cambridge Science Competition," an annual contest among 10,000 schools following the Cambridge program. Specifically, six students from "Shine Uye" school, under the guidance of teacher D. Chinzorig, participated with a research project titled "The Impact of Air Pollution on the Lung Development of Adolescents Aged 10-17." This project not only received a "Gold" rating among the 308 projects from 151 schools but also won the "Best Work" award in the East Asian region. This competition took place among students aged 14-16 from May to November last year, and the results were announced at the end of last month. The "Best in World 2024" award was claimed by students from Thailand's "Anglo Singapore" International School. They conducted research on developing an air humidity condensation system. This study involves extracting water from air moisture for use in refrigeration systems and determining its potential for processing into drinking water.
S.Odontuya: The Air Pollution Issue Won’t Be Resolved Without Bold Decisions from the Parliament
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
A general oversight hearing is ongoing at the State Palace, focusing on the execution results and solutions of policies and decisions regarding air pollution reduction. During this session, the Minister of Environment and Industry, S. Odontuya, responded to questions from the members. She stated, "I have attended all the hearings on air pollution and noted all suggestions. We are looking for the blame. It's unnecessary to blame the executive branch, ministries, fuel industry, and businesses that are fulfilling their duties. These people implemented the orders and decisions made at the time. The main issue is the instability of government policies and decisions. For example, during Mayor E. Bat-Uul's time, meetings were held with citizens for the redevelopment of the ger districts, which were halted for political reasons. Then the 'Good Fences' program, aimed at solving the infrastructure of 10 to 20 families together, was also stopped. Before elections, politicians come out and distribute land arbitrarily. This has led to poor planning and today's problems. Our ministry lacks a budget to fight air pollution. The National Committee to Reduce Air Pollution has no budget and is attempting to work by paying a few people at the lowest level and operating within the ministry's approved budget, functioning like a volunteer organization. As the head of the National Committee, I have reviewed all issues and outcomes over the past month. The State Great Khural (Parliament) needs to create an ad hoc committee to focus on this issue and make bold decisions. If the Parliament does not make decisive moves, the problem will never be resolved," she expressed her viewpoint.
B. Naidalaa: Only by accepting our failure to reduce pollution can we find solutions
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
The Standing Committee on Environment, Food, and Agriculture of the State Great Khural is organizing a general oversight hearing on "The outcomes of the policies and decisions regarding air pollution reduction and solutions to the issue of smoke." The hearing, which is being held over two days, has registered a total of 104 participants, including 64 from government organizations, 46 representing NGOs and citizens, as well as representatives from media organizations. During the hearing, Member of Parliament B. Naidalaa stated that it is important for the ministries and relevant organizations to accept their failure in reducing air pollution in order to easily find solutions and subsequently take responsibility and ownership of the issue. He remarked, "If we do not confront the reality and discuss responsibility now, we will continue arguing about smoke even in 2040. Therefore, we must first identify who exactly has failed, where, and how, and it is necessary for the ministries, leaders, the capital, and institutions responsible for the issue to acknowledge it. We cannot have discrepancies, such as different numbers for deaths caused by pollution, reported by separate departments. Moving forward, it should be made clear exactly who is responsible for what. Let us have clear accountability for the smoke, briquettes, standards, all with responsible parties assigned. Solutions should be developed with a short, medium, and long-term perspective, and if needed, approved by the State Great Khural," he expressed. Note: Media organizations (Television, Radio, Social and Web pages) must mention the source ( when using our information in any form, either wholly or partially. Please take this into account!
PHOTO: Inconclusive Results on Efforts to Reduce Air Pollution from Two-Day Hearing
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
The "Parliament's Standing Committee on Environment, Food, and Agriculture" organized a general oversight hearing titled “The outcomes of policy and decision implementation on air pollution reduction”, which was held over two days at the State Palace. In the expert's evaluation, it was noted that the actions taken against smog lacked clarity in defining roles and responsibilities, and interrelationships and cohesion among implemented processes were not evident. The results of activities undertaken to reduce air pollution were deemed unsatisfactory, with low efficiency in financing and expenditure, as well as inadequate monitoring and evaluation efforts. Participants of the hearing suggested several measures: expanding green loans to reduce chimneys in over 200,000 households in ger districts, including elderly citizens in the efforts to reduce smoke and air pollution, promoting long-term housing programs, transitioning ger district households to gas fuel in the mid-term, and prioritizing the introduction of products infused with innovations from Mongolian scientists in the short term. Warning: Media outlets (TV, Radio, Social Media, and Websites) are reminded to cite their source ( when using any of our information, in full or part, in any form.
UVURKHANGAI: 1.9% of the region at very high risk of dzud, 24.1% at high risk
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
The Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Environment is compiling and processing various surface observation and satellite data to produce a map assessing the risk of dzud. According to the assessment as of January 31st, 1.9% of the total area of Uvurkhangai province is at very high risk, 24.1% at high risk, 51.1% at moderate risk, 17% at low risk, and 5.9% at no risk of dzud. Specifically, certain areas of Naritail and Uyanga soums are at very high risk, with most of Naritail, Uyanga, Kharkhorin, Guchin-Us soums, and parts of Bat-Ulzii, Khujirt, Zuumbayan-Ulaan, Ulziit, Yesunzuil, Bayan-Ondor, Bogd, and Sant soums at high risk. The northeastern part of Bogd soum and parts of Kharkhorin and Tugrug soums are at no risk. Seventy percent of the province is covered in snow, with some areas in Baruunbayan-Ulaan, Bogd, Kharkhorin, Bayan-Ondor, and Tugrug soums having an average snow depth of 5-7 cm and drifts of 15-25 cm thick, with a snow density of 0.10-0.28 g/cm³. Early in the month, the cold conditions will persist. It is expected to be 1-3°C colder than the long-term average during the latter part of the first ten days, the beginning of the second ten days, and the middle of the third ten days, and near or slightly warmer than average at other times. In terms of precipitation, light snow is expected in most areas at the beginning and end of the first ten days and at the end of the second and third ten days, with wind and blizzards in some places. Therefore, continuous preparedness is required for areas with a high risk of dzud, according to the NMHE.
HEARING: 116 million MNT spent from air pollution reduction budget to fix fences and gates of houses
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
In a hearing titled “Implementation of policies and decisions on air pollution reduction” held by the Standing Committee on Environment, Food and Agriculture of the Mongolian State Great Khural, various violations and inefficiencies regarding air pollution reduction projects and funds were discussed. The hearing revealed that issues related to the Clean Air Fund and the projects funded both internationally and domestically from 2008 to 2016 have not been resolved satisfactorily. Specifically, a demand for 3 billion MNT allocated to incomplete projects was not implemented. In 2023, the Capital Environment Pollution Management Department conducted a foreign training, inefficiently using 106 million MNT of the state budget. Furthermore, a repayment of 135.5 million MNT for electric heaters distributed in 2021 failed due to 159 households relocating or being unable to pay, with the loan sourced from the World Bank now added to the national debt to be covered by the state budget. In 2019, under a ministerial order, a contract worth 12 billion MNT was established to purchase 290 furnace filters from four Chinese entities. Despite an official demand from the National Audit Office to act, the situation was transferred to the Prosecutor General's Office as it was not implemented. The purchased devices do not meet national standards, and no price research was conducted. In 2018, 800 million MNT was transferred without a work plan for reducing air pollution in Khovd province, and additionally, 116 million MNT was spent on projects unrelated to air pollution, specifically to improve and standardize fences and gates of houses. An additional 210 million MNT, unused from the Healthy City campaign program, was transferred to the Cultural and Arts Department for non-purposeful use. Under the order of the Capital City Mayor, 1.4 billion MNT was paid in rental agreements for temporary storage required for stocking enhanced fuel for ger district households, involving 35 individuals and entities. Moreover, a 3.7 billion MNT project to build coal warehouses in five locations was contracted with five companies without proper procedure, citing references to the National Security Council's recommendations as justification. CONCLUSIONS: - Poor implementation of laws, policies, and decisions. - Inadequate outcome evaluation. - Low efficiency of financing and expenditure. - Insufficient monitoring and assessment work. - High risk of financial discrepancies. - Strategies and planning are insufficient. - Public participation and information are lacking. The hearing aims to address these issues by collecting information and listening to stakeholders, ensuring public awareness, consulting with state and non-governmental organizations, and providing guidance to the government and related institutions to correct revealed shortcomings in operation.
Launched Project to Develop a National Artificial Intelligence Strategy
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
The Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation, and Communications of Mongolia, in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme, signed an agreement to evaluate Mongolia's readiness in artificial intelligence and develop a national strategy. As part of this cooperative effort, they aim to effectively and promptly implement projects related to reducing desertification and afforestation by leveraging artificial intelligence. “In the process of developing Mongolia's unique artificial intelligence strategy, we are gathering opinions and requests from the government, private sector, youth, scientists of the Academy of Sciences, and university professors. We are grateful for the UN Development Programme's sharing of global trends and international experiences in this endeavor,” said Minister Ts. Batarkhuu. Matilda Dimovska, the UNDP Resident Representative, emphasized the importance of Mongolia directing its strategy to make artificial intelligence benefits accessible to all.
Registration for the 2025 Startup Ecosystem Map has begun
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
START, an organization that annually develops and releases the Startup Ecosystem Map of Mongolia, has started the registration for the 2025 edition. The main goal is to strengthen the startup community, create collaborative opportunities between organizations, provide opportunities for investment, and introduce active startups and technological solutions operating in Mongolia to the public. The 2023 map included 159 companies in 27 groups, with an ecosystem support section comprising 77 organizations in 12 groups, while the 2024 map expanded to 211 companies in 29 groups, and 80 supporting organizations in 11 groups. The development of the startup ecosystem map involves open registration and selection processes. Decisions on whether to include a registered organization in the map are based on the organization’s product or service’s market penetration, the uniqueness and innovativeness of the solutions, the social impact, distinctive business models, technological advantages, the number of customers or clients, management style, and the ethics and entrepreneurial approach of the founders. Sponsors of the 2025 map and its associated events include Golomt Bank, as the main partner, Sokratus Startup Studio, and TESO Investment. This sponsorship enhances the reach of the map and contributes to the development of the startup ecosystem. Registration for this year will be open from February 3 to February 28, 2025, and the new map will be presented during a networking event among all included organizations' founders on March 14, 2025. Organizations can submit their registration via the form available at
J.Chinburen: The Number of People Who Died from Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Has Doubled
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
The standing committee on environment, food, and agriculture of the State Great Khural of Mongolia is continuing its general oversight hearing on "Results and solutions in policy and decisions regarding air pollution reduction and smoke issues." J.Chinburen, a Member of Parliament, the head of the working group, and the chair of the hearing, stated: During yesterday's hearing, there was significant discussion and controversy regarding the exact number of people who have died from carbon monoxide poisoning over the past period. Therefore, we would like to present the following clarified information in today's hearing. According to data provided by the General Department of Forensic Science from 2017 to 2024, a total of 779 people have died from carbon monoxide poisoning. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health reports 163 deaths, which account for those who, despite receiving medical assistance, still died from poisoning. Comparing these figures from 2017-2021 with those from 2023-2024, the number of citizens who died from carbon monoxide poisoning has doubled.
Liver cancer usually shows no clear symptoms until later stages, so regular check-ups are essential
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
To raise public awareness about cancer, promote prevention, early detection, and treatment, February 4th of each year has been designated World Cancer Day. In conjunction with this day, the National Second Central Hospital held an "Open Day" event focused on the "Prevention of Digestive Organ Cancer." During the event, patients received detailed information about cancer-specific consultations and diagnostics from specialized doctors. Mongolia leads the world in liver cancer rates. We share information provided by the National Second Central Hospital regarding the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of liver cancer. What is the liver? The liver is the largest internal organ in the human body, performing many critical functions. It is located in the upper right portion of the abdomen under the diaphragm. The main functions of the liver include: - Regulating metabolism - Filtering and purifying toxins - Regulating fat metabolism - Synthesizing proteins - Storing and supporting vitamins - Regulating blood clotting and body temperature What is liver cancer? Liver cancer is a type of tumor originating from liver cells. It causes disease in specific parts of the liver leading to cancer formation. Liver cancer is often associated with chronic liver diseases. Symptoms: Liver cancer typically does not exhibit clear symptoms until it reaches advanced stages, so early-stage symptoms are often minimal. Even in later stages, it may not cause acute problems. Possible symptoms include: - Decreased appetite - Unexplained weight loss - Dark urine - Itchy skin - Pain around the chest, abdomen, or back - Blood clotting (typically around the legs, causing swelling and pain) - Yellowing of the skin and increased bile - Depression, fatigue - Pale, greasy stools - Nausea, vomiting Prevention: While there is no specific method for preventing liver cancer, reducing risk factors can help. Attention should be paid to lifestyle-related aspects: - Prevent viral infections of the liver - Vaccinate against Hepatitis B - Avoid alcohol and tobacco - If overweight or obese, work on weight reduction - Avoid highly processed, fast food and eat healthily - Engage in regular exercise - If you have chronic conditions, stay under medical supervision. Diagnosis: If you experience any of the above symptoms, it is essential to consult a specialist doctor for advice. People in target age groups should undergo regular preventive screenings. Additionally, individuals with diabetes should remain under medical surveillance. Diagnostic methods include: - Blood and biochemical tests - Tumor marker tests - Abdominal ultrasound - Abdominal CT scan with contrast, MRI, PET-CT Treatment: Cancer treatment is decided based on the stage, location, and the patient's physical condition. Surgical treatment involves removing the part of the liver where the cancer originates. Other treatments include chemotherapy, biological therapy, and palliative care. Methods such as RFA (radiofrequency ablation) to heat and destroy cancer cells, and TACE (transarterial chemoembolization) to block blood supply to the tumor, are also employed. Warning: Media organizations must cite the source ( if they reproduce any part of this information in any form (Television, Radio, Social and Web pages).
Premier League Teams Demand Extraordinary General Meeting at the Mongolian Football Federation
Published: 2025-02-04 | Translated from:
In light of the current situation at the Mongolian Football Federation (MFF), Premier League teams have begun to demand the organization of an extraordinary general meeting. In particular, the "Deren" club, a Premier League team, issued a statement. The statement said, "We, the members of the 'DEREN' club, with a 17-year history, have successfully participated in competitions and tournaments organized by the Mongolian Football Federation. Based on the current situation at the Mongolian Football Federation, we express our formal request to convene an extraordinary general meeting according to Article 34.2 of the MFF regulations as a member organization of the federation." Today, the management of the "Khovd FC" team also joined this demand. They highlighted, "Based on the current situation at the Mongolian Football Federation, as a member organization of the federation and a national Premier League team, we officially express our demand to convene an extraordinary general meeting according to Article 34.2 of the MFF regulations. We are also presenting a notice requesting timely public disclosure of the situation and the urgent payment of prize money to our future youth athletes that has remained unpaid for many years." Notice: Media outlets (Television, Radio, Social Media, and Websites) must mention the source ( when using our information in any form, whether in full or in part.
Member discussion