Mongolia News Summary for January 18, 2025

The following news articles are the opinions of their authors and publications. They are presented here as translations for informational purposes and do not necessarily represent the opinion of MongolBeat or its members.
Today's Stories
- Today, the Government of Mongolia will sign an investment agreement with "Orano Mining" registered in the French Republic
- Event: Signing of the Uranium Project Investment Agreement
- Today: Signing of Investment Agreement with Orano Mining Company
- The Government of Mongolia Signs an Investment Agreement with Orano Mining
- Signed Investment Agreement with Orano Mining Company
- PHOTO: Mongolia Signs Investment Agreement with France for Uranium Project
- Mongolia to Become a Key Player in the Uranium Market
- 10 Highlights of the Uranium Investment Agreement
- State Great Khural: Discussing the loan agreement for the oil refinery construction project
- Agreement to Sign Contracts Worth 15-20 Billion USD at Investment Forum
- Investment Agreement Signed with Orano Mining Company
- Signed an Investment Agreement for Uranium Mining
- Signed a Production Sharing Agreement
- Signing of the Uranium Investment Agreement
- Benefits of Mongolia from the Uranium Project
- Submission of the Loan Agreement Bill between the Government of Mongolia and the Export-Import Bank of India
- Nicolas Maes: Majority of Project Benefits Secured for Mongolia through Investment Agreement
- Mongolia Welcomes 727.4 Thousand Tourists in 2024, a 22% Increase from the Previous Year
- The Central Bank of Mongolia Must Maintain Price Stability and Currency Stability
- Nikola Maas: The Majority of the Project's Direct Benefits are Ensured to Go to Mongolia
- Discussion and Approval of Zoovch Ovoo and Dulaan Uul Deposit Feasibility Study Update
- Statistic: Meat Prices Have Risen the Most in the Last 4 Months
- There is sufficient stock of wheat required for domestic production
- Visit: "This visit is taking place on the basis of mutual benefit and its results are expected to appear shortly."
- STATE VISIT: "New Railway Route Through China and Turkey to Europe Agreement Reached"
- Visit: "Cooperation on Forest Fire and Pest Control, and Training Forest Professionals in Turkey"
- President Khurelsukh Held Official Talks with Turkish President Erdogan
- State Visit: "The Significance of the Visit Lies in Demonstrating Mutual Respect and Understanding Between Mongolia and Turkey"
- President R.T. Erdogan ceremonially receives President Battulga of Mongolia
- L. Oyun-Erdene: A Historic Day in Mongolia-France Relations
- State Visit: "Successfully Conducted Agreements for Active Mutual Operations in Parliamentary Experience Exchange"
- R.T. Erdoğan: I wish to make a reciprocal visit to Mongolia in the near future
- Visit: "Turkey Proposes Increasing the Number of Scholarship Students"
- Visit: Focus on Collaborating with Turkey for Training Rescuers and Firefighters
- “If there is a power shortage, electricity must inevitably be restricted”
- L. Oyun-Erdene: The Joint Government has Advanced its Third Mega Project
- Kh.Nyambaatar: Solve Our Big Projects to Solve Our Big Issues
- Energy Sector Needs a Minimum 30% Salary Increase
- PHOTO: Citizens Demonstrate in the Central Square Against Uranium
- Mongolia Drops Five Places in Press Freedom
- Visa and Visa Approval Rate is at 98.4%, Reports GADA
- A New Historical Beginning in Mongolia
- "The Chosunilbo": South Korean shops are redefining urban life in Mongolia's capital city
- Mongolia falls five positions in the press freedom index, ranking 109th
- A Public Council to Reduce Air Pollution to be Established
- Air Pollution in the Vicinity of the 7th Khoroo in Songino Khairkhan District is 13 Times Higher Than Normal
- Air Purifiers to be Installed in Kindergartens in the Most Polluted Areas
- Air Pollution in Bayankhoshuu and Tolgoit Areas
- LIVE: Discussions on Amendments to the Livestock Indexed Insurance Law
- Visit: "Plan to Establish a Drone Factory in Mongolia with Turkey's Ministry of Defense"
- A Program to Develop Outsourcing Capabilities in Cooperation with India
- Visit: "MNB partners with Turkey's TRT to digitize and convert their archive into a digital system for reuse"
The Government Is Set to Hold an Extraordinary Meeting Today
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
The regular meeting of the government usually takes place every Wednesday. However, today, the government is set to hold an extraordinary meeting. At present, it is unclear what issues will be discussed in the meeting. Meanwhile, it should be noted that the signing ceremony for the investment agreement between the joint Mongolian-French company “Badrakh Energy” LLC and the French-registered company “Orano Mining” took place today at the State Palace, organized by the Government of Mongolia.
Amendments Made to the General Tax Law
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
During the early session of the State Great Khural (Parliament), a final discussion was held on the bill to amend the General Tax Law, as well as whether to discuss the bill to amend the Livestock Indexed Insurance Law and the accompanying bills. The Parliament accepted the 4th conclusion of the Constitutional Court of 2024 regarding the first issue, and in compliance with this conclusion, a legal amendment that specifies in more detail the right of taxpayers (business entities, individuals) to privacy and inviolability of honor was finalized and passed with the support of the majority of members participating in the plenary session. Then, the Parliament discussed whether to consider the bill to amend the Livestock Indexed Insurance Law and the accompanying bills. In relation to the issues under discussion, Members of Parliament U.Otgonbayar, Kh.Baasanjargal, B.Bat-Erdene, J.Batjargal, Ts.Iderbat, Ts.Sandag-Ochir, L.Soronzonbold, Z.Mendsaikhan, Kh.Bulgantuya, Ch.Undram, and M.Mandakha spoke and sought clarification. As a result, it was agreed to discuss the bill and the accompanying bills within the framework of their concepts, and they were referred to the Standing Committee on Environment, Food and Agriculture for further consideration. In addition, the draft resolutions of the State Great Khural on "Adoption of the Plan of Scheduled Audits and Inspections for the Spring Session of the State Great Khural of 2025" and "Issues to be Discussed at the Spring Session of the State Great Khural of 2025" were discussed and approved.
Today, the Government of Mongolia will sign an investment agreement with "Orano Mining" registered in the French Republic
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
Today, the Government of Mongolia will sign an investment agreement with "Orano Mining", a company registered in the French Republic, which is an investor in the joint Mongolian-French company "Badrakh Energy" LLC. Specifically, based on the special meeting of the government, the right to sign the investment agreement with "Orano Mining" was granted to Mongolia's Minister and Head of Cabinet Secretariat N. Uchral, Minister of Finance B. Javkhlan, Minister of Industry and Minerals Ts. Tuvgaan, Minister of Environment and Climate Change S. Odontuya, Secretary of the Nuclear Energy Commission G. Manlaijav, and CEO of "Erdenes Mongol" LLC S. Narankhugt. This agreement is Mongolia's second-largest investment agreement to be established with a third country by the Government of Mongolia. In addition to its direct impact on increasing foreign investment, raising funds for the national and local budgets, creating jobs, introducing new technology, and enhancing international cooperation, it is expected to set a standard for future investment agreements in the mining and mineral sector.
Event: Signing of the Uranium Project Investment Agreement
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
At 10:00 AM in the State Palace, the regular autumn session of the State Great Khural will convene. At 11:40 AM, the Government of Mongolia will sign an investment agreement with "Badrakh Energy" LLC, a joint Mongolian-French company, and "Orano Mining," a company registered in the French Republic. At the National Statistics Office, Room 401, at 11:00 AM, a briefing on the preliminary implementation of Mongolia’s social and economic performance for 2024 will be held. At the National Center for Infectious Diseases at 11:00 AM, information on the current situation of influenza and influenza-like illnesses will be provided. At the Mongolian Bankers Association building from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM, a meeting will take place on the topic "Business Environment and Court Decision Implementation." In front of the Independent Authority Against Corruption at 11:00 AM, citizen O. Enkhmaa will report that information about illegal land ownership in Bogd Mountain was sent to the Anti-Corruption Agency but has not been investigated. At the National Information Center at 11:30 AM, the Union of Trade Unions of Heat and Power Producers and Distributors will provide evidence on possible violations of the rights of members by Union organizations in Mongolia, and criminal acts of corruption being conducted using member fees. Notice: Media organizations (Television, Radio, Social and Web pages) must cite their source ( when using our information in full or in part.
Today: Signing of Investment Agreement with Orano Mining Company
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
Ulaanbaatar. Summary of today's events: The President of Mongolia U. Khurelsukh is on a state visit to the Republic of Turkey at the invitation of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan from January 15 to 19. 11:00 AM: Information about the situation regarding influenza and influenza-like diseases will be provided at the National Center for Communicable Diseases. 11:30 AM: The Trade Union Confederation of Heat and Power Producers and Distributors will report at the National Information Center of Zuunii Medee newspaper about potential corruption crimes committed using their members' taxes against their own interests by forgetting the Law on Trade Union Rights. Contact: 99790206, 80190007. 11:40 AM: The Government of Mongolia will sign an investment agreement with Orano Mining company, a registered company in the Republic of France, which is a shareholder in the joint Mongolian-French company "Badrakh Energy" LLC. - Military registration continues in the capital city from January 6 to 22. - Materials from citizens wishing to benefit from tuition fee discounts for students studying at domestic and foreign universities and for those purchasing a residence for the first time are being accepted by the General Taxation Department from January 1. - An exhibition of new and distinguished works is being held at the "Blue Moon" gallery from January 7 to 20. In the provinces: - The VII Great Games of Mongolian Taekwondo, under the slogan "Let's Love and Protect Our Gobi Bear," are being held in various categories in the city of Khutul, Sukhbaatar district, Selenge province from January 13 to 17 and will conclude today. Abroad: - An exhibition on Mongolian language and script is being organized in Taipei, Taiwan; Seoul, South Korea; and Tokyo, Japan from January 15 to February 25.
The Government of Mongolia Signs an Investment Agreement with Orano Mining
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
The Government of Mongolia is signing an investment agreement with Orano Mining, a company registered in the Republic of France, and a shareholder in the Mongolian-French joint company, Badrakh Energy LLC. The signing ceremony is taking place at the State Palace. Notice: Media organizations (Television, Radio, Social Networks, and Websites) must cite the source ( if using our information in any form, either in full or in part.
Signed Investment Agreement with Orano Mining Company
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
The Government of Mongolia signed an Investment Agreement with the French Republic’s Orano Mining company to collaborate on a uranium project. Representing the Mongolian side were N. Ukhraal, head of the Cabinet Secretariat of the Government of Mongolia, B. Javkhlan, Minister of Finance, Ts. Tuvshin, Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources, and S. Narantsogt, Executive Director of Erdenes Mongol LLC. Representing the French side were Luron San Martán, Minister for Foreign Trade and French Nationals Abroad under the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs of the French Republic, Nicolas Maes, CEO of the Orano group, Xavier Sen Martan Thie, CEO of Orano Mining, and Marc Mellard, General Manager of Badrakh Energy. After the signing, Mongolia’s Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene and Luron San Martán delivered speeches. Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene emphasized that this agreement is Mongolia’s second major investment agreement with a third country, highlighting its significance. The Prime Minister noted that the agreement will lead to increased foreign investment, enhanced local and national budgets, the creation of numerous jobs, the introduction of new technology, and increased international cooperation. Additionally, it will serve as a benchmark for future investment agreements in the mining and mineral sector. Luron San Martán stated, "Today, we are signing a historic agreement enriched with new energy and new content. The Zuuch-Ovoo deposit is one of the world's 10 largest deposits. This deposit undeniably positions Mongolia as a major new player in the global uranium market. This deposit will also greatly contribute to the economic and social development of Dornogovi Province and Mongolia as a whole." The signing ceremony was attended by Deputy Prime Ministers T. Dorjkhand and S. Amarsaikhan, and other officials.
PHOTO: Mongolia Signs Investment Agreement with France for Uranium Project
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
A signing ceremony for an investment agreement between the Government of Mongolia and the French joint-stock company Orano Mining took place today with exclusive permission to use the photograph by MPA Agency. Representing the Mongolian side, the agreement was signed by the Minister of Mongolia, the Head of the Cabinet Secretariat N. Uchral, the Minister of Finance B. Javkhlan, the Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources Ts. Tuvdann, and the Executive Director of Erdenes Mongol LLC S. Narantsogt. Representing the French side, the agreement was signed by the Minister Delegate for Foreign Trade and the French Overseas of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs of the Republic of France, Laurent Saint Martin, the Chairman of the Board of Orano Group Nicolas Maes, the Executive Director of Orano Mining Xavier Saint Martin Tille, and the General Manager of Badrakh Energy Marc Meleard. The investment agreement with "Orano Mining SAS" is Mongolia's second largest investment agreement with any third neighbor country and is considered a model agreement for the mining and mineral sector, as stated by industry experts during the ceremony. Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene expressed the hope that the project will localize new techniques and technologies conforming to French and European Union standards for uranium extraction in Mongolia. He emphasized the construction of a new type of factory, the training of 1,600 specialized high-value experts, and the development of a skilled human resource pool among Mongolian citizens. Meanwhile, Laurent Saint Martin stated, "We will be with you at every stage of the project, offering you our best knowledge and expertise. French experience and know-how will contribute to energy transition, reducing carbon, and protecting biodiversity, and we will work closely with Mongolia to implement all these measures." Notice: Media organizations (Television, Radio, Social and Web pages) must mention the source ( when using our information in any form, either in whole or in part.
Mongolia to Become a Key Player in the Uranium Market
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
Two years ago, Mongolia announced to the world that it had acquired a deep copper mine, and today, it confirms that the new player named Mongolia is entering the uranium market. With the approval of the Parliament, the Mongolian government is set to sign an investment agreement today with the French company "Orano Mining S.A.S” for a uranium extraction project. During a state visit to France, President U. Khurelsukh of Mongolia moved forward with the investment agreement for the project that first arrived in 1997, and continuous discussions are now bringing it to fruition. The project will be implemented by the Mongolian-French joint venture "Badrakh Energy" LLC and Orano Mining S.A.S. This project is defined as the second largest project with a third neighbor country after the Oyu Tolgoi project for Mongolia. The country will receive a direct 51% profit from the project. Utilizing the Zuuvch-Ovoo deposit, one of the joint government’s 14 mega projects, will not only increase foreign investment but also create new jobs and help introduce new technology, among other benefits. The investor has been conducting exploration and extraction activities in Mongolia since 1997 for 27 years continuously and began the production trial of the Zuuvch-Ovoo deposit in July 2021, which was successfully completed in December 2022. After 18 rounds of negotiations with the investor, the Mongolian government pre-agreed on the following conditions regarding economic and investment aspects. Firstly, the initial investment amount will be approximately 500 million US dollars, which is planned to be made within 4 years from the date the agreement takes effect. The initial investment, in terms of project investment and operational financing, will be financed with the investor’s own equity rather than loans or similar financial instruments. During the project period, shareholder loans will not be permitted, and in cases where taking a loan is deemed necessary, it will be resolved through a shareholder meeting decision, and shareholder loans granted to the project company before the agreement takes effect will be transferred to the project company's equity. Instead of directly using the financial calculations provided by the investor, the Mongolian side has developed its own financial calculation model based on the feasibility study and international FAST (Flexible, Appropriate, Structured, and Transparent) standards, verifying it with the investor. The agreement assures that a significant portion of returns from the strategically important mineral deposit, not less than 51%, will be accumulated and received by Mongolia annually. The agreement draft specifies both direct revenues due to the government and the investor, and if the direct revenue for Mongolia is less than 51%, the investor and project implementing company must compensate the government with an additional payment to adjust the returns to 51%. The government will hold and retain 10% of the project's shares as preferential stock at no cost. Additionally, the government reserves the right to purchase up to 10% of the product on the same terms and conditions as the investor. During negotiations, the investor reduced its proposal from 27 types of taxes to stabilize only four types: corporate income tax, VAT, mineral resources usage fee, and customs tariffs. Although the investor proposed broadly stabilizing the tax calculation method, they only agreed on stabilizing three indicators: tax type, tax rate, and depreciation period, along with the period for carrying over losses. The mineral resources usage fee will be calculated using both basic and incremental rates, with the special fee being fully paid excluding deductions for the product sales valuation and without accounting for inflation. The project implementation is expected to contribute 520 billion MNT annually and 17.1 trillion MNT over the project lifespan to the state and local budgets, 61.5 billion MNT annually to the National Wealth Fund, and 2 trillion MNT total over the project lifespan, while creating around 1600 new jobs. The introduction of new technology will help localize and establish a sulfuric acid plant. Feasibility studies have earmarked 2.4 million USD for waste management and 96.2 million USD for starting the construction of the sulfuric acid plant from 2028.
10 Highlights of the Uranium Investment Agreement
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
Information was shared regarding the cooperation process between Mongolia and France and the key conditions included in the investment agreement related to uranium extraction projects. S. Narantsogt, Executive Director of Erdenes Mongol LLC, stated that during the negotiations, sub-working groups aimed to align the investment agreement with Mongolia's legal regulations, ensuring its implementation without any legal consequences in the future. This investment agreement with a third neighbor country aims to increase foreign investment, provide additional revenue for the national and local budgets, create new jobs, introduce new technologies, and ultimately improve international cooperation. It not only has direct socio-economic impacts but also sets a precedent for future mining and mineral investment agreements. After 18 rounds of negotiations with the investors, the government incorporated conditions that uphold Mongolia's interests and the fundamental principles of its Constitution: - Ensuring that Mongolia receives no less than 51% of the direct benefits annually from strategic mineral extraction operations. - If Mongolia does not receive a 51% direct benefit, additional payments will be required from the investor and implementing company to balance the returns. - The project's ownership includes converting 34% of ordinary shares into 10% preferred shares and 5% AMNTT, with an accumulative royalty up to 9%. This is projected to bring $593 million in dividends from preferred shares, $2 billion in AMNT payments, and a total of $5.2 billion to the national and local budgets. - The government reserves the right to directly hold preferential shares and receive priority dividends, with conditions that ordinary shareholders do not receive dividends unless preferred dividends are distributed. - Stabilizing four types of taxes: corporate income, VAT, mineral resource usage, and customs duties. AMNT payments will be fully made without adjusting for inflation. - The project scope will be limited to three current licenses, with no future licenses included in this agreement. Environmental monitoring, geo-ecological research, and radiation checks are mandated throughout all stages of the project. - The agreement includes a clause allowing the project company to purchase domestically produced elemental sulfur at a favorable price. - To support local development, an annual investment of one million dollars will be made. Over 90% of the workforce will be Mongolian nationals, and at least 60% of subcontractors and 40% of total annual purchases will be from tax-paying, registered Mongolian entities. - The agreement is set for 20 years with options for extension under legal provisions. - The government has the right to veto changes to the company's charter, license transfers, guarantees, and investment activity budgets. Tax disputes between parties will be resolved under domestic laws. Nicolas Maes, Chairman of the Board of Orano Mining S.A.S, expressed that it is an honor for Orano Group, a French state-owned company, to sign this historic agreement with the Mongolian Government. This agreement expands the long-term mutually beneficial cooperation between both parties. The agreement not only has historical significance but also reflects each of the 27 years of partnership that Orano Mining Group has developed in Mongolia. Furthermore, it acknowledges Orano Mining Group's expertise in exploration, extraction technologies, labor safety, environmental protection, and contributions to local development. The statistics for this project are astounding. The project has a uranium reserve of 90,000 tons, an initial capital expenditure of $1.6 billion, and will operate for 30 years. It will create 1,600 direct and indirect jobs, primarily filled by Mongolian workers. The energy produced annually from this uranium will be equivalent to energy derived from 55 million tons of coal, preventing the production of 4 billion tons of carbon dioxide during its operation. This actively supports Mongolia in its efforts against climate change. The investment agreement signed represents a mutually beneficial arrangement for both Mongolian citizens and Orano Mining Group. Under the agreement, international best standards and norms will be applied to protect the environment and develop responsible mining practices.
State Great Khural: Discussing the loan agreement for the oil refinery construction project
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
During the afternoon session of the State Great Khural (the Parliament of Mongolia), they are discussing the bill to approve the loan agreement between the Government of Mongolia and the Export-Import Bank of the Republic of India. The loan agreement detailed in this bill will finance the engineering, procurement, construction, and potential other expenses required for the "Oil Refinery Construction" project. WARNING: Media organizations (Television, Radio, Social, and Websites) must mention their source ( when using our information in any form, whether in whole or in part.
Agreement to Sign Contracts Worth 15-20 Billion USD at Investment Forum
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
The President of Mongolia, U. Khurelsukh, is on a state visit to the Republic of Turkey. As part of this visit, an investment forum was held in Ankara, and currently a business forum is starting in Istanbul. Around 130 business entrepreneurs from the Turkish side and representatives of about 100 companies from Mongolia's construction, food, agriculture, healthcare, and mining sectors are attending the forum. During the forum, Mongolia's Deputy Prime Minister, L. Gantomor, stated, "Mongolia will significantly increase mining sector productivity and revenue in the next 2-3 years and will implement industrialization and infrastructure projects. Our country is connected to the Chinese, Japanese, and European markets and is fully integrating with Southeast Asia. We are pleased to cooperate with Turkey in business and investment sectors." On the other hand, Turkey's Minister of Trade, Ömer Bolat, said, "Turkey is executing around 1200 projects and programs in 137 countries worldwide. Our companies operate internationally with a well-known reputation in many sectors. Therefore, we want to showcase our capabilities in Mongolia. We will collaborate with Mongolian companies, invest and make significant progress in the development of bilateral trade." During this time, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Development, L. Gantomor, met with Turkey's Minister of Trade, Ömer Bolat. During the meeting, the Mongolian side highlighted that the main sectors for investment are leather, cashmere, and mining, while Turkey's Minister of Trade discussed the possibilities of exporting animal-derived products that meet halal standards excellently. Under the framework of the Turkey-Mongolia Investment Forum, contracts worth 15-20 billion tugriks are being signed. It is noteworthy that by 2024, the trade turnover between the two countries reached 115.4 million USD, with Turkey accounting for 97% and Mongolia for 3% of the total.
Investment Agreement Signed with Orano Mining Company
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
The Gogo team is working to bring you live information. After signing the agreement, Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene delivered a speech. He said, "Distinguished Mongolians, esteemed investors, Mongolia has signed an investment agreement for a uranium project. In Mongolia, there is a saying of our forefathers: our word is our bond. This means that once a contract has been made, it is legally stable. The Government of Mongolia will adhere to the Investment Agreement ratified by the State Parliament. The French Republic is our third neighbor and a close European partner." The signing ceremony was attended by Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene, Deputy Prime Minister T. Dorjkhand, and S. Amarsaikhan. From the Mongolian side for the Investment Agreement: - Minister and Chief of Cabinet Secretariat of Government N. Uchral - Minister of Finance B. Javkhlan - Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources Ts. Tuvaan - Minister of Environment and Climate Change S. Odontuya - Secretary of the Nuclear Energy Commission G. Manlaijav - CEO of Erdenes Mongol LLC S. Narantsogt From the French side: - Minister of Foreign Trade and Commerce - CEO of Orano Group - CEO of Badrakh Energy LLC, Marc The ceremony to sign the Investment Agreement with "Orano Mining," registered in the Republic of France, and the investor in the Mongolian-French joint venture "Badrakh Energy" LLC, began.
Signed an Investment Agreement for Uranium Mining
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
The Government of Mongolia and the French company "Orano Mining S.A.S" have just signed an investment agreement for uranium mining. The signing ceremony was attended by Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene, Deputy Prime Minister T. Dorjkhant, Deputy Prime Minister S. Amarsaikhan, and members of the State Great Khural (Parliament) and the Government. On behalf of the Government of Mongolia, the agreement was signed by the Chief of the Cabinet Office N. Uchral, Minister of Finance B. Javklhan, Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources Ts. Tuvaan, and member of the working group, CEO of "Erdenes Mongol" company N. Narantsogt. After the ceremony, the Prime Minister delivered a speech. Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene stated, "Honorable citizens of Mongolia, esteemed international investors. Today, Mongolia signed an agreement with France to work together on a uranium agreement. This agreement is historically significant as it is the second investment agreement made with a third neighbor. The investment agreement approved by the Government and Parliament, and the intergovernmental agreement ratified by the Government, will be strictly followed in the future. I would like to emphasize that France is our third neighbor and a close and trusted partner in Europe. I would like to express my gratitude on behalf of the Government of Mongolia to all political parties, leaders, members of Parliament, President Khurelsukh, Speaker of Parliament Amarbaysgalan, members of the Government working group, sector scientists and researchers for their political support in approving this investment agreement. As part of the implementation of the Vision 2050 development policy, structural reforms were introduced. In 2023, modifications to the Constitution of Mongolia were made, leading to a transition to a mixed electoral system. As a result of the 2024 elections, a coalition government was established and announced a program "Zorigt for Rapid Development", declaring a goal to implement 14 mega projects that had been politically stuck for many years. The Coalition Government has thus managed to move its third mega project. I am confident that this project, in terms of its social and economic significance, will redefine Mongolia's investment environment on the international stage, bringing about a major resurgence in foreign direct investment, especially in clean energy investment. The project aims to produce 68,900 tons of uranium, a raw material for green energy or nuclear energy, reducing global greenhouse gas emissions by 3.9 billion tons compared to traditional coal-powered plants, thus taking an important step towards fulfilling commitments made at the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change. Mongolia is putting its natural resources to economic use for clean energy production. This project will bring approximately 5 billion dollars in profit to the people of Mongolia, directly transferring 44 million dollars to the local development fund through the Wealth Fund, creating opportunities for local support, and investing in education, health, and social development. According to the National Wealth Fund Law, this project will flow directly into the accumulation fund of the citizens' savings accounts of the National Wealth Fund without waiting for dividend distributions once the project is operational. The National Wealth Fund Law does not restrict investors but rather establishes a favorable legal environment to negotiate mutually beneficially with investors and mobilize big projects, demonstrating this internationally through this investment agreement. Following this, Luron Saint-Martin, Minister responsible for Foreign Trade and French Nationals Abroad under the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs of France, delivered a speech: "It is an honor to meet with you on my first overseas visit since my appointment. This year opens with very positive conditions for Mongolia and France and the beautiful relationship connecting our two countries. I believe 2025 will be a year of our shared success and pride. In May 2023, President Emmanuel Macron made the first state visit to Mongolia by a President of France. In October of the same year, Mongolian President Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh made a reciprocal visit to Paris. The momentum introduced by the Presidents of our two countries has borne fruit. Since these visits, within two years, we are celebrating the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our two countries and signing a historic agreement that injects new energy and enriches our bilateral relations. The scope of this agreement is historic and of strategic significance for both countries. The Zuuvch-Ovoo deposit is one of the world's top 10 largest deposits, making Mongolia a significant new player in the world uranium market. This deposit will provide a major boost to the economic and social development of the Dornogovi Province and Mongolia. This agreement will contribute to France's independence by ensuring our energy supply. Our bilateral relations have reached a profound level. It is evident that our relationship is not solely based on interests. This means we have a unified understanding of the challenges we must face together. We share a common desire to combat climate change by promoting sustainable, carbon-free solutions, diversify our cooperation, and reduce dependence jointly. We are determined to deepen all types of relations, strengthen trade and investment, and work together for the mutual benefit and independence of our two peoples. The global competition has become fierce, and we need strong partners. France prides itself on being Mongolia's third neighbor. We will be with you throughout every phase of this project, offering what we know best and our capabilities. French expertise and know-how will meet your expectations in areas such as energy transition, carbon reduction, and biodiversity protection. This agreement is successful. It is also a commitment for the future. Our trade turnover has quadrupled in ten years, and our cooperation will expand into important sectors. We will achieve even more in the coming years. We have the strength and determination for this. Thank you for your decisive support and trust in bringing this project to a successful completion. You can be confident in our commitment to further enrich and sustain this partnership."
Signed a Production Sharing Agreement
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
Today, a signing ceremony was held for the Production Sharing Agreement to be established between the Mining and Heavy Industry Agency of the Government and Petro Matad Energy Limited regarding the "Borzon VII" petroleum exploration site. Acting Director of the Mineral Resources and Petroleum Authority, Sh. Gankhuyag, and CEO of Petro Matad Group, Mike Buck, signed the agreement. Petro Matad first signed a Production Sharing Agreement with the Mongolian Government in 2006 and began oil exploration operations. This marks the signing of their fourth agreement today. The Borzon VII site covers a large area of over 40,000 km² and is located in the southern part of Mongolia, bordering the northern sedimentary basins of China. These basins have oil and natural gas deposits, which could potentially extend into the Borzon VII site. Petro Matad commenced oil production operations on their Matad XX site on October 25, 2024, enabling Mongolia to bring its fourth oil field into operation and increase production levels. The commercial terms of this agreement are designed to be more favorable for foreign investors compared to some international regions. Through attracting investment in oil exploration and extraction, the Government of Mongolia aims to fulfill its strategic goals of supplying necessary raw materials to Mongolia’s petroleum industry and ensuring energy independence.
Signing of the Uranium Investment Agreement
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
Two years after being agreed upon at the presidential level between Mongolia and France to jointly implement a uranium project and establish an investment agreement, the parties are now officially signing it. This makes it Mongolia's first foreign investment agreement since the Oyu Tolgoi project. Including reclamation, the project is expected to last over 50 years, making it the first of its kind in Mongolia. Although smaller than Oyu Tolgoi, the project is valuable as it involves investment from a "third neighbor," which is a necessity for Mongolia. Unlike the Oyu Tolgoi project, Mongolia will not take a 34% share in this project but will instead receive preferential shares. Mongolia will benefit by 51% from taxes and preferential shares, according to the working group. Let's take a look at some clauses included in the uranium investment agreement. Economy and Investment The initial investment amount is about $500 million, to be made within four years of the agreement's effective date. The initial investment will be financed by the investor's own funds, with shareholder loans being disallowed during the project's lifespan. Should a loan become necessary, it will require approval during a shareholders' meeting. Rather than relying solely on financial calculations provided by the investor, the Mongolian side will develop its financial modeling based on the Feasibility Study and international FAST (Flexible, Appropriate, Structured, Transparent) standards, and review it with the investor to ensure that Mongolia receives no less than a 51% share of the cumulative proceeds annually from mineral deposits of strategic importance. The government will not have any obligation to invest in the project. The draft agreement specifies the direct benefits to both the government and the investor. Should Mongolia's direct benefit fall below 51%, the investor and the project company will compensate the shortfall to the government. The government will acquire "special government-owned preferential shares" equal to 10% of the project company's equity, at no cost, ensuring that its share does not decrease. The government may buy up to 10% of the product from the investor on the same terms and conditions. The government holds the right to veto amendments to the company's charter, transfer or pledge of special licenses, guarantees, and changes to investment or operational cost terms. Tax and Finance Out of 27 types of taxes the investor proposed to stabilize, the negotiations have resulted in stabilizing only four: corporate income tax, VAT, mining royalty, and customs tariffs. Environmental taxes will not be stabilized. A proposal to stabilize the tax calculations broadly was discussed, resulting in stability for only three indicators: tax types, rates, depreciation, loss carryforward periods. No stabilization for legislative acts in the investment agreement. Applying mining royalties for other minerals contained in the product. Initially, marketing and know-how fees from the project activities were not considered as part of the investor's earnings, but this condition was adjusted during negotiations. This prevents the investor from inflating its costs and, consequently, the risk of undermining Mongolia's share of benefits. Regional Development and Environment Environmental monitoring, geo-ecological studies, and radiation controls will be carried out throughout the project, based on baseline indicators defined in the Feasibility Study and Environmental Impact Assessment. An external audit from the International Atomic Energy Agency's inspectors will be conducted every three years during project operations. The project company will sign a tri-party cooperation agreement with the Governor of Dornogovi Province and the Governor of Ulaanbadrakh County, where the project will be implemented, to support local development. Under the cooperation agreement, an investment of $300,000 during construction, $1,000,000 during mine operation, and $1,100,000 during mine closure will be made for local development initiatives. During the mine's operation phase, at least 90% of the workforce must be Mongolian citizens. At least 60% of subcontractors and 40% of annual procurement costs during mine operation must be with entities registered and paying taxes in Mongolia. The investment agreement will be valid for 20 years, with an option to extend based on compliance with specified requirements.
Benefits of Mongolia from the Uranium Project
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
After signing the investment agreement, Nicolas Maes, Chairman of the Board of "Orano Mining" Group, and S. Narantsogt, CEO of "Erdenes Mongol" LLC, held a press conference. S. Narantsogt, CEO of "Erdenes Mongol" LLC, introduced the process of negotiating the investment agreement and the special conditions included in the agreement. According to S. Narantsogt, after 18 rounds of negotiations following the legal statutes of Mongolia and international law principles, the following conditions that favor Mongolia's national interest were included in the agreement: 1. The Mongolian side developed its financial calculation model based on international FAST (Flexible, Appropriate, Structured, Transparent) standards and verified its calculations against those provided by the investors. It ensured that annually, Mongolia would receive no less than 51% of the direct benefits from the exploitation of strategically important mineral deposits. 2. The direct benefits to Mongolia have been clearly defined, and should the benefits not reach 51%, a "benefit equalization additional payment" will be made by the investor and the project implementing company to the government to ensure it does. 3. The government’s 34% ordinary shares will be substituted with 10% preferred shares and a special payment of 5% for mineral resource use. It is estimated that 593 million dollars in dividends from preferred shares, 2 billion dollars for AMNAT, and a total of 5.2 billion dollars will be accumulated in the national and local budgets. 4. The government holds 10% preferential shares directly and has the right to first receive dividends. Dividends cannot be distributed to ordinary shareholders unless preferential shares dividends have been paid. 5. The proposal to stabilize 27 types of taxes was reduced during negotiations, and only 4 types; corporate income tax, VAT, AMNAT, and customs tax, have been stabilized. AMNAT will be fully paid without accounting for inflation. 6. The investment agreement will only cover the 3 exploration licenses currently held by the project implementer. Future licenses will not be included. Advanced in-situ leaching technology will be used for extraction throughout the project, with environmental monitoring, geo-ecological surveys, and radiation control implemented, along with independent audits by IAEA experts every 3 years. 7. If Mongolia produces and sells elemental sulfur domestically, the project company will have the first right of purchase at a feasible price, with production under national laboratory control. 8. To support local development, the project company will annually invest 1 million USD, and more than 90% of employees must be Mongolian citizens. At least 60% of subcontractors and 40% of total annual procurement must go to Mongolian taxpayers. 9. The agreement has a term of 20 years, extendable as specified by law, without stabilizing legal provisions. 10. The government can veto changes to the company’s charter, license transfers, collateral, guarantees, and capital and operational cost alterations, and disputes must be resolved per domestic law before going to international arbitration. The implementation of this investment agreement will result in 520 billion MNT added to the national and local budgets annually, 17.1 trillion MNT over the project’s timeline, 61.5 billion MNT annually to the National Wealth Fund, and 2 trillion MNT over the project’s duration. Approximately 1,600 new jobs will be created, and infrastructure and sulfuric acid plant developments will proceed, with advancements in technology and expertise. Furthermore, foreign investment will increase, fostering new industries, advanced technologies, knowledge transfer, and a rise in specialized workforce resources. The socio-economic benefits include Mongolia becoming an exporter of strategically significant products and a key player in the uranium market, paving the way for developing non-carbon emitting clean energy sources.
Submission of the Loan Agreement Bill between the Government of Mongolia and the Export-Import Bank of India
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
Today, the Minister of Finance B. Javkhlan submitted the bill to ratify the loan agreement between the Government of Mongolia and the Export-Import Bank of the Republic of India to the Speaker of the State Great Khural, D. Amarbaysgalan. According to the bill, the loan agreement signed on January 16, 2025, between the Government of Mongolia and the Export-Import Bank of the Republic of India, is to be ratified as proposed by the Government of Mongolia. The bill specifies that the loan agreement's funds will finance the engineering, procurement, construction, and other necessary costs for the "Oil Refinery Construction" project as reported by the Press Service of the State Great Khural.
Nicolas Maes: Majority of Project Benefits Secured for Mongolia through Investment Agreement
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
Following the signing of the investment agreement, Nicolas Maes, Chairman of the Board of "Orano Mining" group, and S. Narantsogt, Executive Director of "Erdenes Mongol" LLC, held a press conference. Nicolas Maes stated, "For me and for the Orano group, it is an honor to have concluded a historic investment agreement with the Government of Mongolia. By establishing this agreement, we have added a new dimension to our mutual long-term beneficial cooperation. This historic agreement is not only of high importance, but it also exemplifies Orano group's 27 years of partnership with Mongolia. Furthermore, it expresses the high value placed on our exploration, extraction technologies, health and safety, environmental protection, and contributions to local development. The figures representing this project are truly impressive. The project involves a uranium reserve of 1.5 million tons and will spend a total of 1.6 billion USD over 30 years of mine operation. The project will create 1600 direct and indirect jobs, the majority of which will be held by Mongolians. The energy generated annually from the uranium extracted from this mine is equivalent to the energy produced from 55 million tons of coal. Over the 30-year operation of the mine, it will prevent the production of 4 billion tons of carbon dioxide. Thus, it actively supports Mongolia's contribution to combating climate change. Today, the investment agreement we have concluded represents mutually beneficial cooperation for Mongolia and the Orano group. By implementing this project, Orano group assures diversification of uranium product supply to nuclear energy production worldwide. For Mongolia, this not only speeds up economic development but also provides the opportunity to become a strategically significant player in the nuclear sector. The investment agreement ensures that the majority of the project's benefits remain in Mongolia, contributing to sustainable economic growth. Under the agreement, Orano group will introduce international best practices, commit to responsible mining and environmental protection. Moreover, it will implement development and cooperation programs supporting local communities. This will lay the foundation for a mining operation that sets standards in the uranium extraction industry. By concluding this agreement, we have set the groundwork for elevating Mongolian-French cooperation to a strategic level. I wish to express my gratitude to those who significantly contributed to making this agreement a reality.
Mongolia Welcomes 727.4 Thousand Tourists in 2024, a 22% Increase from the Previous Year
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
The Sustainable Tourism Development Project, funded by the Asian Development Bank, has been underway since 2019. In 2024, Mongolia welcomed 727 thousand tourists, marking a 22% increase compared to the previous year. The country has set a goal to reach one million tourists and is revising its list of visa-free countries. According to the National Statistical Office, the number of tourists from Taiwan increased by 2.3 times, while tourists from China and Japan increased by 25.6% and 26.5%, respectively. The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) highlighted in their study: "It is important for Mongolia to develop sustainable tourism while preserving its resources. Developing infrastructure, camping and resting areas, and protected zones, as well as clearly defining travel routes, are crucial to sustainable tourism development." The Sustainable Tourism Development Project, which has been in progress since 2019 with a loan from the Asian Development Bank, aims to address infrastructure development, road construction, waste management, and environmental protection at tourist sites around Khuvsgul Lake and Onon Balj. Project teams emphasize that the project is aimed at supporting tourism by addressing these issues comprehensively.
The Central Bank of Mongolia Must Maintain Price Stability and Currency Stability
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
The General Assembly discussed the candidates for non-permanent members of the Monetary Policy Committee of the Central Bank of Mongolia. During this session, Member of Parliament E. Batshugar provided advice to the candidates and expressed the following views. Member of Parliament E. Batshugar: - The Monetary Policy Committee of the Central Bank of Mongolia is a very important institution that can directly and indirectly affect society and the economy. This committee makes many policy decisions, such as increasing or decreasing the policy interest rate of the Central Bank, and adjusting the required reserves of commercial banks in MNT and foreign currency. These decisions must be independent, and by maintaining the independence of the Central Bank, it is possible to ensure economic and financial stability. Therefore, there are a few questions. First, how do you view the main goal of the Central Bank? Second, based on what you have learned so far, what monetary policy theory does the Central Bank follow? There are many monetary policy theories. Which one do you believe in? During the Economic Standing Committee meeting, candidate R. Davaadorj was asked what the policy interest rate of the Central Bank is and how it affects the real economy. He did not know. He answered incorrectly, saying that it was the average interest rate of inter-bank loans. That's not correct, please research it well. Because you need to have a voice in the matter of the policy rate. I want to say, study how and through what channels the theory of the Central Bank and the central bank's policy affects the economy. The Central Bank's policy committee decided to increase the required reserves in MNT and foreign currency by two percent. Since you are about to be appointed, I want to ask how this decision will affect the real economy. Candidate for the non-permanent member of the Monetary Policy Committee of the Central Bank, Radnaasediin Davaadorj: - They say that I didn't know about the Central Bank's policy rate. I might have answered incorrectly on this. They say the Central Bank increased its reserves in MNT and foreign currency by two percent. So I understand that they are following a tight monetary policy. Member of Parliament E. Batshugar: - The government is expanding its budget to implement its mega project programs for development, but on the other hand, the Central Bank cannot hold back. The Central Bank needs to work in the direction of maintaining price stability and exchange rate stability while balancing to support economic growth in Mongolia.
Nikola Maas: The Majority of the Project's Direct Benefits are Ensured to Go to Mongolia
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
The signing ceremony for the investment agreement between Mongolia and "Orano Mining," a French registered company and investor in the joint Mongolian-French "Badrakh Energy" LLC, took place today at the State Palace. Nicholas Maas, CEO of the Orano Group, stated: "By establishing this agreement, both parties are set to engage in a long-term and mutually beneficial relationship, thereby strengthening the friendly cooperation between Mongolia and France. The signing of the agreement is a testament to the high regard in which the Orano Group's mining technology, safety standards, environmental protection, and contributions to local development are held. The figures presented by this project are truly remarkable. The mine has a uranium reserve of 90,000 tons, with a total capital expenditure of 1.6 billion USD over a 30-year lifespan. This project is expected to create 1,600 direct and indirect jobs, with the majority of these jobs being filled by Mongolian citizens. The annual uranium production from this mine will generate energy equivalent to what would be generated from 55 million tons of coal. During the operational period of the mine, it will prevent the production of four billion tons of carbon dioxide, providing significant support to Mongolia's efforts in combating climate change. For Orano Group, the implementation of this project diversifies the supply of uranium products to all its global nuclear energy producers. For Mongolia, this project not only accelerates economic development but also positions the country as a strategic player in the nuclear sector. "We are laying the foundation for a benchmark mine in Mongolia's uranium mining industry." The investment agreement ensures that the majority of the direct benefits from the project will go to Mongolia, contributing significantly to the sustainable growth of Mongolia's economy. Orano Group is committed to implementing the best international standards and norms in the framework of this agreement and to developing responsible mining practices while protecting the environment. In addition, local development and cooperation programs for supporting the communities will be implemented. This sets the foundation for a benchmark mine in Mongolia's uranium mining sector.
Discussion and Approval of Zoovch Ovoo and Dulaan Uul Deposit Feasibility Study Update
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
Ulaanbaatar - The Minerals Professional Council of the Ministry of Mining and Heavy Industry recently held its expanded meeting for 2024. During the meeting, it was decided to discuss and approve the updated feasibility study for using in-situ leaching to extract resources from the Zoovch Ovoo and Dulaan Uul deposits, located in Ulaanbadrakh soum, Dornogovi aimag. It is planned to carry out construction activities at the Zoovch Ovoo and Dulaan Uul deposits from 2025 to 2028, with operational activities from 2028 to 2060 and mine closure and monitoring from 2060 to 2070. The project's implementation is expected to yield an average of 2,500 tons of uranium annually, create 795 jobs, designate $329.06 million for mine closure and reclamation, and attract an investment of $1.67 billion. It is also anticipated to contribute $4.6 billion to the state and local budgets over the project's duration. This initiative is one of the 14 mega projects included in the government's 2024-2028 action plan and represents the second-largest investment agreement to be established with a third country by the government. In addition to the direct socio-economic impacts—such as increasing foreign investment, generating budget revenue for the state and local areas, creating jobs, adopting new technologies, and fostering international cooperation—it is noted for introducing a new type of export mineral resource to the mining sector, according to the Ministry of Mining and Heavy Industry.
Statistic: Meat Prices Have Risen the Most in the Last 4 Months
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
The government decided to increase the base salaries of civil servants in line with the inflation rate during its meeting on December 25, 2024. Specifically, from January 1, 2025, the salaries of civil servants increased by 6 percent. As a result, the minimum base salary for special state, state administrative, and professional civil service employees rose to 1,166,000 tugriks, while the minimum base salary for general civil service employees increased to 954,000 tugriks. In addition, the law regarding pensions provided by the social insurance fund states that "the amount of pension for pension recipients shall be increased from January 1 each year in line with the previous year’s average annual inflation rate." In accordance with the law, the minimum full pension and military pension provided by the social insurance fund were newly set at 689,000 tugriks, and the minimum calculated pension from the social insurance fund was newly set at 572,400 tugriks. It is an unwritten rule that the prices of consumer goods rise following any news of salary and pension increases. Let us present the changes in the prices of basic consumer food products through statistics. According to the information from the National Statistics Office, as of January 13, 2025, the price of mutton with bones increased by 1.32 percent or 189 tugriks compared to the previous week, and the price of boneless mutton increased by 0.73 percent or 111 tugriks. The price of beef with bones decreased by 0.12 percent or 22 tugriks compared to the previous week, while the price of boneless beef increased by 3.39 percent or 700 tugriks. The price of horse meat with bones increased by 2.4 percent or 300 tugriks, and the price of goat meat with bones is on average priced at 12,800 tugriks per kilogram. As of January 13, 2025, in the major food markets and stores in the capital, the price of a 1 kg bag of "Altan Taria" flour is priced at 3,000-3,500 tugriks for the highest grade, 2,018-2,500 tugriks for the first grade, and 1,018-2,200 tugriks for the second grade. Additionally, Mongolian potatoes are priced at 1,000-1,500 tugriks in food markets and stores, with the cheapest being 1,000 tugriks at the "Khuchit Shonkhor Market" and the highest being 1,500 tugriks at the "Khar Khorin Market." Mongolian carrots are priced at 2,000-3,000 tugriks. "Atar" bread is priced at 2,470-2,670 tugriks in food markets and stores, with "Orgil Supermarket" selling "Atar" bread at the lowest price of 2,470 tugriks, and "Max Supermarket" selling at the highest price of 2,670 tugriks. Compared to September 2024, the average price of bread has increased by 130 tugriks.
There is sufficient stock of wheat required for domestic production
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
The Minister of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry, J. Enkhbayar, met with flour producers, which are strategic food products of Mongolia, to discuss the current situation and pressing issues in the flour industry. At the beginning of the meeting, discussions were held on consolidating last year's harvest reports, determining the amount of wheat received by flour factories, and setting the amount of flour to be produced this year based on the stock of wheat in the national reserve. Ts. Bolorchuluun, Head of the Policy and Planning Department of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry, presented state policies and work implementation plans, while B. Tsogtsaran, Director of the Agricultural Corporation SOE, noted that domestic flour factories have reserved about 210,000 tons of wheat. The Agricultural Corporation SOE's reserves include 70,000 tons of wheat. It was highlighted that the stock of wheat required for domestic production in 2025 is sufficient. The discussion was attended by the leaders of "Ulaanbaatar Flour" JSC, "Oeg Flour" LLC, "Od Group", "Uguuj Flour" LLC, "Khovsgol Altanduulga" JSC, and "Millhouse" Flour Factory. Flour producers expressed their position that the government should reconsider the prices of wheat and flour and customs duties. Currently, the factories' capacity has decreased by 30-50 percent, resulting in significant downtime, and difficulties in paying wages were reported. It was emphasized that the main reason why the factories are unable to operate at full capacity is directly related to the decreased sales of flour. Therefore, a decision that supports domestic manufacturers is needed due to the significant impact of the amount of imported flour. Minister J. Enkhbayar reminded that domestic flour manufacturers should improve the unified organization of their association, ensure full stability, make unified policy decisions, develop a medium-term work plan, and have a unified goal.
Visit: "This visit is taking place on the basis of mutual benefit and its results are expected to appear shortly."
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
A state visit by the President of Mongolia, Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh, to the Republic of Turkey is underway at the invitation of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of Turkey. Our news team is providing live information about President Khurelsukh's visit from Turkey. During the President's visit, the following information was provided by the President’s foreign policy advisor, E. Odbayar. He stated, "Establishing a strategic partnership with any country means that a nation like ours, which conducts its foreign policy through political and diplomatic means, is enabled to actively engage in mutually beneficial cooperation in every sector. During this state visit by our country's President to Turkey, it is clearly visible from the meetings between government officials and the one-on-one bilateral meetings between the presidents of our two nations. Not only does this express the full potential for collaboration in every field, but it also indicates a substantial amount of untapped opportunities. Additionally, Turkey signed about 10 documents with our country. Hence, the result of the visit is proceeding under the principle of mutual benefit, and its effects are anticipated to emerge shortly. Our most critical task is not just to conduct the visit, but to very intensely and effectively implement the work plans following the visit,” he said.
STATE VISIT: "New Railway Route Through China and Turkey to Europe Agreement Reached"
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
At the invitation of the President of the Republic of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the state visit of the President of Mongolia, Ukhnaagiin Khürelsükh, to Turkey is ongoing. Our reporting team is providing live coverage of President Khürelsükh's visit to Turkey. During the visit, discussions were held about agreements in the field of road and transportation. We clarified some aspects with the Minister of Road and Transport, B. Delgersaikhan. He stated, "Based on the previous agreements between the governments of Mongolia and Turkey, we have discussed and agreed on the following three issues in the road and transport sector. Air transport between Mongolia and Turkey has developed significantly. As of now, there are seven flights per week, and the number of transit passengers is increasing year by year. The number of people engaged in business and trade, as well as those receiving medical services, has also increased. Therefore, the two parties have agreed to increase the number of flights. We aim to create a new freight transportation route, particularly expanding the traffic flow currently passing through Russia to Europe, to establish a second route through Chinese territory, Kyrgyzstan, and Turkey leading to Europe. Discussions were also held regarding work to be done in the auto transport sector. Furthermore, President Erdoğan of Turkey expressed his intention to visit Mongolia this coming June and to participate in the mega projects being implemented in Mongolia. For instance, discussions were held about providing aid and concessional loans from Turkey for the construction of Kharkhorin city's airport.
Visit: "Cooperation on Forest Fire and Pest Control, and Training Forest Professionals in Turkey"
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
The state visit of President Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh of Mongolia to the Republic of Turkey, at the invitation of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is ongoing. Our reporting team is providing live updates from the Turkish capital about the Mongolian President's visit. During the visit, the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, S. Odontuya, shared information about the agreements made in the area of environmental cooperation. She stated, "The Ministry of Environment has signed three important documents. In the environmental sector, we will work together. We discussed working together on critical areas such as combating climate change, pasture land degradation, desertification, and water issues. We will also collaborate in forestry. Turkey is a country with considerable experience in preventing forest fires and implementing measures against such events. Therefore, we will work extensively in this area. Additionally, we will train skilled professionals. Thirdly, we will establish sister parks between the Orkhon Valley National Park in Mongolia and the National Park in Ankara, Turkey, to promote cooperative efforts. As part of the President's 'One Billion Trees' National Movement, we will collaborate significantly. A key challenge facing Mongolia's forestry sector is the fight against forest-damaging pests, which is costly. Thus, we will work with Turkey on this front. We had extensive discussions with the Turkish Minister of Environment during the desertification meeting in Saudi Arabia. Turkey expressed its commitment to provide support and cooperation for the COP17 desertification conference to be held in Mongolia in 2026.”
President Khurelsukh Held Official Talks with Turkish President Erdogan
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
The state visit of the President of Mongolia, Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh, to the Republic of Turkey continues. Within the framework of the state visit, President Khurelsukh and President Erdogan held official talks. During the talks, the two heads of state expressed their satisfaction with the active development of comprehensive partnership relations between Mongolia and Turkey in many economic and social sectors, thanks to the efforts of both parties. They confirmed their commitment to further elevate the level of relations and work effectively together in all fields of cooperation. Specifically, they discussed expanding mutually beneficial cooperation in line with the common goals outlined in the long-term development policies of the two countries, enriching their economic content, implementing joint projects and programs that symbolize their relationship, increasing investment, and actively cooperating in the fields of environment, health, culture, education, sports, tourism, transportation, emergencies, and disaster prevention. The two heads of state also discussed climate change, desertification, soil degradation, and food shortages as global challenges and expressed their commitment to contributing to international efforts to address these challenges. They spoke about aligning the initiatives and goals proposed by the two countries to work together effectively. During the talks, they discussed strengthening the tradition of cooperation within the United Nations and other international organizations and exchanged views on certain regional and international issues. Source: Official website
State Visit: "The Significance of the Visit Lies in Demonstrating Mutual Respect and Understanding Between Mongolia and Turkey"
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
At the invitation of the President of the Republic of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the state visit of the President of Mongolia, Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh, to Turkey is currently underway. Our reporting team is broadcasting live information about the visit of the Mongolian President from Turkey. Zafer Ateş, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Turkey to Mongolia, stated, "It is of great significance that the President of Mongolia is making a state visit to Turkey after 21 years. This visit demonstrates to the world how Mongolia and Turkey respect and understand each other on the political stage. In addition, the relationship between our countries has reached a high level in all sectors of society, economy, trade, agriculture, tourism, health, and environmental protection, as stated in the declarations of the two Presidents. This clearly shows the high level our two countries' relations have achieved."
President R.T. Erdogan ceremonially receives President Battulga of Mongolia
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan officially received President Ukhnaa Khurelsukh of Mongolia, who is on a state visit to the Republic of Turkey, at the palace complex. During the welcoming ceremony, the national anthems of both countries were played, and a ceremonial salute was performed, followed by a report presented to President Khurelsukh by the commander of the State Honor Guard. The heads of state exchanged greetings with the official delegations of Mongolia and Turkey who attended the welcome ceremony. The palace complex is a venue for government meetings, presidential meetings, and events, and it hosts foreign heads of state and high-level representatives. Within the framework of this state visit, the presidents of the two countries will hold a one-on-one meeting and official talks, followed by a briefing for media representatives. During the visit, the parties will sign intergovernmental agreements on cooperation in education, youth and sports, health, and medical sciences, as well as documents on cooperation in the fields of environment, mining, transport and infrastructure, forestry, law, and legal affairs. The presidents of the two countries met during an expanded session of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization member states, held in the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, in 2024. They agreed that high-level reciprocal visits and dialogues are crucial for expanding and developing relations and discussed deepening mutually beneficial cooperation in all fields, advancing the comprehensive partnership, and ceremonially celebrating the 55th anniversary of diplomatic relations establishment, among other matters.
L. Oyun-Erdene: A Historic Day in Mongolia-France Relations
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
Prime Minister of Mongolia L. Oyun-Erdene met today with Luron San Martan, the Minister for Foreign Trade and Relations with Mongolians Abroad of the Republic of France, and Nicolas Maas, CEO of Orano Group. The Republic of France is Mongolia's "third neighbor" and a trusted partner in Europe. As a permanent member of the UN Security Council and one of the founders of the European Union, developing mutually beneficial cooperation is an important goal of Mongolia's foreign policy. This year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, and today, the parties signed a long-stalled uranium project agreement, marking a historic day in Mongolia-France relations, Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene noted. The Mongolia-France joint uranium project and the Investment Agreement are not only mutually beneficial for both countries but also a project between Mongolia and the European Union. Mr. Luron San Martan emphasized the importance of this project in deepening the future friendly relations, cooperation, and investment between the two countries. With France’s new mining technology and know-how being implemented in Mongolia, a historic event occurs in Mongolia’s mining sector, opening a new chapter, for which he expressed his gratitude to the Government of Mongolia. Moreover, the Government of Mongolia is currently pursuing major reforms in key sectors such as infrastructure, industry, energy, transport logistics, agriculture, banking, and finance, with plans to implement 14 major development projects. Included in the development projects are the Mongolia-France joint uranium project and the National Satellite Network Establishment Project. The Investment Agreement among the Government of Mongolia, Erdenes Mongol LLC, and Orano Mining SAS is being established before the Davos World Economic Forum. Both parties put significant effort into finalizing the agreement, involving scientists, researchers, and external representatives to achieve success over the years. By using strategically important mineral deposits, most of the benefits will accrue to the people, maintaining a balanced share of profits for the parties involved. The Investment Agreement aims to establish a "National Wealth Fund" to ensure natural resource benefits reach the Mongolian people. The investment agreement with Orano Mining SAS marks the second major investment agreement by the Government of Mongolia with a third neighbor, setting a precedent for future agreements in the mining and minerals sector. The state visit by President Emmanuel Macron of France to Mongolia in 2023 and the reciprocal visit by Mongolian President Ukhnaa Khurelsukh that year have furthered the advancement of joint projects between the two countries to achieve tangible results. Mongolia remains committed to the next joint project with France—the establishment of the National Satellite Network. To reduce traffic congestion in Ulaanbaatar, it is fully feasible to collaborate and invest with the Government of France in the fields of transport and urban development, as stated by Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene.
State Visit: "Successfully Conducted Agreements for Active Mutual Operations in Parliamentary Experience Exchange"
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
The state visit of Mongolian President Ukhnaagiin Khürelsükh to the Republic of Turkey, at the invitation of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, is ongoing. Our reporting team is providing live updates from Turkey about the Mongolian President's visit. During the visit, we asked the Deputy Speaker of the State Great Khural, B. Purevdorj, about the agreements made on how the two countries' parliaments will collaborate. He stated, "One of the main focuses during the President's visit to Turkey is to elevate the relations between the two countries' parliaments to a new level, and by improving the effectiveness of legislative institutions, to bring the economically vital relations to a new stage. We see that in this direction, it is possible to develop inter-parliamentary relations more effectively. Significant economic collaborations are anticipated in major projects and other activities jointly conducted by Mongolia and Turkey. The most important issue is for the parliament to urgently pass legislation that will raise the relations to a new level and resolve pressing issues. During the visit, the meetings of the parliamentary groups of the two countries were productive, and discussions were held on actively conducting parliamentary experience exchanges and mutual activities in the future.”
R.T. Erdoğan: I wish to make a reciprocal visit to Mongolia in the near future
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
The state visit of the President of Mongolia, Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh, to the Republic of Turkey is ongoing. President Khurelsukh and President R.T. Erdoğan provided information to representatives of the media regarding the results of their official talks and state visit. U.KHURELSUKH: TURKEY IS ONE OF OUR COUNTRY'S MAJOR FOREIGN TRADE PARTNERS President of Mongolia Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh: Distinguished President,
Esteemed representatives of the press,
I extend my greetings to all of you today. In the context of the historic occasion of the 55th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our two countries, which have ancient historical and cultural ties, I am pleased to be making a state visit to your beautiful country of Turkey upon your invitation. I would like to express heartfelt gratitude to you and the Turkish government, your people, for the warm welcome and high respect accorded to all of us. This state visit by the head of state of Mongolia to the Republic of Turkey opens a new page in the history of friendly relations and cooperation between the peoples of Mongolia and Turkey and elevates our bilateral relationship to a Strategic Partnership. Given Turkey's unique location bridging Asia and Europe, we regard your country as a "third neighbor" and a trusted partner, and we are always keen to steadily expand our bilateral relations and cooperation in all fields. During this state visit, we discussed and exchanged views on implementing mutually beneficial projects and programs aimed at solidifying the achievements of our 55 years of friendship and cooperation, further expanding our relations, and increasing economic benefits and investments to promote the countries' development and progress. As a result of our talks, the heads of state of both countries signed the "Joint Declaration on Strategic Partnership between Mongolia and the Republic of Turkey." More than ten documents aiming at cooperation in fields such as education, youth and sports, health sciences, and other sectors were signed. Turkey is one of our major foreign trade partners, and it was agreed to enrich our relations and cooperation with economic content by exploring and implementing mutually beneficial joint projects and programs, which can be a symbol of our countries' relationship. For instance, we expressed our interest in collaborating with the Turkish side on construction and investment in projects such as the "New Kharkhorum" city and the Orkhon Valley tourist complex. We agreed to harmonize Mongolia's "Vision 2050" development policy with Turkey's "Vision of the Turkish Century," aiming to enhance investments, exports, and the development of economic free zones, infrastructure, air and rail transport, logistics, and collaboration in processing agricultural products, leather, wool, and cashmere. In light of global challenges like climate change, desertification, soil degradation, and food security, we emphasized our shared goals of overcoming these hurdles, agreeing to cooperate in the "Billion Trees" national campaign, and signed an agreement on cooperation in forestry. Additionally, cooperation was discussed to expand logistics in transportation, establish a rail freight corridor between Mongolia and Turkey, and jointly work on "Food Security," "White Gold" movements to support domestic production, and to introduce advanced technologies. Distinguished President, representatives of the press, guests, The Mongolian people are always grateful that Turkey has implemented numerous projects and programs with effective financing of about 200 billion tögrög over the past 30 years, contributing to advancing our bilateral relations and socio-economic development. During challenging times that involved the pandemic, natural disasters, and earthquakes, the peoples of Mongolia and Turkey stood together to protect human health and cooperated in humanitarian efforts. Thus, we agreed to collaborate in reducing disaster impact, combating earthquakes, wildfires, rescues, and strengthening capacity in these areas. Along with projects such as the "New Kharkhorum" city and the Orkhon Valley tourist complex, interest in joint work in construction and investment was expressed to the Turkish side. Regarding Mongolia's "Healthy Mongolian" national campaign, we agreed to cooperate in reducing cancer incidence and mortality, establishing a national center for cancer treatment and diagnosis, and strengthening health and social protection sectors. The relation in history, culture, and education serves as an essential bridge connecting our peoples. We agreed to cooperate in conserving, preserving, and promoting unique historical and cultural heritage such as Turkic era relics in the Orkhon Valley and the summer palace of Ilkhan Hulagu unearthed in Turkey's Van Province. We also aspire to support scholars, archaeologists, and student scholarship programs collaboratively. Our state visit included a performance by the "Morin Khuur Orchestra"—an emblem of Mongolian culture. This conveyed the rich heritage of Mongolia to our Turkish friends, leaving a fond and memorable impression. Additionally, a "Mongolian-Turkish business forum" will be held in Istanbul, with many enterprises from both countries participating, indicating a strong enthusiasm for joint business endeavors. Looking ahead, this business forum plays a significant role in further developing mutually advantageous economic cooperation and supporting business entrepreneurs and wealth creators from both nations. We are confident that the tasks discussed and agreed upon will come to fruition, enhancing the flourishing relationship and cooperation between our nations for the well-being of our peoples. Mongolia's "peace-centered, open, independent, multi-pillar" foreign policy and Turkey's compassionate and humanitarian diplomacy contribute significantly to global peace, security, sustainable development, and humanity's well-being. The contribution of your esteemed President, in the development of our two countries' relationship and cooperation, is of exceptional importance, and I wish to acknowledge your immense dedication and effort. I express my gratitude for your impending state visit to our country of vast blue skies steeped in ancient history. May the friendship and brotherhood of our peoples forever flourish, and the traditional historical relationship and cooperation between Mongolia and Turkey grow abundantly. Thank you for your attention. R.T. ERDOĞAN: BEYOND BILATERAL RELATIONS, WE DISCUSSED ISSUES IN REGIONS SUCH AS SYRIA, PALESTINE, AND UKRAINE President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan: I am delighted to welcome esteemed President Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh and his accompanying delegation to Turkey. After 21 years, with this state-level visit from Mongolia, it is again my honor to extend an invitation to Your Excellency and all accompanying dignitaries. On this occasion, the President is accompanied by members of the parliament, government, business leaders, and representatives from culture, art, and media. I express my desire to make a reciprocal visit to Mongolia in the near future. This past year marked the 55th anniversary of our diplomatic relations. In 2004, we elevated our relationship to the level of Comprehensive Partnership. Today, we have decided together with my esteemed friend to further enhance our relationship. We signed a Joint Declaration affirming the Strategic Partnership level. We place great confidence that this partnership will positively influence our two countries, ancestor lands in Central Asia, and globally. We signed 11 documents between ministries and institutions of both countries to cooperate in education, environment, youth, sports, energy, transportation, and other important sectors. These agreements will strengthen our relationship foundation and take our current cooperation to new heights. Dear representatives of the press, We aim to expand our cooperation in construction, infrastructure, defense, industry, mining, tourism, agriculture, and livestock sectors based on major mega projects envisioned by Mongolia for development. We invite private sectors and business communities from both countries to engage in mutual investments and joint projects. We have achieved our initial goal of reaching 100 million USD in trade volume, though we believe it remains below our potential. In today's meeting, we discussed increasing trade volume and reaffirmed our commitment to deepening cultural and humanitarian cooperation as a central anchor of our relationship. Since 1992, many Mongolian students have benefited from Turkish Government scholarships, and we agreed to further increase this in the future. We cooperated on protecting valuable historical artifacts, such as the Orkhon Valley stone carvings, and inaugurated the Khoshoo Tsaidam Museum in 2008. Currently, we aim to complete the museum construction project, which includes protecting the famous Tonyukuk inscriptions, in cooperation with the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA) this year. Besides our bilateral talks, we exchanged views on issues related to international relations and regional concerns like Syria, Palestine, and Ukraine. We resolved to continue our cooperation internationally, strengthening it within the framework of the United Nations and regional organizations. Dear representatives of the press, Distinguished President and accompanying delegates have acquainted themselves with our defense industry in Ankara and will continue in Istanbul. During this visit, the "State Philharmonic's Morin Khuur Choir," showcasing Mongolia globally, will also perform in Istanbul. The President is also an accomplished guitarist. You, President, and the accompanying delegation, will visit Van Province to view the summer palace ruins of Ilkhan Hulagu discovered by Turkish and Mongolian archaeologists in 2022. We are confident that the decisions we have made will yield positive results. Thank you.
Visit: "Turkey Proposes Increasing the Number of Scholarship Students"
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
At the invitation of the President of the Republic of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the official state visit of President Khurelsukh Ukhnaa of Mongolia is ongoing. Our reporting team is providing live updates about the Mongolian President's visit from Turkey. During the visit, Education Minister P. Naranbayar was asked about how Mongolia plans to cooperate with Turkey in the education sector: In a video, he stated, "The agreements and memoranda of understanding with Turkey are becoming more practical. There is now a clause encouraging teacher exchanges and attending training for professional development, and increasing student exchanges. Specifically, the Turkish side has proposed increasing the number of Mongolian students studying at Turkish universities, and our side has expressed its willingness to support students coming to study from Turkey. Since 2016, discussions on signing this agreement in the education sector have been ongoing, and after nine years, this agreement is being signed, marking a new chapter in the educational cooperation between the two countries," emphasized both ministers. About 2,500 students from our country have studied in Turkey. Particularly in the medical field, our students are actively studying, and our country has over 20 doctors currently working in well-known hospitals. Additionally, there's a need to train more students in the natural sciences," he stated.
Visit: Focus on Collaborating with Turkey for Training Rescuers and Firefighters
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
At the invitation of the President of the Republic of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the state visit of the President of Mongolia, Khurelsukh Ukhnaa, to this country continues. Our news team is directly reporting the details of the Mongolian President's visit to Turkey. During the President's visit, we received some insights from the head of the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), G. Ariunbuyan, on how cooperation in the emergency sector was agreed upon. He said, "Our country has a cooperative relationship with Turkey's disaster management agency. Discussions on cooperation between the two sides began in 2018. Today, I am pleased to see that cooperation in disaster protection continues officially. Our focus will be on enhancing human resource capabilities, especially in training, preparing, and practicing emergency responders in handling earthquakes and other natural calamities, exchanging experiences, and working together in utilizing the latest advanced rescue operation technology produced in Turkey. Two years ago, when a major earthquake struck the southeastern part of Turkey, a team of 35 personnel from the Mongolian government, NEMA, and the armed forces successfully conducted a rescue operation for citizens affected by the rubble. The government also provided humanitarian aid. In the future, NEMA plans to collaborate with Turkey's emergency services in intensifying search and rescue operations within the city. Additionally, in the long and medium term, we plan to organize activities to train and specialize firefighters and rescuers, focusing on fighting forest fires, among other matters," he stated.
“If there is a power shortage, electricity must inevitably be restricted”
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
Daily electricity restrictions are being implemented in designated areas during the winter. It is not possible to forecast the areas where power will be cut off, nor can officials provide precise information about the duration of these restrictions. According to "UBEDC" JSC, a power restriction is necessary due to capacity shortages related to high winter loads. Restrictions are carried out based on directives from the National Dispatch Center to alleviate the load. When the power system suppliers are unable to deliver energy, a capacity shortage arises. The schedule for which days restrictions occur is not determined by "UBEDC" JSC; hence, it is impossible to inform consumers in advance. Restrictions are enforced according to daily notifications from the National Dispatch Center. Residents and the public are advised to conserve electricity daily. The growing peak load of the power system is also being reported by officials. According to information from the Energy Regulatory Commission, on January 14 at 19:00, the peak load reached 1610 MW, an increase of 145 MW from the same period last year, and imports increased by 34 MW. Therefore, residents are urged to impose certain limitations on their usage. For example, using smooth, clean pots and pans that match the size of the stove can reduce energy consumption by up to 60%. Households and businesses are contributing to reducing the load and import costs by adjusting their consumption during the peak load hours of 17:00 to 22:00, which is also highlighted.
L. Oyun-Erdene: The Joint Government has Advanced its Third Mega Project
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
Prime Minister of Mongolia L. Oyun-Erdene attended the signing ceremony of an investment agreement between the Government of Mongolia and the French company "Orano Mining." Below is the full text of his speech: "Dear Mongolians, esteemed international investors, today Mongolia signs an investment agreement with France to jointly work on a uranium project. This agreement is historically significant as it is the second investment agreement with our third neighbor. There is a saying in Mongolia, 'Mongolia's Yes means an oath.' Although negotiating openly with the Mongolian parliament is not easy, once a deal is made, it means stability in legal terms. The investment agreement, approved by the Government of Mongolia and ratified by the Parliament, will be strictly adhered to in the future. As witnesses to this historic moment, I extend my gratitude to the esteemed members of the State Great Khural of Mongolia, members of the Government, H.E. Mr. Laurent Saint-Martin, Minister Delegate for Foreign Trade and Economic Attractiveness of the French Republic, H.E. Ms. Corinne Péréra, French Ambassador to Mongolia, and Mr. Nicolas Maas, CEO of the investor "Orano" group. Congratulations on the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and France this year. I would like to emphasize that the French Republic is our "third neighbor" and a trusted partner in Europe. Thanks to the political support provided by the President of Mongolia U. Khurelsukh, Speaker of the Parliament D. Amarbayasgalan, members of Parliament, leaders of political parties with seats in Parliament, the government working team, and scholars, I express gratitude on behalf of the government. Within the framework of "Vision-2050", Mongolia's long-term development policy, with constitutional amendments in 2023, Mongolia transitioned to a mixed electoral system. As a result of the 2024 parliamentary elections, a joint government was formed, proposing the "Courage for Rapid Development" program announcing the implementation of 14 mega projects long politically delayed. Today, the joint government has advanced its third mega project. This project gives the world a new confidence about Mongolia’s investment climate, particularly sparking a revival in foreign direct investment, especially in clean energy. It will be an initial step towards reducing countries’ greenhouse gas emissions by 3.9 billion tons compared to traditional coal-based power plants, fulfilling commitments under the 2015 Paris Agreement. Let's mention that Mongolia will economically leverage its natural resources for clean energy production. This project is expected to bring benefits worth about $5 billion to the Mongolian people and directly transfer $44 million to a local development fund, providing opportunities for local support, education, health, and social development. According to the National Wealth Fund law, the project will be notable as the citizens' savings accounts in the "National Wealth Fund's" Accumulation Fund will begin accruing immediately from the project's start without waiting for dividends. The National Wealth Fund law does not restrict investors but creates a legal environment for mutually beneficial negotiations, involving citizens in advancing large projects. This investment agreement underlines this fact internationally. The project will be implemented based on Kazakhstan's best practices, ensuring compliance with international standards and adherence to environmental, reclamation, and quality standards, as demanded by the Mongolian people and civil society organizations. It is urged to remember to fulfill commitments to introduce new mining techniques, technologies, and know-how that comply with French and EU standards, build new industrial plants, and train 1,600 highly skilled professionals from Mongolian locals. As the fastest-growing post-COVID economy, Mongolia is ready to engage mutually in mineral wealth, clean energy production, agriculture, tourism, transport, logistics, and infrastructure investments with national governments, investors, and wealth funds. May Mongolia flourish under the eternal blue sky."
Kh.Nyambaatar: Solve Our Big Projects to Solve Our Big Issues
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
The Mayor Kh. Nyambaatar provided information to journalists regarding the uranium extraction investment agreement signed by the Government of Mongolia with France’s "Orano Mining S.A.S." company. He stated, "This project initially began in 1997. Essentially, 28 years later, Mongolia is entering the list of uranium extracting countries. There is a history of extraction occurring at the Marda site in Dornod province. When I was leading the working group, I adhered to one principle: let us proceed with a different financial model from the one we had with Oyu Tolgoi "Rio Tinto". In other words, we do not assume investment obligations, but we shift to a model where we grow with our product. The five main conditions were agreed upon and confirmed during the state visit of the then-President to France. This is the second instance of Mongolia receiving third-neighbor investment. Secondly, it is significant in laying the path for other mining projects with exploration and exploitation licenses in this sector. In the coming future, fundamental research on nuclear energy projects is beginning in Mongolia with long-term perspectives in place. The main feature of this financial model is that we receive 10% ownership free of charge and have the right to supervise the company's operations. Additionally, it is different from traditional mining technology. Specifically, there is a technology for extracting uranium from within clay layers underground. In other words, there is an opportunity not to disrupt the immediate surrounding area while extracting. Our pilot production constructed in Dornogovi province is progressing successfully. If we want to uplift our country further, we must move forward our major mining projects. By solving our big projects, we will solve our big issues," he said.
Energy Sector Needs a Minimum 30% Salary Increase
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
Unfortunately, due to misunderstandings between two unions, they cannot negotiate with their sector's ministry. Representatives of the Union of Heat, Electricity Producers, and Distributors gave a briefing at the National Information Center today. Energy sector workers work under harsh conditions such as high voltage and loud noise. Therefore, they have continued to demand salary increases. One of the reasons for the increase in electricity tariffs was noted to be the issue of workers' salaries. Sadly, the implementation of this has been slow, which has been criticized by the sector. The union proposed to negotiate with the Ministry of Energy for this reason. They stated that they should collaborate with the Mongolian Trade Union of Energy, Geology, and Mining Workers for these negotiations, but that side has not responded. During the press conference, the representatives emphasized that according to the decision of the labor arbitration, the two unions should unify their proposals and enter into negotiations with their sector ministry. Furthermore, Article 18-2 of the Labor Law states that "state administrative organizations should direct this function." Unfortunately, this law does not apply to this union in Mongolia. The Labor Law clearly states that the arbitrators' decision is final. They highlighted that members need to demand compliance with the law if it is not being followed. During the briefing, journalists asked about the average salary of workers in the sector. "The average salary of the energy sector is ₮2.6 million. The mining sector's average is ₮3.5 million. Since we work in similarly challenging conditions, we believe that salaries should be increased by at least 30%," they said. Notice: Media organizations (such as TV, Radio, Social Media, and Websites) must cite our source ( when using our information in whole or in part.
PHOTO: Citizens Demonstrate in the Central Square Against Uranium
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
A ceremony was held today at the State Palace regarding the signing of an investment agreement by the Mongolian government with "Badrakh Energy" LLC, a joint venture with the French company "Orano Mining," registered in the Republic of France. Meanwhile, citizens gathered in Ulaanbaatar's central square to organize a protest against this investment agreement. They held banners with the slogan "Stop Uranium." Warning: Media organizations (Television, Radio, Social, and Web pages) should note that when using our information in full or partially, it is mandatory to mention the source (
Mongolia Drops Five Places in Press Freedom
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
Mongolia ranked 68th out of 180 countries with a score of 71.03 in 2021, based on political, economic, legal, social, and security indicators of the "World Press Freedom Index." However, in 2024, it sharply declined in all indicators, ranking 109th out of 180 countries with a score of 51.34. Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has expressed concern over global and specifically Mongolian media and freedom of speech. The concern stems from the lack of transparency in Mongolian media outlets, be they private or state-owned, as most show connections to the government, state, or political parties. Media independence is limited by political pressure and coercion. Consequently, Mongolia dropped five positions from last year's 104th place out of 180 countries, underlining the worsening situation. RSF highlighted concerns last year about slander issues affecting the journalism sector and its workers. Citing one recorded act of violence against journalists at the end of the year as closely related to the fall to 109th place. Meanwhile, the Mongolian government has proposed a draft law on press freedom, which RSF's Director of Advocacy and Assistance, Antoine Bernard, hopes will help reinvigorate the stunted sector under democracy. Specifically, in October 2024, Mongolia's Ministry of Justice introduced a plan to revise the Press Freedom Act, originally enacted in 1998. According to the government, this revision aims to support the development of reliable journalism's diversity and ensure media outlet reliability. However, RSF noted that some parts of the proposed legislation need further refinement. RSF's data indicates that Mongolia has dropped 35 places over five years since 2020, pointing to necessary corrections in the reform plan highlighted by Antoine Bernard. RSF's Five Recommendations for Improving Mongolia's Proposed Press Freedom Law: 1. Define the direction of the journalism sector: Journalistic professionals should adhere to specific ethical standards. Thus, distinguishing professional journalists with public interest aligned information from others and implementing monitoring and regulation is essential. 2. Ensure media independence: Create laws ensuring neither state nor media regulatory bodies interfere with editorial decisions or exert pressure on journalists and independent media. 3. Enhance source protection: Strengthen legal protections related to journalists' sources, especially against surveillance or investigation systems, ensuring no external pressure is exerted inversely to personal security, and limiting threats to disclose private information. 4. Promote self-regulating standards: Adopt nationally and internationally recognized standards, such as the Journalism Trust Initiative (JTI), to enhance transparency and reliability in journalism. Establish legal and economic incentives for Mongolian media providers, recommending they implement evaluation and verification programs for themselves at an international level. 5. Increase transparency in media ownership and financing: Complete transparency in media ownership, including indirect state ownership, and require thorough transparency in state financing, especially concerning commissioned political advertising. Implementing these five recommendations is expected to increase media freedom. According to Antoine Bernard, the government-initiated draft law is an ambitious attempt aimed at addressing pressing issues today. Nevertheless, with some improvements, as RSF suggests, Mongolia, a landlocked nation surrounded by authoritarian regimes of Russia and China, will have the opportunity to protect press freedom and the public's right to reliable information. SOURCE: RSF
Visa and Visa Approval Rate is at 98.4%, Reports GADA
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
The Immigration Agency reported that in 2024, they received a total of 147,430 requests for visas and visa approvals. Of these, 98.4% or 145,077 individuals were granted visas and visa approvals, while 1.6% or 2,353 individuals were denied visas and visa approvals. Among these, 92,927 visas were issued for tourism purposes via the online system, with the electronic visa issuance rate at 98.8%. The majority of requests that were denied visa and visa approval were due to reasons such as not submitting the required documents, considering the recommendations submitted in writing by authorized organizations, and the fact that the inviting citizens, enterprises, or organizations did not fulfill their legal duties. The visa issuance rate of Mongolia is higher compared to some foreign countries, and starting from September 10, 2024, the Immigration Agency has begun issuing all categories of visas electronically. Mongolia issues visas in nine groups and 64 categories depending on the purpose of foreign nationals' travel, including diplomatic, official, investment, labor, student, family, immigrant, private, religious, and temporary visitor visas. Of these, the Immigration Agency issues visas in 58 categories, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs issues visas in 6 categories.
A New Historical Beginning in Mongolia
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
Today, S. Narantsogt, the Executive Director of "Erdenes Mongolia" LLC, and Nicolas Maes, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of "Orano Mining" S.A.S., held a press conference. Nicolas Maes stated: "The Orano group will implement international best standards and norms in accordance with the agreement, and will develop responsible mining that protects the environment." S. Narantsogt remarked: "During the discussions on the agreement, the representative of the Orano Mining group in Mongolia contributed significantly by reaching mutual understanding and compromises to successfully finalize the agreement." He expressed gratitude to the Deputy Speaker of Parliament, B. Purevdorj, who led the working group to prepare discussions for the Standing Committee and joint session of Parliament on the bills to amend the Nuclear Energy Law, amend the Law concerning the National Wealth Fund, and the draft resolution of Parliament to include the state share of strategically important mineral deposits. He also thanked the distinguished Members of Parliament who participated in the working group, as well as the domestic and foreign consulting companies that actively worked during the negotiations to finalize the agreement. Finally, he emphasized that a new historical beginning is being made for Mongolia to genuinely contribute to reducing global climate change and creating a low-greenhouse-gas-emissions development.
"The Chosunilbo": South Korean shops are redefining urban life in Mongolia's capital city
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
South Korean grocery stores in Mongolia have provided local residents with the opportunity to use restrooms for free. In a country where public restrooms are limited and traditional pit toilets are used, these stores are addressing a major infrastructure gap and introducing Mongolians to South Korean ready-made meals and food products. Customers at branches such as GS25 and CU can heat their pre-packaged meals in microwave ovens and use self-service coffee machines, which is reminiscent of daily life in South Korea. South Korean convenience stores are expanding rapidly worldwide, and Mongolia is becoming a key market. As of now, over 1,300 South Korean stores are operating internationally, with more than 700 located in Mongolia. Currently, CU has 441 stores across Mongolia, while GS25 has 267 branches. This extensive network has made Mongolia one of the most successful foreign markets for South Korean stores. CU first entered the Mongolian market by opening its first branch at the Shangri-La Center in Ulaanbaatar, collaborating with the major domestic retailer “Central Express” via a franchise agreement. GS25 partnered with Mongolia’s second-largest conglomerate, the Shunkhlai Group. GS25 has expanded to 267 branches and plans to reach 500 by the end of this year. More than 60% of Mongolia's population is under 35 years old. With rapid urbanization and a young generation forming the primary customer base, South Korean grocery stores are gaining attention. In the face of challenges like domestic population aging and market saturation, South Korean stores see Mongolia as a strategic hub for global expansion. In addition to offering ready-made meals and beverages, South Korean stores in Mongolia are solving key infrastructure challenges by providing free restroom access. By focusing on both retail and public service, the stores have enhanced their reputations. Free restroom access has increased foot traffic, which in turn has boosted sales. Despite their success in Mongolia, South Korean stores are still in the early stages of international expansion, with foreign sales accounting for only about 4% of total industry revenues. Industry experts highlight the need to diversify into additional international markets to ensure sustainable growth and increase revenue through franchise programs. The focus is currently on Asian countries such as Mongolia, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Singapore.
Mongolia falls five positions in the press freedom index, ranking 109th
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
Mongolia has dropped five positions to rank 109th in the "World Press Freedom Index," which measures political, economic, legal, social, and safety criteria. In 2021, Mongolia was ranked 68th with a score of 71.03 out of 180 countries. However, by 2024, it had sharply fallen to 109th place with a score of 51.34. The organization Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has expressed concern over the state of press freedom and freedom of expression worldwide, including in Mongolia. The issue is that Mongolian media is not transparent. Whether private or state-owned, most of Mongolia's media outlets are linked to the government, the state, or political parties. The ability of media to operate independently is restricted by political pressure and interference. Consequently, while Mongolia was previously ranked 104th out of 180 countries last May, it has further declined by five positions this time.
A Public Council to Reduce Air Pollution to be Established
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
The National Committee for Reducing Air Pollution is working to coordinate policy implementation and monitor the alignment of activities. Today, they informed the public about the work they have done and implemented. In the government meeting on January 14, a decision was made to improve the quality standards of upgraded fuel by replacing the raw materials with washed and enriched energy coal from Erdenes Tavantolgoi JSC. As part of the project and measures to be implemented by the National Committee, a Scientific Council affiliated with the National Committee has been established with the aim of conducting scientifically based analyses and determining solutions. A study on the technological modernization of steam and water boilers is being jointly organized. A public council is planned to be established under the working office, through which the suggestions and initiatives of citizens regarding air pollution will be received, and public participation will be ensured. The Mayor's Office of the capital city is drafting a law on "Measures to Reduce Air and Environmental Pollution in Ulaanbaatar," with ministries getting involved in providing opinions, and the legal concept has been officially approved. The Ministry of Energy plans to improve and update the filter operations of the chimneys of power plants No. 2 and 3. Once improved, the amount of particulates emitted to the ambient air from power plants will be reduced. An internal air quality standards draft project team has been established under the order of the Minister of Health, and the draft standard has been sent to the Standardization and Metrology Agency. Under the order of the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, a working group has been set up to draft and approve the external air quality standards project. Under the order of the Minister of Energy, a working group has been established to prepare and approve the standards for upgraded fuel. To renew and approve the binder standard for upgraded fuel, Tavantolgoi Fuel LLC, in cooperation with the Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences, is developing the standard draft. The Minister of Environment and Climate Change, the head of the National Committee for Reducing Air Pollution, S. Odontuya, held a meeting with biofuel and ecofuel producers and importers. Representatives from the School of Engineering and Technology of the Mongolian University of Life Sciences, Biotulekhshen Togrogh LLC, Urtunkhur LLC, Michid Petroleum LLC, Geguur LLC, and Air Monitoring NGO participated in the meeting. In cooperation with the sector monitoring department of the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, the capital's Environmental Department, and the capital's Agency for Combating Air and Environmental Pollution, 141 objects with 241 steam and water heating boilers and 5 thermal power plants will be subjected to monitoring inspections. Currently, 103 objects are under inspection, with 73% of the monitoring completed. From now on, the activities of the National Committee for Reducing Air Pollution will be communicated to the public every Friday.
Air Pollution in the Vicinity of the 7th Khoroo in Songino Khairkhan District is 13 Times Higher Than Normal
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
According to information provided by the website, which reports on air quality index measurements, as of 12 PM today, the air pollution in the vicinity of the 7th Khoroo in Songino Khairkhan District is 13 TIMES HIGHER THAN NORMAL. The website describes the air quality categories as follows: - Clean: No adverse effects on human health. - Normal: Meets air quality standards. However, some hypersensitive individuals may experience symptoms of respiratory diseases. - Slightly Polluted: Negative health effects will appear in hypersensitive individuals. People with chronic cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, especially those with asthma, will be more affected. - Polluted: Adverse health effects begin to appear. Negative health effects will be severe in hypersensitive individuals. - Highly Polluted: Prolonged outdoor exposure can have noticeable adverse effects on human health. - Extremely Polluted: Adverse effects on human health are expected. Therefore, the National Center for Public Health has advised people to boost their immunity.
Air Purifiers to be Installed in Kindergartens in the Most Polluted Areas
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
As of 1:30 PM, the air quality in Ulaanbaatar city at the Bayankhoshuu area was above tolerable levels and had the highest pollution rate. Additionally, as of noon today, the air pollution at around the 7th khoroo of Songinokhairkhan district was 13 times greater than normal levels. The director of "MGL VIP GROUP" LLC, B. Tselmeg, and citizen U. Erdenebold have decided to install PS-501TY model air purifiers in the internal environment of classrooms and kindergartens of the 105th general education school and 127th kindergarten in the Bayankhoshuu area as part of their social responsibility. Today, the parties met, exchanged suggestions regarding collaboration, and discussed the current state and air quality in school and kindergarten classrooms. "MGL VIP GROUP" LLC will support the creation of a favorable learning and development environment for children by installing this equipment by January 27, coinciding with the start of the second quarter of teaching and learning activities. Source: General Department of Education
Air Pollution in Bayankhoshuu and Tolgoit Areas
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
As of 10:15, the air in Bayankhoshuu and Tolgoit is highly polluted. Specifically, in Bayankhoshuu, PM2.5 particulate matter is at 402, and sulfur dioxide (SO2) is at 274. This indicates severe air pollution, and during such times, people should avoid any outdoor physical activities and stay indoors, ideally taking fresh air breaks when possible. Individuals with chronic illnesses should regularly monitor their blood pressure, stay in contact with their doctor, and take medications on time. It is important to stay away from sources emitting high levels of carbon monoxide, such as roads. Wearing face masks is also recommended at this level.
LIVE: Discussions on Amendments to the Livestock Indexed Insurance Law
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
The meeting of the State Great Khural (Parliament) has commenced today. During this session, the bill concerning amendments to the Livestock Indexed Insurance Law and the accompanying submitted bill are being discussed. LIVE:
Visit: "Plan to Establish a Drone Factory in Mongolia with Turkey's Ministry of Defense"
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
At the invitation of the President of the Republic of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the state visit of the President of Mongolia, Ukhnaagiin Khürelsükh, to Turkey is ongoing. Our reporting team is broadcasting information about the Mongolian President's visit directly from Turkey. During the President's visit, agreements on implementing projects in the field of defense have been reached, as confirmed by the Minister of Defense, S. Byambatsogt. He stated, "As the head of the Mongolia-Turkey Intergovernmental Commission, I have worked in cooperation with the Foreign Minister, and we have decided to organize the intergovernmental commission's meeting in Ulaanbaatar next summer. We will focus on turning the strategic partnership agreement established by the two countries into tangible outcomes. In addition, in terms of restoring and intensifying collaboration in the defense sector, I visited their Ministry of Defense. In this context, we are moving forward with initial research to establish a joint factory in Mongolia to manufacture drones and unmanned aerial vehicles in cooperation with companies that rank among the top 50 in the world. Furthermore, using Turkish investment and certain technological solutions, we plan to establish a factory for producing firearms and ammunition. This facility will be operational soon. Turkey used to provide annual aid of 1 million USD, which had been halted, but we have discussed and reached an understanding with the Minister of Defense to resume this assistance."
A Program to Develop Outsourcing Capabilities in Cooperation with India
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
The Minister of Digital Development, Innovation, and Communication, Ts. Baatarkhuu, met with the Ambassador of the Republic of India to Mongolia, Atul Malhari Gotsurve. At the beginning of the meeting, the parties emphasized that Mongolia and India not only have a strategic partnership but are also spiritually neighboring countries. Minister Ts. Baatarkhuu stated that India holds a special position in the global information technology industry. On behalf of the Government of Mongolia, he expressed gratitude for India's investment in Mongolia's information technology sector, plans to establish an IT education and outsourcing center, and the support for preparing youth in fields like artificial intelligence, robotics, and automation in 16 different directions. He expressed the desire to study experience, implement a joint program to enhance outsourcing capabilities in Mongolia, and increase the possibility of conducting information technology outsourcing at the regional and global levels. Ambassador Atul Malhari Gotsurve pointed out that the relationship and cooperation between Mongolia and India are expanding in many sectors and expressed the desire to establish a memorandum of cooperation to share mutual experiences in the field of telecommunications and information technology. Furthermore, he highlighted that India is constructing a 10-story information technology and outsourcing center next to the Mongolian University of Science and Technology's School of Information and Technology, which will be put into operation within this year. Additionally, he mentioned the opening of a Cyber Security Training Center at the National Defense University, where Indian teachers come to work annually. The parties exchanged views on educating and enhancing the skills of Mongolian IT specialists in India and strengthening the collaboration between IT companies of the two countries. India's IT sector revenue accounts for 9.3% of its GDP and consistently supplies over 50% of the global outsourcing market.
Visit: "MNB partners with Turkey's TRT to digitize and convert their archive into a digital system for reuse"
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
The state visit of Mongolian President Ukhnaa Khurelsukh to the Republic of Turkey, at the invitation of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, is ongoing. Our reporting team is providing live updates on the Mongolian President's visit to Turkey. During the President's visit, a "Protocol on Cooperation in the Field of Radio and Television between Mongolian National Broadcaster and Turkish Radio and Television Corporation" was signed by Ganhuuygiin Gerel, Director General of Mongolian National Broadcaster, and Mehemet Zahid Sobaci, Director of Turkish Radio and Television Corporation. We asked MNB Director General G. Gerel for more details. He said, "We can understand that the collaboration with Turkey's TRT Radio TV and the TK international organization marks the beginning of a major project to transition the National Broadcaster's archive to digital technology. TRT has been collaborating with the National Radio and Television since 2017. Within this framework, we've engaged in numerous initiatives such as content exchange, cultural exchange, and receiving technical and methodological advice. Most recently, we worked with TRT TV on a four-part documentary film titled 'In the Land of the Ilkhans,' filmed in Turkey. Additionally, TK TV played a significant role in upgrading the lighting system of the Mongolian News Channel. The agreement signed in 2025 includes a key point, which is the digitization of the 57-year visual archive of the Public Radio Television and the 90-year sound archive of the radio, providing the opportunity for their reuse. The visual and audio archives of the National Radio Television can be considered as half a century of our country's history. Therefore, the opportunity has emerged to convert the materials preserved by the National Television into digital and numeric formats for reuse. The project to digitize the archive has been discussed for many years. With the signing of this project as part of the Mongolian President's visit to Turkey, financial issues have been resolved, and we are beginning the large task of digitizing our archive in cooperation with experienced experts."
Officials Fail to Deliver on Their Promise to Increase the Supply of Anti-Seizure Medication
Published: 2025-01-17 | Translated from:
Parents protested outside the State Palace with their children who have disabilities, demanding that the government increase the supply of medications for cerebral palsy and seizures. However, patients still frequently face medication shortages and poor availability. Three years ago, during a demonstration, Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene, then Minister of Health S. Enkhbold, and other officials promised to register and increase the supply of necessary medications for patients with cerebral palsy and seizures, but they have yet to fulfill their promises. During this time, due to the neglect of the sale of these medications, individuals without licenses have taken over the anti-seizure medication business, setting arbitrary prices and disrupting supply. Meanwhile, officials who claim to provide "every citizen with safe, effective medications and medical devices to improve their quality of life" have been inactive. The General Department of Health Insurance stated that they offer a 77-item range of anti-seizure medications with insurance discounts—100% for children and 70% for adults. This follows a revised essential drugs list approved by the National Health Insurance Council's eleventh decree. However, prior articles revealed that the 77 anti-seizure medications did not make it onto the Urgent X or Children's III list. Only 20 such medications are included, and they are underused and of poor quality, prompting patients to buy better, though more expensive, alternatives. One citizen, D's guardian, explained that "My brother has been taking anti-seizure medication since 1996. For 29 years, he has required care and daily medication. Initially taking 200mg three times a day, his dosage was gradually increased under medical supervision. New drugs are prescribed when old ones become ineffective, usually every five years. Recent studies suggest that seizure medications should be changed every six months. However, such information and healthcare services are scarce here. Despite being monitored by a neurologist and trying various medications, his condition has not improved but deteriorated. Those with epilepsy urgently need high-quality drugs, yet such medications aren't registered in the country and only poor variants are imported. According to a professional association source, "After the 2022 protests, specialists have relentlessly petitioned various ministries and agencies to register necessary drugs without success. As a result, black market resellers dominate the supply, setting prices as they please. During the 2022 protests, officials even suggested individuals import urgent medications with the promise to register them domestically, but complications arose, and assurance turned into deception. Private importers have benefited from this decision, importing thousands of unlicensed anti-seizure drugs, and some companies have even registered for licenses afterwards. Importantly, private entities lack the authorization to import bulk medications, according to the law. MIME&H and their subsidiary "MK speed future asset" stand accused of monopolizing the business with alleged connections to high officials in the Ministry of Health, allowing them to bypass regulations. They import large shipments at inflated prices and distribute them through authorized pharmacies. Despite the country's extensive drug registry, they specifically refrain from importing effective, widely needed German anti-seizure medications but register ineffective Russian ones. This practice is partly due to the involvement of influential figures, as speculated in recent reports. Any mention of this issue results in immense pressure from above, thus concealing our source. The National Center for Health Inspection confirmed that by 2023, 40 types of anti-seizure medications have been registered, coming from 12 different countries, including strict regulation zones such as Germany, the UK, and Japan. Within Mongolia, stringent regulations only allow importation of medications under special circumstances, such as during pandemics, to mitigate dependence on single suppliers. In conclusion, due to the mismanagement and regulatory loopholes, the supply and distribution of essential seizure medications have become a problem dominated by few individuals, going against assurances made by public leaders during protests. The Health Insurance General Office continues to uphold this faulty system, following their shocking decisions with unacceptable lag.
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