Mongolia News Summary for January 25, 2025

The following news articles are the opinions of their authors and publications. They are presented here as translations for informational purposes and do not necessarily represent the opinion of MongolBeat or its members.
Today's Stories
- L. Oyun-Erdene: A Major Reform Will Be Undertaken in the Governance of State-Owned Companies
- The Bill to Amend the Law on Legislation has been Submitted
- NATO Calls on Member States to Change the Course of the War in Ukraine
- Will the President Take Steps to Dissolve Parliament?
- Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene comments on judicial accountability
- O.Shijir: H.Nyambaatar is the Mayor with the Largest Budget in Ulaanbaatar's History
- D.Amarbayasgalan: Steps taken by the parliament to remove the obstacles to development
- LIVE: President U.Khurelsukh Issues "Day of Mourning" Decree, Banning Public Art and Sports Events Today
- The Autumn Session of the Parliament Concluded After 81 Days
- PHOTO: The 126-Member Parliament Concludes Its First Autumn Session
- The Session of the Parliament Has Started
- G. Mandukhai: Development of the Economy Must Also Prioritize Human Development
- D.Uurintuya: While a law exists for increasing the productivity of state-owned companies, there is a lack of regulation
- Money Transfers in Rupees from Mongolia to India Now Faster and Cheaper
- Proposed Bill to Revoke Duty-Free Exemption on Flour Imports Submitted
- ETT LLC Will Appoint a Director of Human Resources Selected from Abroad
- Mining Companies to be Merged into "Erdenes Mongol" and Non-Mining into "Erchist Mongol"
- B. Dugerejav Appointed as Acting CEO of Tavantolgoi Railway LLC
- L. Oyun-Erdene: We Expand Relations with Third Neighbors by Sharing Information on Mongolia's Deposits
- South Korea to Amend Law Following Detention of a Two-Year-Old Mongolian Citizen
- PHOTO: Autumn session closed with the signing of the Uranium project
- UN Resident Coordinator Jacob van Haierdan Presents Credentials to Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg
- Parliament: Discussing the General Development Plan for Ulaanbaatar City until 2040
- Resolution Passed to Implement Oil Refinery Construction Project
- Kh.Nyambaatar: 242 Trillion MNT Needed for Ulaanbaatar's Development Master Plan until 2040
- Kh. Nyambaatar: Implementing Ulaanbaatar City's Development Plan Until 2040 Requires ₮242 Trillion
- R. Dagdan: Major Projects Move Forward After Addressing Infrastructure Needs Like Energy and Roads
- Cooperation with the Kuwait Fund in the Road Sector to Continue
- The Policy of Transporting People to the City Instead of Developing the Countryside
- L. Oyun-Erdene: We will make Ulaanbaatar a city that is pleasant to live in
- $70 Billion Needed for Stalled Projects in the Capital; Resolving This Through the State Budget Would Take 30 Years
- Draft Resolution on Approving the General Plan for the Development of the Capital City of Ulaanbaatar until 2040 Supported for Discussion
- UVURKHANGAI: Continuation of Connecting Ger Districts to Infrastructure Networks
- Let's build mixed housing complexes and bring people with different incomes together
- Planning to combine Naran Tuul and Da Khuree Markets near the old Bayanzurkh toll station
- Ulaanbaatar Centralized Energy System: Transition to Smart Meters Can Lower Electricity Bills
- L. Enkh-Amgalan: A study on taking 7-10 days off for Tsagaan Sar and Naadam will be presented to the government. However, this Tsagaan Sar, citizens will have three days off
- Studying the possibility of a 7-day holiday for Lunar New Year
- Locations of Tsagaan Sar Expo and Market Starting Tomorrow
- Accepting Requests from Participants for the Discussion on the Smoke Issue
- A Project to Improve Peatland Ecosystems Will Be Implemented
- The temperature is expected to drop to -48.8 degrees in Zavkhan aimag on the night of January 25-26
- Revenue of Health Insurance Fund Increased by 445.5 Billion Tugriks Compared to 2023
- Event Information: Update on Influenza and Influenza-like Illnesses
- Receiving the HPV Vaccine Before Sexual Activity Can Prevent 98% of Various Cancers
- Approximately 1.6 Million Citizens Participated in Early Detection
L. Oyun-Erdene: A Major Reform Will Be Undertaken in the Governance of State-Owned Companies
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
The Prime Minister of Mongolia, L. Oyun-Erdene, presented a draft law on improving the productivity, transparency, and governance of state-owned and local government-owned companies and addressed the session of the State Great Khural (Parliament). We provide his full speech below. He said, "Chairman of the State Great Khural, esteemed members, To implement the long-term development policy 'Vision 2050' and sustain the fast economic growth that has been occurring since the pandemic, the Government is focusing its main efforts on implementing 14 mega projects and improving the investment and business environment. Although the economic volume of Mongolia was 43 trillion tugriks in 2021 and grew to 82 trillion tugriks in 2024, showing significant growth, it is necessary to create a new economic structure by improving human resources, leveraging artificial intelligence, advanced technologies, and green transitions. In yesterday's Cabinet meeting, the 'Business Friendly Mongolia' program based on the good practices of diversifying the economy as seen in Bahrain was discussed, and a government resolution to improve the investment and business environment was approved. A decision was made to invite international experts to work in the Economic Council under the Prime Minister. According to the resolution, Mongolia will present gold, silver, and bronze Gerege (medals) to invite top international experts to work in the country. Previously, we successfully implemented the E-Mongolia program based on Estonia's good practices of digital transition. In a similar way, we are preparing for the spring session of the State Great Khural by conducting a comprehensive analysis of the legal environment for starting a business, tax matters, the process of dissolution, and dispute resolution to enhance the investment climate. Within the unified goal of improving the business environment, we are introducing a draft law to the State Great Khural to improve the productivity, transparency, and governance of state-owned companies. Since 2012, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has noted issues such as the inefficiency of the boards of directors of state-owned companies, poorly planned business strategies, political appointments, and unproductive human resources, which have led 44% of all state-owned companies into a governance crisis. Over 120 state-owned companies are currently operating, but only 10 of them generate 85% of the total profit. 43 companies have been operating at a loss. It is worth noting that previous law projects were drafted three times and submitted to the State Great Khural but failed due to lobbying by state-owned companies, hindering the reform of the legal environment. The newly composed parliament with 126 members, formed under a mixed system, was able to unblock and advance major development projects. Likewise, I believe it will fulfill its historical role by undertaking an unprecedentedly extensive reform of the governance of state-owned companies. Chairman of the State Great Khural, esteemed members, Once this law is passed, the governance requirements for state-owned companies will align with the principles of the OECD. Mining companies will be organized under the "Erdenes Mongol" entity, while non-mining companies will be grouped under "Erchist Mongol" entity, and transition to international management systems. This will improve the efficiency and valuation of these companies. If they do not comply with the OECD principles, companies will be merged, dissolved, privatized, or transformed into public service institutions. Through this arrangement, the overlap in structure and function of state-owned entities will be reduced, expenses will be decreased, and the number of state-owned companies will be halved. In summary, the law will align state-owned companies that have strategic importance and cannot be privatized, which directly impact national security, with international governance principles, and other companies will be reorganized by this law. Chairman of the State Great Khural, esteemed members, Please decide on the discussion of the draft laws submitted together with the draft law on improving the productivity, transparency, and governance of state-owned and local government-owned companies."
The Bill to Amend the Law on Legislation has been Submitted
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
Ulaanbaatar. On January 23, members of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Legal Affairs, led by Chairman D. Tsogtbaatar, submitted a bill to amend the Law on Legislation to Speaker of the Parliament D. Amarbaysgalan. The Speaker established a working group tasked with drafting the bill and submitting it during the fall session of 2024. This working group was chaired by Member of Parliament and Chairman of the Standing Committee on Legal Affairs D. Tsogtbaatar, with members including MPs Kh. Baasanjargal, B. Batbaatar, N. Batsumberel, Ts. Munkhbat, Z. Mendsaikhan, B. Punsalmaa, D. Purevdavaa, and B. Enkhbayar. The initiators of the bill have deemed it necessary to introduce amendments to the Law on Legislation that regulate publication, promotion, and evaluation of legislative consequences to ensure compliance with the Constitution, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the "Vision-2050" policy, and the strategic plan of the Mongolian Parliament for 2024-2028. Since 2015, 93 sections and 54 provisions, totaling 111 sections and 64 provisions, of the Law on Legislation have been amended; thus, there is a need for technical legal revisions to standardize terms, structure, and content. Therefore, a bill consisting of six articles was drafted to introduce fundamental regulations. For instance, it is considered essential for bill proposers to include independent impact assessments conducted by research organizations or specialists. The bill also proposes evaluating the human rights compliance of draft laws using specific methodologies, conducting comprehensive cost assessments for law implementation, and, if necessary, conducting comparative studies to attach to the draft legislation. When drafting amendments to laws, it is necessary for the project to align with the initial legislation's core principles and content. The public's opinion on the draft bill should be incorporated, with accompanying explanations and rationale included in the detailed introduction of the bill. Moreover, it suggests utilizing and developing the legal information system ( as a centralized electronic system for public discussion of legislative drafts. The initiative further aims to correct any limitations imposed on the Parliament's exclusive law-making authority and elevate requirements for proposals granting administrative regulatory powers. Such powers should be limited to implementing specific law provisions or organizational measures and must detail what can and cannot be included. The bill emphasizes not to include regulations restricting human rights and freedoms in administrative acts or govern types of relations supposed to be regulated solely by law per the Constitution. Alongside this, timelines for adopting such acts should be included in implementing regulations. In laws regulating human rights restrictions or trial procedures, feedback from the Supreme Court, the Prosecutor General, and the National Human Rights Commission should be mandatory. In cases of revising or amending laws enforced for five or more years, it should be evaluated, and findings discussed per legal requirements. The bill includes amendments regarding the compilation of legislative drafts and outcome evaluations of legislative implementations. Once passed, the bill aims to improve legal implementation and efficacy while ensuring compliance with constitutional principles and human rights protection, eliminating overlaps and gaps in legislation, and refining the process of administrative rules and procedures. This initiative will enhance the quality and effectiveness of drafting laws and parliamentary resolutions and emphasize research-based amendments, as announced by the Parliament’s Press Office.
NATO Calls on Member States to Change the Course of the War in Ukraine
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
If Russian President Vladimir Putin wins in Ukraine, it will weaken NATO's capability to deter and will require more spending to counteract, NATO head Mark Rutte stated while speaking at the Davos Economic Forum. "Therefore, Donald Trump is right. European countries must immediately and significantly increase their defense spending," he said. Rutte stressed that support for Ukraine should not decrease but increase, saying, "We need to change the course of the war. Western countries cannot allow a situation where in the 21st century, one country invades and attempts to colonize another," he declared. If Ukraine is defeated, NATO will have to pay a much higher price to rebuild its deterrence capacity by increasing defense spending and boosting production, according to Rutte. "This is not just measured in billions, but in trillions," the NATO Secretary General warned. According to Rutte, NATO is currently safe, but limiting defense spending to 2% of GDP could leave it unable to defend itself in 4-5 years. "Although member states have set such a goal, last year only 23 out of 32 countries met this target. However, even raising defense spending to 2% of GDP is not enough, and U.S. President Donald Trump is absolutely right in demanding that European allies spend more," said the former Prime Minister of the Netherlands to his partners in the European Union.
Will the President Take Steps to Dissolve Parliament?
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
The idea of the head of the coalition government has been put to rest. The protest organized by the Freedom Coalition demanding the resignation of the government has ended after 13 days without achieving its goal. The demands of the party and the numerous citizens who joined them could only be addressed by Parliament. According to the law, one-fourth of the total members must officially introduce such a motion for it to be discussed in Parliament. However, no one took action. Since the Prime Minister had taken measures to protect himself upon hearing about the protest demanding his resignation, it was evident from the start that Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene would not step down voluntarily. He managed to form a coalition government and bring the MPRP, DP, XUN, and even the National Coalition, which remained as the opposition, to his side. Political compromise proved strong. Having retained their positions and power, the head of the government is satisfied, whereas those secretly hoping to become Prime Minister were left disappointed. In any case, the organizers of the protest stated that they would not stop their struggle and submitted their demand for the dissolution of Parliament, which failed to hold the government accountable, to President U. Khurelsukh. About 20 members are said to have unofficially supported this. During a plenary session, Member of Parliament D. Ganbat expressed his opposition to the harassment of citizens exercising their constitutional right to assemble and protest and the defamation directed at B. Tsatsral, the head of the Freedom Coalition party. He stated, "If the rights and freedoms of citizens are violated, an issue on the dismissal of the government will be introduced." However, his words "Now that the session has taken a break and came back to find it made into a big deal" showed that he would not actually take formal steps. It was just rhetoric to falsely portray himself as defending the citizens. The others were silent. Before the protest began, the Freedom Coalition sent an official letter to Parliament requesting an issue be introduced and discussed to hold the government accountable. According to Article 23.1 of the Constitution, "A member of Parliament is a messenger of the people and must adhere to the interests of the state and the people." On the final day of the protest, B. Tsatsral stated in a briefing that "About 10 members from the DP and over 10 from the MPRP, totaling around 20 members, replied they are ready to sign if a proposal is made." So why were they waiting for someone to start? It seems it was all just a performance, feigning to side with the people. No member accepted the people's representative demand and introduced the issue formally. Therefore, the aforementioned parties deemed Parliament unable to perform and submitted a demand for its dissolution to the President. B. Tsatsral stated, "Thousands of people elected the National Coalition and the XUN party as the opposition, but now they are announcing themselves as executors of government work. This shows that no one in Parliament represents the citizens. Politicians and parties trade with our trust and opinions. There is no opposition in Parliament. No member represents the people anymore. Therefore, we must represent ourselves. Parliament, unable to propose a motion to dismiss the government, should dissolve, as it cannot represent us." Will Parliament take measures to protect itself? The Constitution's Article 22.2 states, "If at least two-thirds of all members conclude that Parliament cannot exercise its powers, or if the President, for the same reason, consults with the Speaker of Parliament and proposes, Parliament, with at least two-thirds vote, can decide to dissolve itself." What steps will the President take now? Will he imitate the behavior of L. Oyun-Erdene, who stayed hidden in the State Palace without making any statements during the 13 days of protest? Will he ignore the demand? Or perhaps give a diplomatic explanation "There is no basis for dismissal"? Although elected by the whole nation, U. Khurelsukh is a man of the MPRP, and various rumors circulate about who wields more power and support within the party. Thus, will U. Khurelsukh contribute to dissolving the Parliament where the MPRP is the majority, having unified other parties within its ranks, or will he protect it? The answers to these questions will soon become clear. Furthermore, if one-third of members, or 42 people, make a motion, the issue of dissolution can be discussed. However, no such member seems likely to emerge. Our political culture lacks the courage and values to account, change, and dismiss. Politicians usually act in line with whose interests prevail. While representatives of the people protested demanding the government's dismissal, a race was underway for those who wished to become the next Prime Minister. Even surveys among ordinary members of the MPRP were conducted on social media. Members of Parliament such as S. Amarsaikhan, S. Byambatsogt, B. Choijilsuren, and D. Enkhtuvshin were identified as "candidates." MP and Deputy Prime Minister S. Amarsaikhan's PR campaign was particularly strong. While no one took action, there was a secret expectation among such politicians, wondering, "What if L. Oyun-Erdene resigns?" As mentioned, there was even a plan expecting someone to initiate the dismissal motion for the government, ready to support with signatures and follow through with their agenda. However, no one dared to start it, leaving the contenders still waiting for their opportunity. Although the protest organized by the Freedom Coalition party did not achieve its goal, it at least served as a wake-up call to some extent for the government and Parliament. It showed that citizens, suffocating from pollution, wasting their time and financial resources in traffic congestion, and burdened by taxes, are close to the breaking point. It also reminded citizens of their freedom to protest, express themselves, and fight for their right to live in a healthy and safe environment. Despite being accused of receiving foreign funding and orders, facing threats from criminals and movements like "Blue Mongolia," and undergoing personal assaults and insults, the Freedom Coalition party continued their demonstration and expressed their opposition according to their initial objectives. However, after the first day chaos, the citizens seemed to have forgotten about the protest. The characteristic of persistent struggle appears to be lacking among Mongolians. Having taken measures to protect themselves and retained power, L. Oyun-Erdene and his cabinet must genuinely work towards creating the healthy and safe environment demanded by the citizens. If they fail to do so, citizens will again demand they step aside for those who can.
Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene comments on judicial accountability
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene has repeatedly made public statements concerning the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, D. Ganzorig. However, Judge D. Ganzorig has not expressed any position on these matters or filed any influence declarations. Today, during a session of the assembly, Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene once again made a significant statement. He said, "While the current Chief Justice D. Ganzorig remains in place, no land dealer can be held accountable. Secret dealings reside behind all these properties. All the individuals colluding with housing associations are judges. Judges are no longer able to resolve their own cases. Therefore, I am calling on the parliament. A hearing must be held on this matter. Public access to information must be ensured. I urge judges to fight against these corrupt officials rather than trying to oust the Prime Minister by making council members drunk. I have no doubt that all judicial matters relating to mega projects will be discussed by parliament one day. How can corrupt judges combat corruption? Everything related to mega projects has stalled at the administrative court level. The Tavan Tolgoi power plant is hindered just by the courts. My stance is that the Ministry of Environment should not issue new land allocations. We need to address what to do with the Zaisan illegal camps. As for me, I say give these camps and the issue of constructed buildings to the capital city to manage. When we start fighting corruption, our parliament members themselves feel pity and switch sides. Consequently, the whole country ends up in the hands of five or six people. Before I know it, I find myself standing alone. Isn't establishing a dictatorship what happens when we start fighting corruption? They begin talking about infringing on freedom, seizing private property. If we really want to fight corruption, we need to unite on one side. If not, then we might as well give up. When a camping ground turns into a building, the master plan cannot be realized. If the master plan is violated, there should be clear accountability and adherence to it," he said.
O.Shijir: H.Nyambaatar is the Mayor with the Largest Budget in Ulaanbaatar's History
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
Today, the Parliament is discussing the draft resolution on "The General Development Plan of the Capital Ulaanbaatar City until 2040." In connection with the agenda, Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene spoke at the plenary session. Both Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene and Mayor H.Nyambaatar, as well as members of the government, are responding to questions from members of Parliament regarding the draft resolution. Member of Parliament O.Shijir stated, "This is the sixth plan for Ulaanbaatar city. The most recent plan was approved in 2006, but only 29% was implemented, meaning it was not successfully carried out. Therefore, Mayor H.Nyambaatar has a huge task ahead. Over the years, without updating the infrastructure, including energy, electricity, and heating in Ulaanbaatar city, and with continual overloading of the existing infrastructure, today's Ulaanbaatar has emerged. Ulaanbaatar has turned into an unplanned, disorganized, chaotic large village rather than a city. This initiative aims to rectify that. Because of the fact that Mayor H.Nyambaatar is the leader with the largest budget and financial resources in Ulaanbaatar's history. When E.Bat-Uul became the mayor in 2012, the budget was 337 billion MNT, whereas today it is 3 trillion 800 billion MNT plus a 500 million bond budget." "In Ulaanbaatar city, there are no schools with their own sports fields, nor are there hospitals with green spaces provided for. Past mayors allocated the land for these purposes but instead have turned it into housing and residential buildings. What accountability will there be for this? Additionally, apart from Ikh Tenger Valley, the valleys of Bogd Mountain have been allocated under the guise of tourism development by the Ministers of Environment, and they have all been turned into housing complexes, not used for tourism. What accountability measures will be taken for this? The capital also owns a coal deposit called Erdenes Bayanbogd. Is there an opportunity to establish a power plant at the mine to provide electricity? Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene replied, "As long as the current Chief Judge D.Ganzorig is in place, not a single real estate broker will be held accountable because behind all these lands are people secretly involved in property schemes, conspiring with the homeowners' associations, who are all judges. Soon, Minister O.Altangerel will likely bring up issues regarding the judges. There needs to be a hearing on this. The Ministry of Environment granting land is wrong as far as the Prime Minister is concerned. Camping areas are supposed to be mobile and part of the tourism areas. Unfortunately, the camping areas in Zaisan have turned into cities. We have no choice but to resolve this. The Parliament should form a working group and decide on what to do with the camps. If we proceed without accountability, we will remain facing the issue of camps turning into buildings. When it comes to tackling corruption, our members of Parliament tend to speak sympathetically and suddenly find themselves on the other side. So if we are to fight corruption, we need to be on the same side. If not, we might as well stop altogether. Everyone knows where the cases are stuck. It's clear who is building the houses. When we attempt to demolish them, it becomes an issue of demolishing private ownership. In a city of houses made from camps, a general development plan is impossible. Mayor H.Nyambaatar stated, "Erdenes Bayanbogd is a brown coal deposit. An invitation for a public-private partnership was forwarded to organizations, but the capital would need to provide over 20% of the prepayment to possibly build a power plant on this basis. If resolved, there is the potential to build a 300 megawatt power plant."
D.Amarbayasgalan: Steps taken by the parliament to remove the obstacles to development
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
Chairman of the Parliament, D.Amarbayasgalan, gave a speech closing the autumn session of the Parliament. Here is his full speech. Dear members of the Parliament, The first autumn session of the Parliament, established as a result of the 9th election of the Parliament, convened for 81 days as stipulated in the Constitution of Mongolia, during which 8 independent laws, amendments to 29 laws, laws on ratifying 7 international treaties and agreements, 8 laws considering certain regulations null and void, totaling 52 laws, and 57 Parliament resolutions were discussed and approved. During this period, a ceremonial meeting was organized to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the approval of the first Constitution of the Republic, alongside 32 unified sessions, 146 permanent committee meetings, and 6 subcommittee meetings. Moreover, the members of the Parliament spent a significant amount of time participating in working group meetings and discussions to familiarize themselves with the operations of relevant organizations. More than 60 working groups, established by the orders of the Speaker and resolutions of the permanent committees, held more than 90 meetings cumulatively. These working groups are currently addressing issues requiring urgent legal solutions and necessary adjustments to meet the demands of the times. For example, they are working on improving the Law on Legislation, establishing the legal grounds for an appropriate balance between laws and regulations, implementing legal reforms in the energy sector, creating a legal environment intolerant of discrimination, refining the law on organizing rallies and protests, establishing a legal environment where the government does not compete with the private sector, improving legal measures against torture, regulating the use of mopeds and scooters, regulating the use of e-cigarettes, improving tobacco control legislation, studying the implementation of laws on health insurance, medical services, medicine, food, and education, among others addressing various social and economic issues. The initial results of the working groups are appearing. For instance, the working group tasked with drafting the strategic plan for 2024-2028 submitted the draft on time, leading to the approval of the "Strategic Plan of the Parliament of Mongolia for 2024-2028." Thus, the Parliament has defined its vision, mission, and values guided by "human-centered, human rights, and freedom-respecting principles" to be observed throughout its full term. The strategic plan pre-plans its activities for four years and specifies the outcomes to be achieved, making it significant for ensuring results within a representative institution like the Parliament. The draft of the law to amend and supplement the Law on Legislation has been developed and submitted. This draft aims to ensure an appropriate balance between laws and regulations, reduce the number of regulations, raise the requirements for promulgated regulations, provide conclusions on human rights and freedom aspects of legal drafts, thereby ensuring the secure enjoyment of citizens’ rights and freedoms, and establish a legal basis for nullifying regulations that do not comply with the law. Therefore, carefully discussing and passing this draft law without delay during the spring session is a task awaiting us. Dear members, The Constitution of Mongolia declares that "the Parliament is the supreme body of state power." Moreover, it stipulates that "a member of Parliament is an envoy of the people and shall prioritize the interests of the citizens and the nation." To fully realize the content of these constitutional provisions, the mixed electoral system included in the amendments to the Constitution in 2023 aims to strengthen parliamentary immunity by expanding representational capacity. This goal is being pursued as you have been elected as representatives of the people, territory, age, gender, and professional sectors, forming a Parliament of 126 members. This change is not merely a numerical one; it is the result of a governance system reform initiated based on the evaluation of over 30 years of experience. Thus, showcasing the significance, importance, and positive outcomes of having 126 members, and fostering the hope and conviction that there will be no setbacks and retreats on this correct path of revitalizing and elevating the nation, is a noble duty and deep responsibility bestowed upon us, the members present here. I am confident that the present Parliament and its members will work towards this. The autumn session of the Parliament is mandated by law to discuss and approve the following year’s state budget. However, I believe the autumn session of the Parliament with 126 members has managed to change the established norms of previous autumn sessions. Over the last 10 years, the annual growth rates of balanced budget revenue and expenditure have been similar, but the expenditure as a percentage of GDP has consistently been about 4 percentage points higher than revenue on average. Consequently, deficits have been covered by debt, with part of the loans taken in a given year used to repay previous debts, and the remainder used to cover the budget deficit. The total government debt of our country was 35.2 trillion MNT as of 2024, and it is projected to increase by 5 trillion MNT in the 2025 budget proposal. Statistics show that the government debt has not decreased in the last 15 years and has increased by an average of 2.5 trillion MNT annually since 2010. The President of Mongolia's veto on the entire 2025 state budget created circumstances for revisiting the budget and highlighted the need to improve the procedures for budget discussion going forward. In relation to this, a one-time law on the procedures for discussing the 2025 state budget of Mongolia was discussed and approved. By reconsidering the budget, the balanced consolidated budget revenue, including grants, reached 33.5 trillion MNT, or 35.2% of GDP, and the balanced consolidated budget balance was approved without a deficit, with a core balance yielding a profit of 3.3% of GDP. Investments aimed at local regions were aligned with the Regional Development Concept under the budget, and the infrastructural nature investments prioritized are expected to increase the economic growth by 8.0%. We successfully overcame the difficult period of the pandemic through rapid response measures and consistent policies implemented with high organization. Today, our economy is rebounding in face of geopolitical tensions and uncertainties thanks to the result of correct policies. As a result, economic growth is projected to approach 5% by the end of 2024. It is worth noting that, besides proper policies, the increase in raw material prices and internal and external demand also influenced growth. Maintaining the achieved results and this economic revival, and carrying it forward sustainably, should be our fundamental goal. Honorable members, let me remind you of the macroeconomic indicators at the beginning of the autumn session. Economic growth was at 5%, with agriculture experiencing a 3.5% contraction and mining growing by 1.4%, bringing the nominal GDP to 56 trillion MNT. Inflation was at 6.7%, with the foreign trade balance showing a surplus of 3.2 billion USD, the balance of payments with a deficit of over 250 million USD, and foreign exchange reserves reaching 4.7 billion USD. By the end of the third quarter of 2024, the economic environment under which the Parliament began discussing the 2025 budget and monetary policy guidelines included a budget income of 22.8 trillion, expenses of 20 trillion, a balanced budget surplus of 1.5 trillion, and total bank sector loans reaching approximately 35 trillion MNT. These figures and facts are repeatedly mentioned to remind us that any decision or legislation passed by the Parliament should have a positive impact on the lives of the people in some way. The 2025 budget proposal and mega projects submitted by the government are development documents carrying grand ambitions to elevate the country’s development to a new level. It should be noted that these forward-looking solutions included necessary infrastructure investments to increase the nation's competitiveness, and infrastructure development in the energy sector, the foundation of industrialization. It is the duty of the Parliament to support any development and projects and programs that induce structural changes in the economy. However, alongside this duty, we must remember the issues facing our citizens today, making principled decisions that foreseeably raise their real incomes should be the main direction of our parliamentary activities. Honorable members, during this autumn session, we approved the main directions of monetary policy for 2025 and the 2025 development plan of Mongolia. These policy documents stipulate implementing monetary policy aimed at stabilizing inflation at 6±2% to support the stability of economic growth and protect real incomes of citizens. At the end of 2023, inflation was at 7.9%, while the expected performance for 2024 anticipates it to be around 9%. We managed to achieve our goal of keeping inflation in single digits in 2023. However, 9 practically means we are just one step away from double digits. High inflation and currency depreciation are adverse phenomena that tend to accompany and condition each other. Budget deficits provide a fertile ground for inflation to grow. Therefore, it is an essential goal that inflation must not exceed 6.0%. The foreign exchange reserves are projected to reach 5.5 billion USD by the end of 2024, covering 5.7 months of payment needs for commodity imports and 4.0 months for goods and services imports. The Parliament should focus on enhancing the legal environment related to credit information in the banking and financial sector. Overcoming economic challenges arising from complex conditions of the times, the revived financial market, and maintaining positive economic growth results sustainably for the medium-term should remain our immediate priority. In the 2025 development plan of Mongolia, 14 mega projects and 149 projects to accelerate sustainable development within four priority areas were approved by specifying a comprehensive set of issues, their evaluation criteria, necessary financial amounts, sources, and responsible organizations. Projects stuck without materializing into reality during the last 30 plus years have been moved forward, and initial steps were successfully taken by the Parliament in this session to unlock the obstacles chaining them. In other words, the Parliament fully supported the joint government for the country's development and progress, focusing special attention on starting mega projects previously mentioned. Moving forward, ensuring the implementation of these projects, programs, and plans and demanding results from the government should be our ongoing task. The resolution "On Approving the Main Guidelines for the Agreement to Implement the Cross-Border Railway Link Construction at Gashuunsukhait-Gantsmod Port between the Government of Mongolia and the Government of the People’s Republic of China" was approved within less than a month, directing the Government of Mongolia to work according to 12 key guidelines. The decision to discuss and resolve intergovernmental agreements with neighboring and third countries and international organizations to accelerate development and intensify economic growth achieved parliamentary agreement and reached the results. With the successful implementation of railway construction projects alone, the cross-border railway connections and cargo terminals at Gashuunsukhait-Gantsmod, Hangi-Mandal, Shiveekhuren-Sekhee, and Bichigt-East Shore ports will come into operation, doubling Mongolia's export capacity, doubling export revenue, and doubling passenger and freight throughput capacity. Significant projects implemented with private-sector partnerships and other sources, such as the construction of the Erdeneburen hydropower plant, with a budget cost of 1.2 trillion MNT, will produce 366 million kWh of electricity, fully solving the electricity issues of the western region provinces. The joint Mongolia-France uranium production project will enable the export of 2500 tons of uranium annually, concentrating 5.2 billion USD into the state and local budgets during the project implementation. These projects will create thousands of new jobs, thereby realistically increasing the incomes of Mongolian families and businesses. Additionally, through negotiations to develop the expansion and modernization design of the Third Thermal Power Plant in Ulaanbaatar in cooperation with Russia, they plan to expand and modernize the Third Thermal Power Plant of Ulaanbaatar in stages with a cost of 20 million USD. As part of the design project, they will build a new 50 MW thermal power plant in the first stage and demolish the expired 48 MW plant in the next stage to construct a new 250 MW thermal power plant on the same location, pushing the project one step forward. This will increase the installed capacity of the centralized heating supply system in the capital city and establish the conditions for providing new, reliable heat and electricity. These projects have a significant impact on Mongolia's economic growth and hold high political and geopolitical importance. Tight cooperation in economic sectors with three out of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council is crucial for ensuring the further development and national security of Mongolia. Hence, realizing the diverse significance of these major projects, and rapidly and effectively implementing projects that have been stalled for a long time, is a historical duty imposed on us, which is vital for ensuring stable economic growth and development of the nation. As a result, the ground is laid for improving macroeconomic indicators on a medium-term basis, considering projected economic growth of 4.7 to 5 percent at the end of 2024, GDP per capita reaching 6700 USD, foreign exchange reserves exceeding 5.5 billion USD, an unemployment rate around 6 percent, and a balance of payments surplus of approximately 600 million USD. This opens up the full possibility for Mongolians to improve our quality of life and to envision an optimistic and positive future rather than grapple with everyday issues. Passing laws and defining state policies is only the beginning of supporting the new future of development through law. Ensuring that the laws and policies passed are consistently and stably implemented, understanding them correctly and implementing them among the public, and achieving oversight over their implementation is one of the essential pillars of parliamentary activity. Therefore, the Parliament should pay special attention to its fundamental function of oversight. Additionally, in this session, the Parliament approved the legal regulation for commencing the grand construction for reviving, reconstructing, and appropriately planning the ancient capital of Kharkhorum, as initiated by the President of Mongolia, by modern standards. This session also approved the "Plan for Scheduled Supervision and Inspection of the Parliament for the Autumn Session of 2024," implementing oversight work across 17 areas, including monitoring and evaluating the implementation of legislation, discussing reports, presentations, and information. In this context, the hearing on strengthening the right to be free from torture and inhumane or degrading treatment was organized with the participation of 37 governmental organizations, 87 citizens, legal entities, and 2 observers to ensure the protection of human rights and freedoms. Furthermore, under the auspices of the Speaker of the Parliament, the National Convention for Senior Citizens was organized in the State Palace to exchange opinions on the policy pursued by the state regarding social protection for senior citizens and measures to be taken in the future, and to ensure the implementation of the Law on Senior Citizens, which came into force. Honorable members, raising the quality of life for the elderly and supporting their societal involvement have always been at the center of state policy. The average pension amount increased from 285.2 thousand MNT in 2016 to 848.0 thousand MNT from January 1, 2025. Through this law on the 2025 state budget of Mongolia, pensions were increased by 6 percent in relation to inflation. This not only creates opportunities to maintain elder pension purchasing power without decrease, but also transitions to a system where pensions are incrementally increased in correlation with inflation. Dear members, the Constitution of Mongolia states the legislative power rests with the Parliament alone. Therefore, legislative activities should be of higher quality, based on sound justification and solid grounding, focused on research and a scientific approach, and must accurately identify and define inevitable solutions to issues in relationships. The strategy approved by the ninth parliament focuses precisely on this, establishing the essentials for the "Three Pillar Structure." Therefore, working groups must intensify their work and present their proposals and conclusions within the set timeframe, I remind members. In the upcoming spring session, the proposals and conclusions of the working groups and the drafts of laws they have developed aimed at creating a comprehensive, clear, and understandable legal environment, responsive to modern requirements, will be discussed. We, Mongolians, like the rest of the world, are living in a new era of science, technology, and innovation. Artificial intelligence is entering every field with great force. The use of big data, innovation, and new technological solutions have become part of our daily needs. Let us pay special attention to incorporating human-centered standards in all stages of planning and development, calculating the socio-economic benefits and environmental impact in detail, ensuring multi-stakeholder participation, maintaining open communication with citizens and the public whose interests are affected, and safeguarding human rights. This parliament is operating under the principles of being human-centered, safeguarding human rights, and being clear and precise, meeting the demands of the time when making decisions. In this spirit, the Parliament positively received issues submitted by the government and acted to establish the necessary legal framework without delay for those requiring "urgent procedure." However, looking at issues from a resolution standpoint and supporting the implementation of the government’s program approved by the Parliament is rightful, but being under too much time pressure poses risks of mistakes and shortcomings, which all sides should keep in mind. The provision for "urgent procedure" in discussing laws has been applied since 2016, with 76 laws and resolutions discussed in this manner over the last nine years, averaging about 8–9 laws and resolutions per year. While the Parliament of 2016-2020 discussed 22 laws and resolutions urgently, this number increased 2.4 times to 53 during the 2020-2024 Parliament. However, we handled 11 laws and resolutions urgently in this special and autumn session, which on one hand reflects the high workload the members faced in a short timeframe, but on the other hand, it limited the opportunity to incorporate feedback and views from citizens, experts, and researchers. The "open and transparent operation by receiving citizens' opinions and ensuring equal participation of parties whose rights and legitimate interests are affected," outlined in the 2024-2028 strategy plan of the Parliament, should be implemented. Hence, the government should heed the need to thoroughly investigate issues from all sides, provide sufficient time for extensive discussion, and strive to submit laws and resolutions for discussion in ordinary procedures whenever possible. Dear members, the country's economic growth remains unstable and overly dependent on a single sector. The benefits of growth, the income earned, have not been tangibly felt in people's lives for a long time. Because of inadequate industrial development, we have turned into suppliers of raw materials to our neighbors and have become dependent on imports. There has been little progress in achieving the target of increasing employment and reducing poverty. The number of households and people with incomes below the subsistence level has not significantly decreased. The education and health systems are not fully developed and remain inadequately accessible. An undesirable tendency to rely on welfare rather than labor has emerged, with almost a third of the population involved in social welfare if children's money is excluded. The urban-rural gap has widened, and centralized urbanization has increased. The resulting infrastructural shortage, congestion, and environmental safety concerns remain at a critical level. The impact of business activities on the environment, society, and governance has not been optimally managed. Investment has not significantly increased. The partnership between the state and private sector has yielded little real benefit. The coverage and stability of the banking and financial market have not reached the desired level, indicating these challenges. Accumulated, unresolved problems awaiting solutions abound. Establishing an optimal legal environment, fostering development, promoting policies that prioritize people, correcting wrongs, and setting the course straight fall upon us as a historical duty. Justice in fighting against the theft of resources, corruption, and crimes of abuse of office has not yet achieved comprehensive results. Notably, there is more organized resistance, both overt and covert, from groups intending to halt, block, undervalue, and render this struggle ineffective by inciting societal conflicts with obvious misinformation to serve their interests. In such times, prioritizing the interests of our country and people, establishing ethics, discipline, and responsibility as steadfast norms, and uniting efforts towards a government upholding justice, supporting its citizens, and fostering a healthy society and development-driven economy will be our noble and virtuous duty. Let us correctly assess the present of our country, foresee the distant future, work free from any conflicts of interest, and strive solely for the benefit of our country and people. Honorable members, I hereby declare the autumn session of the Parliament of 2024 closed.
LIVE: President U.Khurelsukh Issues "Day of Mourning" Decree, Banning Public Art and Sports Events Today
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
The first President of Mongolia, Chairman of the Presidium of the People's Great Khural of the People's Republic of Mongolia, and recipient of the "Chinggis Khaan" order, distinguished politician and statesman P. Ochirbat has passed away. In connection with this, the President of Mongolia, U. Khurelsukh, has issued a decree. According to this decree, from 7:00 AM today until midnight on January 25, 2025, the national flag is to be flown at a half-mast position, lowered to two-thirds up the flagpole nationwide. Additionally, public art and cultural events are prohibited. The farewell ceremony for the late P. Ochirbat is being broadcast live only on MNB (Mongolian National Broadcasting) and will conclude at 9:40 AM with the procession from the State Palace.
The Autumn Session of the Parliament Concluded After 81 Days
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
The first regular autumn session of the parliament, established as a result of the 9th election of the State Great Khural, concluded today. According to the Constitution, the session lasted for 81 days, during which 8 independent laws, 29 amendments to laws, 7 laws on the ratification of international agreements, treaties, and conventions, 8 laws on repealing laws, a total of 52 laws, and 57 resolutions of the State Great Khural were discussed and approved. During this period, a ceremonial meeting commemorating the 100th anniversary of the proclamation of the Republic and the adoption of the first Constitution was organized. Furthermore, 32 plenary sessions, 146 standing committee meetings, and 6 subcommittee meetings were held. A total of over 60 working groups established by the Speaker's order and the decisions of the standing committees met over 90 times in duplicate count.
PHOTO: The 126-Member Parliament Concludes Its First Autumn Session
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
The autumn session of the State Great Khural (Parliament) concluded today. Over the course of 81 days, the parliament discussed and passed 8 standalone laws, 29 laws amending existing laws, 7 laws approving international agreements, conventions, and treaties, and 8 laws declaring certain legislation void, totaling 52 laws and 57 parliamentary resolutions. During this time, there were 32 plenary sessions and 146 standing committee meetings. In his closing speech, Speaker D. Amarbaysgalan stated, "During this session, we managed to take the first steps to unblock stalled projects that have been discussed but not realized for over the last 30 years, thus removing the shackles that have held back development." The resolution on "Adopting the guidelines for concluding an agreement between the Government of Mongolia and the Government of the People's Republic of China on the cross-border railway construction from Gashuun Sukhait to Gants Mod border crossing" was passed. Reaching parliamentary consensus on governmental agreements with neighboring and third countries, and international organizations to accelerate development through economic growth was a significant decision. Additionally, the joint Mongolia-France uranium production project will make it possible to export 2,500 tons of uranium annually and contribute $5.2 billion to the state and local budgets during the implementation of the project. The realization of these projects is expected to create thousands of new jobs and significantly increase the incomes of Mongolian households and businesses. Negotiations are proceeding for the design and upgrade of Ulaanbaatar's Thermal Power Plant No. 3 in cooperation with the Russian Federation, at an estimated cost of $20 million. The project plans to expand and modernize the plant in stages: initially constructing a new 50 MW thermal station in the high-pressure section, followed by dismantling the old 48 MW station and building a new 250 MW thermal power plant in its place, along with engineering research to push the project one step forward.
The Session of the Parliament Has Started
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
The plenary session of the State Great Khural (Parliament of Mongolia) started today at 10:00 AM on January 24, 2025. They are discussing whether to deliberate on the draft law concerning the legal status of the new Zuunmod city and the accompanying legislative proposals. Urban Development, Construction, and Housing Minister J. Batsuuri presented the introduction of the draft law. Member of Parliament U. Shijir presented the conclusions of the Standing Committee on State Structure. Members of parliament are asking questions. Member of Parliament H. Bulgantuya, Deputy Speaker of the State Great Khural, stated that 72 members are participating in the session. Six issues will be discussed during today’s session. The autumn session of the State Great Khural will conclude today, January 24, 2025. The issues to be discussed include: - The draft law on the legal status of the new Zuunmod city and whether to deliberate on the accompanying legislative proposals. - The draft resolution by the State Great Khural approving the general development plan of Ulaanbaatar city until 2040, which was submitted by the Government on January 8, 2025. - The first discussion of the draft law on the legal status of the new Zuunmod city and the accompanying legislative proposals. - The draft resolution by the State Great Khural on revising the salary levels of some organizations. - Hearing the final revisions of approved legislation. - Closing of the autumn session of the State Great Khural.
G. Mandukhai: Development of the Economy Must Also Prioritize Human Development
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
We interviewed G. Mandukhai, the CEO and Psychologist of Optimal N Max LLC, which is working to improve the quality of life for Mongolians by developing technological and scientific solutions aimed at enhancing human well-being. - I noticed that the projects implemented by Optimal N Max LLC are directed towards well-being. Let's start by discussing these projects and the well-being they are targeting. - In short, our company's projects aim to support human well-being through accessible technological innovation. Firstly, it's important to clarify what we mean by well-being. Scholars have long attempted to define well-being from various angles such as philosophy, sociology, and psychology. Although a unified definition hasn't been established yet, most agree that it involves living in a condition where one has a sustained quality of life, satisfaction, the opportunity for stable development, health, and minimal danger. Well-being can be measured and supported from multiple facets, typically involving both internal and external factors. Internal factors include physical and mental health, education, and financial stability, while external factors cover the living environment, social policies, national economic conditions, and employment opportunities. Our first major and successful project is the "Zeely" fintech application, which provides loans based on an evaluation of a customer's psychology and behavior to increase responsibility and accessibility. In other words, everything that helps a person live well is relevant. Our focus lies more on the internal factors that contribute to a person's well-being. Of course, the external environment and conditions have an impact on personal and societal well-being and quality of life. For example, air pollution, economic conditions, and traffic congestion are some of the major factors negatively affecting the well-being of our citizens, issues that the government is responsible for addressing. However, while waiting for authorities to pay attention and solve these problems, the development of our nation's public, personal quality of life, and physical and mental health has been neglected. For instance, although the state budget has quintupled in the last ten years, investments focused on human development have hardly been made. Therefore, representatives of the social sciences sector, including us, are working to improve public well-being with the help of technology. We are initiating innovative projects that identify and support preventive measures from financial well-being, psychological and physical health perspectives. - Where did your team start? Where and how did you come up with this idea? - Our company works based on research. We have teams dedicated to finance, data analysis, business analysis, and psychology. The co-founders of the company themselves are research-oriented and driven by initiatives focused on humans. We have been conducting regular foundational research before initiating our projects. In 2020, our major research showed that Mongolians don't really know how to take care of their mental health or do not act even when they know how. Additionally, there is a lack of skills and attitudes needed to prevent risks such as poor financial discipline. That's why we sought solutions to these issues and initiated our current projects by introducing humane technology into our society. - You are creating a comprehensive solution with several projects combined, forming an ecosystem. Can you explain which projects this ecosystem encompasses, how they are developed, and their benefits? - Generally, the primary goal of social sciences is directed at answering the question of how to increase human well-being. This encompasses several branch sciences like economics, media and communication, psychology, and education. Optimal N Max LLC works based on economics, finance, media, psychology, and data analysis. Our first major and successful project is the "Zeely" fintech application, which provides loans based on an evaluation of a customer's psychology and behavior to increase responsibility and accessibility. From the perspective of psychology and mental health, our "Positive dadal" website, which has disseminated psychological education to 1.3 million people, is a notable project. We also offer programs and standards that support an employee's mental health and safety to businesses. Moreover, we have the "HabiDo" mobile application, which aims to support lifestyle. The first projects to integrate into and penetrate the ecosystem were the "Zeely" and "HabiDo" applications. "Zeely" issues loans based on trust in the intent, attitude, and sense of responsibility of the borrower. There are many people who don’t meet traditional loan criteria but need help with a little money to solve issues like starting up their own small business or needing urgent medical attention. Our assessment model works to identify responsible individuals who plan to use the loan for themselves, their family, and necessary things. By integrating psychological evaluation methods into the fintech sector with numerous users, as mentioned before, we realized it’s time to focus on the quality of life for Mongolians. As a solution, we connected the "HabiDo" application to improve our clients' life quality. By linking "HabiDo" and "Zeely", users of the app have the opportunity to cultivate positive habits and pay attention to their mental health, thereby enhancing their overall well-being. In other words, "Zeely" is now more than just a fintech app; it's a solution helping at least one Mongolian to live healthily, satisfactorily, and productively, contributing to the enhancement of the community's quality of life. The "HabiDo" application offers users the ability to focus on their mental health by recording feelings, doing short meditations, and scheduling exercise times to pay attention to physical health. It should be noted that this is not a treatment-focused, but a habit-forming application aimed at prevention. Thus, we are not just providing loans but encouraging users to simultaneously improve their lifestyle and focus on their health and well-being through "HabiDo". We've approached this by using our products to recommend that they also pay attention to their family's and children's physical and mental health, life quality, personal development, and productivity. - With psychology as the foundation, you must have done extensive research and reading of research materials. What was discovered regarding the mental health conditions and characteristics of Mongolians? - You shouldn't expect too positive results from studies on mental and psychological health conditions in Mongolia. For example, our 2022 study found that one out of every two teenagers suffers from depression, and the reports from the Süm Hüt Center show that the spread of the issue is growing every year. From the perspective of a psychologist, I have noticed a few strengths characteristic of Mongolian people in my over 10 years of experience. One example is resilience and fortitude. We tend to focus on solutions rather than problems when viewing issues, which is a substantially bigger advantage compared to Europeans. In other words, in Europe, individuals often lament that there's nothing they can do because of the situation. In contrast, Mongolian people often think something can be done about the problems they comprehend. However, it seems that we have not been utilizing this capability recently, instead becoming overly emotional rather than contemplative, replicating others, and exaggerating issues. In simple terms, there’s a pervasive tendency in society to easily fall into negative emotions and to blame, which I observe as common. Certainly, there are many situations where blaming is inevitable. However, it’s also essential to consider what one can do for themselves and their family in the face of societal issues. Imagine ten or twenty years from now when there is no pollution, but if we become rude and unethical in our interactions, at rock bottom in terms of health, lacking any habits to protect and prevent health issues, what would happen? Creating a favorable, prosperous society requires individual participation as well. Let’s leave the adults aside; if we don’t pay attention to our adolescents and youth now, they are the ones who will lead this country in the future. Therefore, each of us should consider what we can do for ourselves and our children. - Your psychology-based business model is new in Mongolia. It may exist internationally, but you seem to be breaking the ice here. What were some challenges when starting, and how did you fare through ups and downs? - We didn't invent something completely new that doesn't exist somewhere globally. We're working by studying foreign experiences and localizing certain things. The first basis for starting this was the understanding that emotional responses significantly influence financial decision-making, more than logical thinking. This concept has been incorporated into economic science by psychologist Daniel Kahneman, for which he received the Nobel Prize. Since then, there's been research on how to base loans on behavioral data. However, in my observation of international cases, it appears that when mixed with other types of data, purely psychological data does not stand out and has reached this point without doing so. Currently, there is no completely successful practice or organization globally based on purely psychological evaluation, like ours. Perhaps naively, at that time, we've now turned this into our know-how that we introduce internationally. You asked what difficulties there were. So far, our non-performing loan ratio is lower than the average for the non-banking financial sector, meaning our risk is less. Human development and well-being need as much attention as economic development. However, to identify reliable and responsible clients, we faced significant initial risks. For example, the ratio of non-performing loans was high during the first implementation phase. However, once the decision to try had been made, there was no alternative but to take financial sacrifices. During the initial scoring development, we dedicated significant time to researching which questions would be effective for Mongolian people, understanding what characterizes the financial decision-making of Mongolians. There were many detailed obstacles, including trial and errors, hypotheses being refuted, and others. Secondly, it's rather challenging to understand this in the market. But it's being understood and utilized by consumers. When we talk to clients, they say they're feeling more responsible today because we trusted them and gave them an opportunity. However, it seems our industry and external market do not quite understand what psychological, scientific aspects they could leverage. We often encountered skepticism, such as questioning the potential benefits and dismissing it as impossible. Nonetheless, rather than waiting for them to understand the science, through action and perseverance, we went beyond, and relative acceptance is beginning to surface now. The current challenge is convincing the public that well-being is somewhat within their control, yet not entirely. Just putting in some effort can suffice. This is crucial for our goal. We're educating and have been teaching this, though in the future, this should become a regular practice—a change in mindset if you will. To foster this, perhaps we need to partner more closely with the education sector. There should be more collaborations to reach people. Our team is working diligently on this. It’s crucial that we don’t delay focusing on human development until after we grow our economy. Human development and well-being need as much attention as economic growth. Unless sectors collaborate, support each other, and unite their voice, neglecting societal development and mindset will lead to undesirable outcomes in the future. If sectors do not work together, support each other, and unite their voice, neglecting societal development and mindset will not lead to good outcomes in the future. - Is there a country or organization that has established an ecosystem similar to yours? - We participated in the "Singapore Fintech Festival-2024" last November. This international festival is one of the major gatherings in the fintech sector. Nine organizations from our country took part, including Optimal N Max LLC. In addition to AI, finance, and technological regulations, the event focused on ESG and sustainable development's financial sector involvement, contribution, and future market opportunities. Furthermore, during the festival, as the world faced more significant issues than before, international experts and major banks, financial, and technology organizations urged financial institutions' roles and participation to ensure clients, the environment, and social groups remain healthy, safe, and well. Our organization has made this a guiding principle for its operations. Our products and services are genuinely innovative and unique internationally by combining psychology, finance, and technology. We had many very pleasant and impressively received meetings during the festival, which had 65,000 participants from 134 countries. This suggests that international and Asian markets feel closer. Imaginably, our team and young developers’ ecosystem is walking ahead internationally, certainly not lagging behind. We have already made initial negotiations to enter 2-3 foreign markets, with plans to elevate our collaborations to a new level by 2025. This allows us to impact international well-being, particularly within our region, in addition to Mongolian well-being. - Is there anything else you want to add or mention, perhaps something we've missed? - Let's pay attention collectively. Addressing issues like mental health and others, rather than panicking about having such problems, understand that there are preventive and protective options from risks before they worsen. These solutions are being provided through technology nowadays. Understand that there are preventive and protective options before problems worsen. Current methods are provided through technology. Science is also working towards these approaches. Therefore, use them well in everyday life. In essence, stay with us. Get acquainted with our products and projects. They will be greatly beneficial to you, your family, and your children. Furthermore, observing societal research and psychological conditions, many people seem hopeless about Mongolia's future. I can't entirely refute this. However, we can remember that we can change this together, discussing and collaborating. It's not just Optimal N Max LLC. If other organizations participate, the wave of change will be bigger. Perhaps profit is important to you, but also think about ways to conduct business that is considerate of society, people, citizens, consumers, or even your employees. Let's focus together on human-centered development in the private sector. Hope is present for us. - Thank you for the interview.
D.Uurintuya: While a law exists for increasing the productivity of state-owned companies, there is a lack of regulation
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
We had a short conversation with MP D. Uurintuya about the draft law aimed at improving the productivity, transparency, and governance of state and locally owned companies. - The law concerning state-owned companies is currently being discussed by the State Great Khural. What is the main change introduced by this law?
The draft law is introduced with the aim of increasing productivity, transparency, and improving governance of state-owned companies. - Members criticize that aside from the national budget, a huge budget is circulated in state-owned companies. Will this law be able to address all these issues? I agree that state-owned companies are operating unproductively and accountability should be enforced for unproductive operations. However, state-owned companies should not be mixed or confused with budgetary organizations. In principle, these two are different. We need to clearly define what types of companies should exist as state-owned companies. That differentiation is made between locally owned and state-owned properties. Within state ownership, there is specification in the draft law about what to call a company that is 34, 50, or 100 percent state-owned. Regulations concerning locally owned companies are also clearly included in it. Although the law mentions increasing the productivity of state-owned companies in its title, it does not contain regulations for increasing productivity. This is where a fundamental difference arises, and this issue will be submitted to the standing committee. The productivity measurement of a company should be embedded in the role of the executive management. State-owned companies need to operate based on the principles of their Boards of Directors and corporate governance. The Board should resolve issues and oversee revenues and expenses accordingly. Internal control must perform checks alongside the Board. The state should obtain its benefits through taxes and dividends and should not interfere in the operations or the distribution of dividends of a state-owned company. - Can the practice of appointing the executive director of state-owned companies and distributing dividends by state decision change with this law? I believe that Minister N. Uchral has already started implementing this change. Appointments of directors of state-owned companies are done through open competitions, selecting individuals capable of managing according to international principles. Certain amendments were made to the law. Structurally, before this law, the Law on State and Local Property should be discussed. After addressing this foundational law, it is appropriate to discuss the issues concerning state and locally-owned companies. - Although it has been noted for many years that the majority of state-owned companies operate unprofitably, they are not privatized. Is there no possibility to privatize or dissolve these companies? The law provides these possibilities. The government has declared its principle of not competing in business. There is a discussion on limiting state activities that compete with the private sector. Restrictions are being imposed on establishing new companies. The law defines which sectors should involve state-owned companies and where private companies should operate based on market principles. We can now enforce accountability on companies operating unprofitably. However, companies operating profitably should be rewarded. There is an understanding here as if the operations of state-owned companies are similar to budgetary institutions. However, these are on one side business entities. Companies should evaluate the performance of their executive management based on profit and reward them according to world standards if performing well. This ensures conditions are created free from conflicts of interest and accountability. On the other hand, entities performing inefficiently should be held accountable. - Thank you for the interview.
Money Transfers in Rupees from Mongolia to India Now Faster and Cheaper
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
As a leading international bank, the Trade and Development Bank (TDB) of Mongolia approaches all levels of agreements and cooperation with responsibility and has been openly collaborating with international financial institutions. This time, TDB has opened a Rupee account with AXIS Bank in the Republic of India (RoI) and has started making Rupee transfers from Mongolia. AXIS Bank is one of India's leading commercial banks, headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra, and operating through more than 5,000 branches globally. By opening a Rupee account at this bank, TDB has taken a significant step in supporting cross-border trade from Mongolia to India, enhancing economic ties between the two countries, and supporting projects and programs implemented by the government. This new payment method simplifies and expedites foreign currency transactions for the citizens of Mongolia. As the oldest leading commercial bank of Mongolia, TDB continues to set an example for other banks by sharing its experiences and continues to work on enhancing and solidifying the reputation of not only the bank itself but also of Mongolia in the international market. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT TOGETHER
TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT BANK Warning: Media organizations (Television, Radio, Social, and Web pages) must cite the source ( when using our information in any form, in whole or in part.
Proposed Bill to Revoke Duty-Free Exemption on Flour Imports Submitted
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
In the spring of last year, the government exempted flour imports from customs duties. Now, the Minister of Food, Agriculture, and Light Industry, J. Enkhbayar, has submitted a bill to annul this law. He stated that the winters and springs of the previous years were quite harsh, creating difficult conditions for the livestock sector, with damages estimated at around 1 billion USD. To mitigate these losses, the Parliament had decided to allow the importation of flour and livestock feed without taxes to curb price inflation. During this period, over 65,000 tons of flour were imported duty-free. A similar amount of livestock feed was imported from Russia. These measures played an essential role in stabilizing the situation at the time. However, the importation of foreign flour and wheat had a negative impact on domestic industries. For instance, wheat cultivation decreased, flour production diminished, and as a result, 3-4 factories ceased operations. Additionally, another 3-4 factories are on the verge of closing down. While the law was beneficial at the time, it is now considered appropriate to revert back to the previous import duties on wheat and livestock feed. Under the framework of the "Food Revolution" national movement, 19 types of goods and products that must be produced domestically have been announced. As part of this, domestic production is recovering, thus making it appropriate to produce wheat locally. To achieve this, policies that support local factories should be implemented, and issues such as upgrading factory equipment should be addressed. The proposed bill is set to be discussed in the spring session and decided upon before the spring planting begins.
ETT LLC Will Appoint a Director of Human Resources Selected from Abroad
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
In a consolidated session of the State Great Khural, parliament members discussed whether to deliberate on the proposed law to improve the productivity, transparency, and governance of state and locally owned companies. During this session, members posed questions and received answers related to Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi LLC. MP P. Sainzorig inquired about the shares of Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi LLC, stating that some shareholders had passed away without clear conditions for inheritance, causing challenges with non-inheritable shares. He asked whether it is possible to define and inherit these shares within certain boundaries, potentially excluding foreign nationals. Chief of the Cabinet Secretariat, N. Uchral, responded that educational activities about shares must be continuous. A working group has been established by order of the Prime Minister to provide information on shares and prepare for converting the company's 1072 shares into common shares. Without preparation, direct conversion might harm the right to a dividend due to people's lack of understanding. Therefore, preparations are starting for a step-by-step approach, which includes internationally open recruitment for good managers in human resources, finance, and other leadership positions within ETT LLC. MP Ö. Shijir noted that the total assets of state and partly state-owned companies were MNT 37 trillion in 2019 and have grown to MNT 59 trillion in 2023, with a projected increase to MNT 64.2 trillion by the end of 2024. Therefore, he supports re-evaluating the current situation. There are 472 legal entities owned or affiliated with local governance, with 122 being state-owned or partially state-owned joint stock companies under government regulation. Yet, only five companies generate 90% of total profits from state policy-regulated companies. When political appointments occur due to political ties, accountability is not enforceable, leading to poor governance. An instance was shared where a director of the "Erdenes Mongol" group insured his life for MNT 3 billion. Moreover, audit reports of "Oyu Tolgoi" company, owned by "Erdenes Mongol" group, are only secretly shared with standing committee budget members, raising concerns. Additionally, funds lent through foreign loans amount to MNT 1.167 trillion, and questions on transparency were raised. In response, N. Uchral said that significant reforms have been made following the enactment of the State Wealth Fund law. For instance, "Erdenes Mongol" reduced its companies from 42 to 31 and its board seats from 269 to 66, with independent member representation increasing from 30% to 49%. These actions have resulted in revenue accumulation in the State Wealth Fund. Future steps will address the gradual increase of the fund's revenue. The law now ensures transparency through 74 mandatory disclosures, with executive directors held accountable for failure to disclose by dismissal. ETT LLC intends to hire a Human Resources Director recognized abroad, aiming to bring new skills and knowledge to Mongolia by collaborating with 20 foreign human resources companies. By announcing international recruitment, they seek to establish independent working conditions for a foreign director, reducing arbitrary appointments.
Mining Companies to be Merged into "Erdenes Mongol" and Non-Mining into "Erchist Mongol"
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
State-owned mining companies will be merged under "Erdenes Mongol," while state-owned non-mining companies will be managed by "Erchist Mongol." The government is working to eliminate the duplication of roles among companies. The Cabinet Secretariat has calculated that 122 companies registered with the State Property Committee could be reduced to 70. However, members of the State Great Khural have expressed doubts about whether establishing a parent company will solve the issues. They have voiced concerns over the large "service fees" extracted from subsidiaries and the risks of increasing managerial layers. Minister N. Uchral presented evidence that by establishing "Erdenes Mongol" JSC, they managed to reduce the number of duplicated roles within the state-owned companies and decrease the number of boards. It was mentioned that over 60 companies were reorganized into 31 legal entities. The head company centralizes the revenue of its subsidiaries and contributes to the revenue of the National Wealth Fund. The organizational efficiency and significance were explained, highlighting its role as a mainstay in implementing mega projects and conducting international negotiations. Therefore, organizing state-owned non-mining companies in line with international best practices is deemed efficient and seen as progress towards reducing corruption. The draft law to improve the productivity, transparency, and governance of state and locally owned companies, along with submitted laws and bills, will ensure transparency and will involve external audits.
B. Dugerejav Appointed as Acting CEO of Tavantolgoi Railway LLC
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
B. Dugerejav has been appointed as the Acting CEO of "Tavantolgoi Railway" LLC according to decision No. 02 of the Board of Directors of the company. He officially took over the responsibilities according to this decision. B. Dugerejav holds a degree in Mathematics and a Master's degree in Education Management, and is also trained in law. From 1997 to 2008, he served as the principal and director of the Munkh Sum Secondary School in Khovd Province. From 2008 to 2012, he was the head of the Education and Culture Department of Khovd Province. In 2012, he became the head of Khovd City and the Governor of Jargalant Sum. Between 2013 and 2017, he was the director of the construction company "BBMZZT" JSC. From 2018 to 2022, he served as the Governor of Khovd Province. Additionally, he has been elected three times as a representative on the Provincial Citizens' Representative Council for the terms 2012-2016, 2016-2020, and 2020-2024. N. Budbayar, the previous leader of "Tavantolgoi Railway" LLC, handed over the company's seal and wished B. Dugerejav success in his new role. Source: Ministry of Roads and Transport Notice: Media organizations (Television, Radio, Social, and Web pages) must mention the source ( when using our content in any form, fully or partially.
L. Oyun-Erdene: We Expand Relations with Third Neighbors by Sharing Information on Mongolia's Deposits
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
The government of Mongolia and the French state-owned energy company Orano signed a $1.6 billion investment agreement to conduct mining operations at Zuunbayan Ovoo, Mongolia's first uranium mine. Nicolas Maes, CEO of Orano, stated that "uranium production in Mongolia will contribute to the production of low-carbon electric energy and ensure the security of supply for our customers." Signing this agreement not only has a positive impact on Mongolia's economy but also comes as a favorable development in the fight against global climate change at a time when Donald Trump, after his return, has pulled the United States, the world's leading economy, out of the Paris Agreement. At the COP28 meeting, more than 20 countries are urging a threefold increase in global nuclear energy capacity by 2050. The Orano agreement is also geopolitically important, helping democratic Mongolia develop relations with "third neighbors" beyond China and Russia, both authoritarian states. However, the landlocked country with a population of 3.5 million relies on Beijing for 90% of its trade and on Moscow for 90% of its gas and oil imports. On Tuesday, TIME magazine interviewed the Prime Minister of Mongolia, L. Oyun-Erdene, via Zoom on topics including the Orano agreement, establishing relations outside of Russia and China, and increasing trade despite tariffs imposed by Trump. How significant is the Orano investment agreement for your goal of making Mongolia a major player in the global uranium market? Given that Mongolia's economy is based on the mining sector, the Orano agreement is very important. The process of negotiating this agreement with the French government has lasted more than 10 years. Of course, there were challenges related to environmental issues and meeting international standards, but now Mongolia has become one of the regional uranium producers. I would like to highlight that this is the second-largest foreign direct investment from a third neighbor into Mongolia. How else can you strengthen Mongolia's position in the critical mineral supply chain, particularly with third neighbors? We have resources, including reserves of critical minerals. Mining is very important for Mongolia. In addition to the uranium project, we are working with the governments of Germany and South Korea on critical mineral exploration projects. In the future, we plan to work with other third neighbors and will be open to sharing information about Mongolia's deposits. The Mongolian government is planning to participate in the PDAC Conference in Toronto, Canada, this coming March, where we will have the opportunity to discuss with investors and exchange information about Mongolia's geophysical mapping and critical mineral deposits. Considering Mongolia is a landlocked country, uranium export will depend on maintaining good relations not only with Russia and China but also with France. Are you concerned that this might lead to geopolitical leverage? Over the past 10 years, there have been many challenges in completing this agreement. As you mentioned, geopolitical tensions and transport issues were the main reasons for the delays. However, now that we have successfully signed this investment agreement, we expect no transportation or logistics problems. We are grateful to the French government for resolving this issue. Although the International Criminal Court has issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin for war crimes, he visited Mongolia last September. Does this mean your government is backing away from ICC membership, and what message should third neighbors take from this? The world has changed very quickly over the past two years. However, Mongolia is a peace-loving nation. We have always maintained a consistent stance for peace, not war. Therefore, we believe all conflicts, disputes, and tensions should be resolved through dialogue and diplomatic talks. Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war, we have remained firm in this position. Mongolia and Russia have had a friendly, historical relationship since 1921, and every five years, Russia's head of state visits our country to commemorate the anniversary of the Battle of Khalkhin Gol. Therefore, we have explained these challenges and economic dependencies from Russia to our partners and third neighbors while preparing for the anniversary. During and after the visit, our Ministry of Foreign Affairs has worked closely with partners and the International Criminal Court to provide explanations. We previously spoke about your fight against corruption. In December, Orano agreed to pay a €4.8 million fine to settle a bribery case related to its mining operations in Mongolia. Given your tough stance on corruption, isn't this troubling? We are aware of the bribery case and therefore, the Government of Mongolia wants to be as transparent and open as possible. We have discussed this matter candidly in government sessions and are working with prosecutors. However, we have decided not to delay this agreement because it is beneficial for both the Mongolian and French governments. The court proceedings will proceed separately, and the investment framework agreement will be implemented as agreed. I also attended the "One Water" summit in Saudi Arabia last month, where I met with President Emmanuel Macron and discussed this issue. We seriously considered how the two sides could work closely together. Therefore, I am confident that this bribery case will be resolved according to laws and regulations and that the investment agreement will be implemented stably. Mongolia recently established a wealth fund. What steps have you taken to align its investments with international ESG standards? Yes, Mongolia has passed the National Wealth Fund legislation, which includes a savings fund, a future heritage fund, and a development fund. As of December 2024, we have accumulated $1.3 billion, and as major mining projects succeed, this revenue will increase. We have opened an account on our E-Mongolia digital platform for each citizen as part of the savings fund. Therefore, as the Orano project progresses and revenue starts coming in, funds from this project will also go into citizens' accounts. It is vital for the Mongolian people to tangibly benefit from their natural resources. The U.S. has elected a new president who has pledged to impose increased tariffs on goods from many countries, including a 60% tariff on Chinese exports. Given Mongolia's heavy economic dependence on China, are you concerned about the impact of Trump's pledge on Mongolia's economy? What about the broader implications of wide-ranging global trade tariffs? Mongolia-U.S. relations are very strong. Since President Trump knows about Mongolia, I am confident that our relations will continue to expand and develop. In 2019, during President Trump's first administration, Mongolia-U.S. relations reached the level of a strategic partnership, and President Trump was one of the few U.S. Presidents to receive our President's visit. Moreover, President Trump's family has personally visited Mongolia several times to explore our nomadic lifestyle and beautiful landscapes. Therefore, I believe his administration will understand Mongolia's situation and challenges, supporting our democracy, and that our relations will deepen during his second term. Regarding China, of course, we export our coking coal to them, and there are concerns that prices might drop due to the electric vehicle tax. However, we are working very closely with the Chinese government to expand cooperation, especially regarding exports. We are working on an agreement to connect the railway with China Energy Group to increase coking coal exports to China. Therefore, we do not expect to lose economic revenue by increasing our coal exports. I also met with Eric Trump during my recent visit to Abu Dhabi to discuss the impact of the electric vehicle tax on Mongolia's coking coal exports. Last June, your party became the majority in the parliament after the elections but formed a grand coalition with the Democratic Party and the HUN Party. Are you satisfied with this situation? In Mongolia's history, more than 10 mega infrastructure projects have been discussed but not implemented. Therefore, this government has introduced 14 mega infrastructure projects to be implemented within its mandate. The parliament has also passed constitutional amendments to expand the legislative body and approve a mixed electoral system. Therefore, these developments paved the way for forming this coalition government because Mongolia had become too politicized. As we know, the world, especially due to wars, has become extremely polarized, and the situation is unpredictable. This new government represents a significant change in Mongolia's politics, with representatives from five parties, 70% new members of the parliament, and 25% women. Therefore, we have become a leader in Asia in terms of female representation. Ultimately, consensus is very important in this parliament, this government, and in Mongolia. In recent weeks, there have been anti-government protests in Ulaanbaatar. What measures will your government take? One of the main reasons for these protests is related to the law recently passed by our government to liberalize energy prices. Of course, this was a tough decision for citizens, but it was a very important and realistic decision. It is also important to reform our energy sector to advance energy projects. Not everyone can be satisfied with everything that is happening. Moreover, because of the coal theft case that occurred two years ago and some unresolved issues related to the Development Bank, there has been considerable distrust and resentment among citizens towards our judicial system. We have met with representatives of the protesters, listened to their demands, and understand that protests are part of the democratic process. It is crucial for us to understand the needs of our people and make information open and transparent to the public. Thank you for the conversation.
South Korea to Amend Law Following Detention of a Two-Year-Old Mongolian Citizen
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
The National Human Rights Commission of the Republic of Korea has forwarded recommendations to the Ministry of Justice and immigration authorities to protect the rights of children, particularly those of illegal foreign nationals. In April 2023, a Mongolian citizen was detained at an immigration office in Gyeonggi Province along with their two-year-old child. Despite requesting the temporary release of the child from the institution's protection, deeming it unsuitable for the child to live there, the request was rejected. Following the incident, a complaint was filed with the National Human Rights Commission. Although the Human Rights Commission dismissed the complaint, it recommended to the Minister of Justice that a provision be included in the Immigration Control Act to generally prohibit “the internment of children in immigration facilities.” In response, the Minister of Justice announced plans to insert provisions in the Immigration Control Act restricting the protection of children under the age of 14 in such facilities.
PHOTO: Autumn session closed with the signing of the Uranium project
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
The State Great Khural's session today has concluded. This marks the end of the first regular autumn session of the parliament formed as a result of the 9th parliamentary elections, during which 81 days were held, with 8 independent laws, a total of 52 laws, and 57 resolutions of the State Great Khural being discussed and approved. The Speaker of the State Great Khural, D. Amarbayasgalan, stated, "More than 60 working groups established by the President of the State Great Khural's decree and Permanent Committee's resolutions have met more than 90 times in total. These working groups are currently addressing issues that require urgent refinement in line with legal resolutions awaited today and pressing necessities of the time. For instance, these include detailed regulation of moped and scooter usage, regulation of electronic cigarette usage, improvement of tobacco control legislation, and study of the implementation of laws and regulations related to health insurance, medical services, pharmaceuticals, food, and education, among many social and economic issues," he said. The full transcript of the Speaker's speech can be read HERE.
UN Resident Coordinator Jacob van Haierdan Presents Credentials to Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
In Ulaanbaatar, Jacob van Haierdan, who has been appointed as the UN Resident Coordinator in Mongolia, presented his credentials to Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg, officially commencing his duty. Minister B. Battsetseg congratulated him on officially taking up his duties and expressed confidence that he would make a significant contribution to expanding and strengthening the cooperation between Mongolia and the UN. Mr. Jacob van Haierdan expressed his gratitude and stated his intention to work closely in implementing development policies. He also noted the successful organization of the Women's Foreign Ministers' Meeting and the World Women's Conference in Mongolia, commending the country's contribution towards gender equality and women's leadership. Resident Coordinator Haierdan has over 30 years of experience working in the UN system and previously served as the Resident Coordinator responsible for the North Pacific region of the UN in Micronesia.
Parliament: Discussing the General Development Plan for Ulaanbaatar City until 2040
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
The regular autumn session of the Parliament is being held at the State Palace. At the beginning of today's session, the majority of Members of Parliament supported in principle the discussion of a bill amending the Law on the Legal Status of New Zuunmod City, which was jointly submitted with related legislative proposals. As a result, it was transferred to the Standing Committee on State Structure for preparation for the first reading. Subsequently, the draft resolution of the Parliament on "Approving the General Development Plan of Ulaanbaatar City until 2040" is being discussed. WARNING Media organizations (Television, Radio, Social and Web pages) must cite the source ( when using our information in any form, either completely or partially.
Resolution Passed to Implement Oil Refinery Construction Project
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
At the meeting of the Standing Committee on Industrial Policy of the State Great Khural, one of the three issues discussed and resolved was the approval of a resolution to implement the oil refinery construction project. Specifically, the committee members discussed and approved the draft resolution directing the government to pursue the implementation of this project. The draft resolution was developed by the working group tasked with overseeing the construction of the "Mongolian Oil Refinery" led by MP L. Munkhbayasgalan. MP L. Munkhbayasgalan stated, "The government has urgently submitted an agreement to the State Great Khural to ratify additional loans from India's EXIM Bank. Although the plan was to present the report on this draft resolution during the spring session, it has been swiftly developed due to current circumstances." The draft resolution directing the government stipulates the appointment of a team of Mongolian experts to monitor and participate in the design, procurement, and construction works being implemented in India and other countries, in order to improve cost control of the oil refinery project. It also requires that the "Mongolian Oil Refinery" be presented to the State Great Khural for review during the budget execution period each year without additional state budget financing for construction, and without external or internal loans, to be completed by the first quarter of 2028. Each year, an implementation plan for the refinery construction work must be approved and executed accordingly, with regular oversight and evaluation of loan usage. If performance is inadequate, responsibility will be assessed for the relevant officials, and efforts to fully supply the refinery with domestically sourced crude oil must be implemented. Furthermore, the government is instructed to include performance audits in the construction works for 2020-2024 and report the findings to the State Great Khural, as well as to take measures to swiftly organize the implementation of the resolution and report to the relevant standing committee during the next regular spring session.
Kh.Nyambaatar: 242 Trillion MNT Needed for Ulaanbaatar's Development Master Plan until 2040
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
The Parliament is currently discussing the draft resolution on "Approving the Development Master Plan for Ulaanbaatar City until 2040." Members are asking questions and getting answers related to the draft resolution. Parliament member N. Nomtoibayar inquired, "On what economic system is the 2040 Development Master Plan based? We want clarity from the beginning. What will be our tax base? Where will our budget revenue come from? How many people are working at the city administration? What are the income and expenses like?" Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene replied, "The general plan of the capital city needs to be understood by Parliament and the public. There are many projects being implemented in the capital by private enterprises and international projects. These need prioritization. This issue is also being discussed at the rapid response headquarters. Therefore, I wish for us to understand our city together. The government is prioritizing issues. In the spring session, tax, social insurance, investment, and tender package laws will be introduced. Focus will be on how to attract a favorable environment for business investment. We are urging the prioritization of projects. If we continue at our current pace, the capital will remain as it is. We need to focus on what to do and decide collectively for Ulaanbaatar. A prince with a white horse will not suddenly emerge to solve the city's pressing problems." City Mayor Kh. Nyambaatar said, "Our working group has determined that GDP will reach 40 billion USD by 2040. GDP per capita will reach 18,000 USD. We've calculated the state budget of Mongolia to be 90 trillion MNT annually. The implementation of the Ulaanbaatar Development Master Plan until 2040 will require 242 trillion MNT. 120 trillion MNT will be financed through state and city budget investments. The remaining 120 trillion MNT should be funded by private sector investment. This master plan's foundational assurance is a public-private partnership, based on calculations and studies. By 2035, the primary energy consumption in Ulaanbaatar will double. Thus, an estimated 7 trillion MNT is needed for expanding power transmission lines."
Kh. Nyambaatar: Implementing Ulaanbaatar City's Development Plan Until 2040 Requires ₮242 Trillion
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
During today's session of the State Great Khural (Parliament) of Mongolia, discussions were held on the draft resolution to approve the "General Development Plan of Ulaanbaatar City until 2040." During this session, MP N. Nymbat asked questions to the initiators of the draft resolution and received answers. He asked, "What ideology is driving the basic economic system? If you go with a socialist economic system with a leftist orientation, the civil service and state-owned enterprises will remain as they are. If you rely on a Western-oriented economic base, the city administration must do its regulatory work, ensuring the participation of businesses and citizens. The municipal government's income and the budget from the state is ₮5.3 trillion. How will the system to define the economic base proceed in the future? What legal and regulatory environment will be affected to implement the general development plan for 2040? Is there any research or calculation done on this?" In response to his question, Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene stated, "It is necessary for the parliament and the public to jointly understand the capital city of Ulaanbaatar. Although many projects have been started, they have not been synchronized, and their feasibility studies are violated. If we want to renew the underground pipes and make investments, $2 billion is needed. When an investment of $1 billion is made, mistakes appear on the payment balance. At least $70 billion of requirements are centered in Ulaanbaatar City for implementing projects. If we wait for the state budget to raise $70 billion, Ulaanbaatar will remain unchanged for 30 years. The government will introduce a package of laws on taxes, social insurance, investment, and tenders in the next spring session to create a favorable environment for business and investment. There have been three main reasons why Ulaanbaatar City has faced issues in the past. First, out of fear of raising energy prices, no new power plants have been built. Infrastructure around power plants has been halted. Therefore, land began to be granted unofficially in areas without planning. Second, the city did not have money. The state budget was dispersed into small houses behind mountains. For the first time, members elected from the city form the majority in parliament. The idea that Ulaanbaatar would become depopulated by only developing local areas is incorrect. A city remains with people, it has a market. We don't have a population that can sustain as many cities as desired. Two or three large cities will be built. Ulaanbaatar City did not have authority. Ministries divided the authorities among themselves." The Mayor of Ulaanbaatar, Kh. Nyambaatar, added, "Our working group estimates that by 2040, the Gross Domestic Product will reach $40 billion. The GDP per capita is calculated to reach $18,000, and the state budget will amount to ₮90 trillion. We have calculated that ₮242 trillion is needed to implement the general development plan for Ulaanbaatar City until 2040. Of this, ₮120 trillion will be financed by state and municipal investments, while the rest should be financed by private sector funding. In other words, the economic guarantee for implementing this development plan is a partnership between the state and private sector. By 2035, Ulaanbaatar City's basic energy consumption will exceed 3,000 megawatts. Currently, it stands at over 1,000 megawatts. When energy consumption exceeds 3,000 megawatts, it will require ₮7 trillion just to expand and renew the transmission lines."
R. Dagdan: Major Projects Move Forward After Addressing Infrastructure Needs Like Energy and Roads
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
An interview with R. Dagdan, the energy project manager in Ulaanbaatar, discusses the city’s energy consumption and upcoming energy projects set for implementation in 2025. - How is the current state of Ulaanbaatar’s energy consumption and sector? - This winter, the entire energy system is operating at a load of 1500-1600 MW, with Ulaanbaatar city itself averaging a load of 1245 MW, which accounts for over 60% of the national energy consumption. In the winter of 2023-2024, Ulaanbaatar experienced a 200 MW power shortage, which has been addressed this winter. That shortfall was covered by the integration of 150 MW from the Booroljuut power plant and 50 MW from the Baganuur battery storage plant into the central system starting in December 2024. - The 150 MW Booroljuut power plant and 50 MW Baganuur battery station, together producing a total of 200 MW, were built quickly with local bonds in Ulaanbaatar. What does 200 MW of energy represent? - To illustrate, the 50 MW capacity of the Baganuur battery storage station alone can supply power to five provinces. Domestic engineers and technical workers, in collaboration with international experts, managed to construct such a facility with high productivity in just two months. First, this showcases our ability to execute large-scale projects domestically in a short timeframe. Second, it demonstrates that green energy can be produced in Mongolia. - The Baganuur battery storage station accumulates surplus energy produced at night and supplies it during peak demand. This technology seems novel and interesting for Mongolia. - Worldwide, there is a growing conversation about renewable and green energy. Utilizing energy in an environmentally-friendly way for humans and nature is a significant issue. Therefore, Ulaanbaatar city is actively researching and incorporating sources of green and renewable energy in its projects and programs. We also collaborate with other cities and international organizations on projects in this field. A practical example of this is the 50 MW Baganuur battery station. - The capital city prioritizes reducing air pollution and fully meeting its energy needs domestically. 2025 has been declared the “Year of Construction.” What energy projects will be implemented in the capital that year? - The first step in implementing construction projects is resolving infrastructure issues related to energy and roads. Ulaanbaatar is focusing on these areas in its energy and road sectors accordingly. From 2025, we will implement projects in energy including TPP-5 thermal power plant, projects to increase decentralized heat sources, and projects to produce energy by burning waste. Specifically, we will build a 300 MW TPP-5 thermal power plant on the ash storage site of the TPP-2 plant. We will construct waste-to-energy projects at Morin Davaa and Tsagaan Davaa with public-private partnerships. We are also researching eco-friendly technology for building a plant in the New Zuunmod city, known as Khunnu city. In terms of heat supply, the expansion of the 63 MW Dambadarjaa thermal plant to 126 MW will be organized by the capital with the assistance from the Asian Development Bank, providing heat to the Selbe subcenter. The construction of a 24 MW thermal plant at Emeelt will be through a public-private partnership. Private sector projects for generating electricity from hydrogen and heat from sand are also under study and experience exchange. - How will Ulaanbaatar’s future energy consumption increase? - The projected growth in Ulaanbaatar’s electricity consumption anticipates reaching 2204 MW by 2032, with all projects tailored to meet this expected demand seven years from now. Importantly, the city’s energy project plans align and maintain mutual understanding with the national energy ministry’s plans, a matter concluded through discussions between City Mayor Kh. Nyambaatar and Energy Minister B. Choijilsuren. For energy projects to proceed, land issues and investment resolutions are essential. These aspects are being coordinated between the national and city governments, marking a new standard compared to previous years. - Can you briefly summarize the benefits of the above projects and programs? - As mentioned, energy projects provide a foundation for advancing any development initiatives. These projects not only contribute significantly to the capital’s development but also play a critical role in meeting the growing energy needs and reducing air pollution.
Cooperation with the Kuwait Fund in the Road Sector to Continue
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
Ulaanbaatar - During his visit to Kuwait to establish an Air Relations Agreement with the State of Kuwait, the State Secretary of the Ministry of Road and Transport, S. Batbold, met with Waleed Al-Bahar, Acting Director General of the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development. During this meeting, they exchanged views on current and future projects. Specifically, they discussed the project to expand the 101.7 km Ulaanbaatar-Lün road section, which is part of the 382 km highway project between Ulaanbaatar and the new Kharkhorum city, into six lanes, with funding from the Qatar Sovereign Wealth Fund, Dubai Investment Fund, Oman Investment Fund, and other international investment organizations. Waleed Al-Bahar expressed the Kuwait Fund's support for involving other Gulf Cooperation Council country funds, with which they maintain regular cooperation, to assist with the full implementation of the project. According to the Ministry of Road and Transport, the government established an agreement with the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development in Kuwait in 2018 to provide $3.5 million in non-refundable aid for the renovation project of Öndörkhaan Airport, located in Khentii province. Collaboration with the Kuwait Fund in the field of Mongolian road transport has been ongoing. Between 2002 and 2015, various projects were carried out with financing from the Kuwait Fund, including the construction of a total of 415 km of roads between Darkhan-Erdenet, Erdenet-Bulgan-Ünyt, and Ünyt-Tarialan.
The Policy of Transporting People to the City Instead of Developing the Countryside
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
The "great migration" to the city continues unabated, leaving Mongolia's countryside deserted and silent. We lament, "The districts have become empty, there are no people," and then enthusiastically say, "Astute and smart people can live well in the countryside," "Stress-free, peaceful life is in Mongolia's rural areas," "The number of people relocating to the districts has increased sharply in recent years," trying to persuade and encourage young people to move to the countryside. Yet, in reality, the countryside remains locked behind multiple "layers of locks." Challenges like job availability, quality and accessibility of education and healthcare, local prejudices, bureaucratic red tape, excessive partisanship, politics, and land allocation issues abound. So how do we unlock these "locks" obstructing the migration to rural areas? Researchers answer with "education." Why is education important? If we can steer the education policy correctly and improve its quality and accessibility while reducing inequality, we can unlock several "locks." This requires implementing actions based on detailed research and planning. To ensure balanced urban and rural development and reduce the migration to the capital, the UN Convention to Combat Desertification's Science and Policy Committee member, researcher U. Tungalag, stated the need to reform policies and systems for training skilled personnel. Our current policy focuses on concentrating people in the city, not the countryside. The researcher criticized, "Our country claims to develop the countryside and settle people there, yet we train people for city-based jobs, inviting skilled personnel to Ulaanbaatar. Policies for training specialists in agriculture and related sectors have been lost. In such a situation, who would head to the countryside?" When examining the system for training skilled personnel, labor market supply and demand, and university enrollment, these imbalances become apparent. Mongolia is an agricultural country, one of the few nations preserving the tradition of nomadic animal husbandry, yet neglected policies to foster development and supply skilled workers in this sector. Despite the availability of jobs for agricultural specialties like zootechnicians, veterinarians, agronomists, and leather product technologists, enrollment has plummeted, and universities have scaled back related programs. Some professions face extinction and being forgotten. In Khuvsgul province, around 10,000 positions exist in agriculture, but only about 30% are filled. In Selenge province, the main agricultural region contributing around 50% of the national harvest, finding an agronomist is a struggle, and growers complain. If this trend continues, the degradation of the agricultural sector will reach its peak. The countryside will truly become deserted. Discussing the development of animal husbandry and agriculture could become too late. Therefore, developing rural areas involves focusing on raising the agricultural sector onto its feet, creating enough jobs for those working in the sector. Alongside training personnel for emerging professions as societies develop, policies should also support traditional economic sectors. The government needs to harmonize higher education policy with the labor market if it’s necessary to limit the population of Ulaanbaatar. Today, Mongolia needs workers in agriculture, not excess professions like lawyers, economists, accountants, or philosophers. For families, especially young households, the biggest hurdle and influence on choice when relocating to rural areas is educational inequality. The difference in educational quality and accessibility is vast not only between villages and provinces but also between central and remote districts of the capital. Many citizens move to busy cities for quality education for their children, similar to how some families can't head to the countryside due to dissatisfaction with provincial schools. The disparity in educational quality between city and rural schools is stark, as shown by PISA results. City pupils perform distinctly better than those in provinces, who in turn outperform those in districts by two years. If we aim to increase rural migrations, improving the quality and equality of education—a fundamental social need—is crucial. Regrettably, many district schools still rely on outdoor pit toilets and stoves. Who would want their children to study and suffer in such an environment? Government and local leaders often promote rural areas as prosperous with great conditions. However, the reality is a world apart. Speaking with individuals who have moved to rural areas reveals various challenges and trials they face. Political maneuvering and local favoritism often lead to harassment, bullying by "local indians," discrimination, and bureaucratic red tape prevalent in districts. Businesses started in local areas often face harassment and obstruction, a common practice. Denials of land allocation for temporary residents and refusal of school and kindergarten admissions for their children are frequent. This alone has forced many to relocate again. All these issues root from education concerns. Mongolian citizens should freely travel, temporarily or permanently reside, and conduct businesses anywhere. Simply put, we should be able to work and live wherever. No one should draw territory lines or discriminate against people from other provinces or districts. Such outdated attitudes and mindsets among rural populations underscore the urgent need for attention to education. Researcher U. Tungalag emphasized the importance of focusing on the education of rural residents, especially herders, for environmental protection and pasture conservation. Land is the most valuable resource of the nation. Mongolian herders, responsible for preserving pastures vital to agriculture, should possess extensive experience, knowledge, and education in land use and livestock management. Sadly, the neglect of policy for developing the agricultural sector and providing skilled personnel resulted in a loss of the so-called "herder's wisdom." Overstocking pastures with twice the sustainable number of livestock, causing desertification and land degradation, links directly to this issue. Many international projects aimed at reducing desertification and land degradation focus on empowering and educating herders. The government needs to prioritize this direction and implement a unified policy. There was a time when the herders’ sagacity was revered. Now, society views herding as a job only for the uneducated. Balancing urban and rural development and enabling comfortable living in rural areas hinges on education.
L. Oyun-Erdene: We will make Ulaanbaatar a city that is pleasant to live in
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
The Prime Minister of Mongolia, L. Oyun-Erdene, presented the "General Development Plan for Ulaanbaatar until 2040" and spoke at a session of the State Great Khural. Here is his full speech. "Respected Mongolians, Honorable citizens of the capital, Chairman of the State Great Khural, dear members, The government is focusing on unresolved key issues to achieve the goals and objectives outlined in the long-term development policy "Vision-2050." It is no secret that there has long been a covert organization across countries that has stalled development projects for years. In the past few days, protests have occurred during the discussions of the investment agreement with Badrakh Energy and the intergovernmental agreement on the Gashuunsukhait-Gantsmod railway connection, and MPs have been sent messages from unregistered foreign numbers. This is the outdated technology of the blockers past their time. We must courageously overcome all this together for rapid development. From the 14 mega projects prioritized and introduced by the Joint Government, I express sincere gratitude on behalf of the government to Chairman D. Amarbayasgalan and all MPs for supporting the resolution to endorse the Erdeneburen Hydropower Plant and the Gashuunsukhait-Gantsmod border rail project, as well as the investment agreement on uranium mining signed with France on January 17. Time will continue to turn events and truths into history on paper. The first autumn session of the new parliament formed by a mixed system will be an indelible part of Mongolia's history, and I, as the Prime Minister, have firm confidence in this. Chairman, honorable members, The government has declared 2025 as the "Year of Supporting the Development of the Capital's Infrastructure." The main importance lies in uniting the understanding of state organs, the public, and enterprises to solve the capital's pressing issues. The city is a living organism. Just like improving the immunity of the body as a whole, it's necessary to solve the capital's issues comprehensively, as advised by experts involved in Ulaanbaatar City's general planning. Experts noted that there are neither good nor bad cities in the world; the difference is in making correct or incorrect general plans and their execution. The experts also reminded that politicians should not stick to symptomatic engagements but rather solve fundamental causes advised by experts and support public understanding as the best solution. To assist with the year's initiatives, an operational staff under the direct leadership of the Prime Minister is organized, comprising professional organizations, urban planners, representatives of universities, and researchers. I express gratitude to the party leaders with parliamentary seats and those who have served as mayors of the capital for being part of the staff. I urge political parties with parliamentary seats and MPs elected from the capital districts and lists to collaborate and create a group to promote and solve infrastructure issues without a political agenda. At the beginning of this year of supporting the capital's infrastructure, it's essential to submit the General Plan for Ulaanbaatar City Development until 2040, hold public discussions, and reach a common understanding on priority projects to be implemented. In line with amendments to the tax law, let's commend businesses investing in human development, the environment, and social responsibility sectors by freeing them from sales tax corresponding to one percent of their revenue, particularly enterprises and private sector investing in projects reducing the capital's air and environment pollution, and call other enterprises to join in. The first Regional Council meeting will be organized in the second quarter, and general development plans for each region will be prepared to align with economic projects and submitted to the Spring Session of the Great Khural. The first meeting will discuss the general plan until 2040, five mega projects for regional implementation, structural and legal environment suggestions for the regions, and input ideas for the 2026 state budget. I invite all members to actively participate. For Ulaanbaatar, the first development general plan was endorsed in 1954 and amended in 1961, 1976, and 1986. The general plan to develop the city until 2020 was endorsed in 2002. In 2013, the 23rd resolution of the State Great Khural discussed and endorsed the "Amendment to the General Development Plan for Ulaanbaatar until 2020 and Development Trend until 2030" document. The basic reasons for incomplete implementation of the Capital General Plan were: 1. Failure to liberalize energy prices in time, resulting in unplanned construction following areas with infrastructure but not reflected in the general plan, 2. Excessive instability in governance weakening discipline and leading to widespread illicit land allocation, 3. Insufficient capital budgeting and investment allocation accumulating unresolved issues, 4. Weak legal framework to enforce the general plan, 5. Too many entities making political, spontaneous decisions on land allocation. For this new general plan, a principle for practical implementation has been adhered to, focusing on a 20-minute city model, addressing fundamental needs in seven major areas, basing redevelopment on other countries' experiences, tackling excessive centralization, and resolving unequal development. The General Development Plan until 2040 aims to create an "Alive City" with a pleasant living environment, building on the current urban conditions, socio-economic growth, scientific advancements, changes over time, future urbanization trends, and public feedback. The foundation of the general plan involves public participation in discussion. By submitting during the autumn session, it allows for extensive public and expert discussion time until the spring session. Experts advised there have been errors in implementation stages, prioritization, and project evaluation impacting Mongolia's projects, highlighting the need for a "Control Tower" unified management and coordination methodology. In short, previously executed projects were unintegrated, unscheduled, lacked cross-project impact assessment, and had weak mechanisms for public involvement, leading to wastage of resources and time. Therefore, during discussions on the General Development Plan, I ask MPs to obtain detailed knowledge of projects to be implemented in the capital, share this information, debate, and collaborate. Honorable members, To address the capital's urgent needs, 24 mega projects will be prioritized by duration, effects, and cost, ensuring inter-project coherence and accounting for positive and negative impacts, using the "Control Tower" method for unified management, coordination, and oversight. Among these projects is constructing a 32 km horizontal axis highway from the Bayanzurkh checkpoint to the intersection of 22. An essential step for urban planning is establishing a new complex for 30,000 people in Khui Doloon Khudag along the highway. The 62.5 km vertical axis expressway project will connect Khandagait to Chinggis Khaan International Airport, including an integrated state administration building and a bridge and tunnel following the Selbe river. This vertical axis expressway will link Ulaanbaatar's center with a newly established satellite city in Khushig Valley. Endorsement of a resolution to transform New Zuunkharaa into an intelligent Hunnu city is being jointly discussed today, important for announcing an international competition for the new city concept. The urban road network structure is planned with eight horizontal, 12 vertical axes, and a three-ring road system. Implementing these projects will increase the average speed during peak traffic from nine km/h to 22.5 km/h. To reduce the growing automobile usage and enhance public transport availability, a plan is underway to develop lines one and two of the Ulaanbaatar Metro, stretching 17.7 km along the Peace Avenue with 14 stations. Improving the capital's air quality, enhancing life standards, and implementing residential projects requires resolving housing permits, underground facilities, heating networks, and improving the city's infrastructure, with essential partial infrastructure and new energy sources for the ger districts. The capital's heat and energy demand is calculated to rise from the current 3,820 MW to 7,480 MW. Thus, it is planned to build a fifth power plant using the Second Power Plant's land and networks to create an additional 300 MW power source. New coal-based and renewable energy hybrid sources near mine sites are also included in the plan. Without solving energy issues, there's no way to expand the city, establish new cities, or implement housing and industrial projects. Deciding to liberalize energy prices in this year's autumn session initiated energy sector reforms, marking it as a historic decision. Complete rearrangement of the city's heat and energy networks demands over two billion dollars in investment. At least 70 billion dollars are required to execute the 24 mega projects, fundamentally solving the city's issues as outlined in the general plan. Legal framework overhaul is necessary to implement these mega projects and comprehensively solve city issues. The most significant outcome of this discussion is expected to be forming a unified understanding and control mechanism, "Control Tower," to execute the 24 mega projects in the capital's general plan. By approving the "General Development Plan for Ulaanbaatar until 2040" and executing the mentioned projects, this will: - Enable 91% of Ulaanbaatar’s citizens to live in apartments and 9% in improved detached housing; - Increase green area per capita from eight sq.m to 35 sq.m; - Establish a high-capacity public transport network transporting 1.2 million passengers daily, doubling public transport access; - Ensure 30% of Ulaanbaatar’s growing electricity demand is met through renewable energy sources. Focus is on improving life quality for citizens and reducing air and environmental pollution. Honorable members, Please support the resolution draft to approve the "General Development Plan for Ulaanbaatar until 2040" and form a Working Group to organize extensive public discussions. I kindly request the government and the capital to cooperate closely within the "Year of Supporting the City’s Infrastructure."
$70 Billion Needed for Stalled Projects in the Capital; Resolving This Through the State Budget Would Take 30 Years
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
Today's plenary session is discussing the draft resolution of the State Great Hural "On the General Development Plan of Ulaanbaatar City Until 2040." MP N. Nomtoibayar stated, "A historic policy document is coming into play. For the first time in our history, the general plan of our capital is being introduced. How was the economic baseline calculation for 2040 of the capital estimated? The city's own revenue is 5.3 trillion, which equals 50% of the state budget. The responsibility of the State Great Hural is crucial in implementing this plan. What responsibilities will fall to the State Great Hural? Have legal calculations been made for this?" Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene said, "We plan to create a unified understanding of the city's general development plan altogether. Various ministries have started different projects independently, leading to discrepancies in feasibility studies. Therefore, prioritizing the projects is the right approach. For example, underground infrastructure has been laid, but due to lack of investment, it requires an additional 2 billion dollars. Meanwhile, introducing just 1 billion dollars into the state budget would disrupt the balance of payments. Can we make investments from the state budget or not? Implementing all ongoing projects in the capital will require at least 70 billion dollars. How are we going to raise such massive funding? If we were to rely on the state budget, it would take 30 years. This is the harsh truth. Therefore, support from the State Great Hural, the government, and the capital is needed. A prince on a white horse will not appear out of nowhere and develop the capital. Therefore, having a unified understanding, a phased approach, and prioritizing which projects to start from where is the right approach.”
Draft Resolution on Approving the General Plan for the Development of the Capital City of Ulaanbaatar until 2040 Supported for Discussion
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
The regular autumn session of the State Great Hural (Parliament of Mongolia) in 2024 began today with a 57% attendance of members, deciding to discuss and resolve six issues. First, the meeting discussed whether to review the draft law on amendments to the legal status of the new Zuunmod city and the accompanying laws and resolutions introduced by the government. On June 5, 2024, the State Great Hural approved the Law on the Legal Status of the New Zuunmod City and established the new Zuunmod City as a satellite city of the capital Ulaanbaatar with strategic significance according to the resolution on "Establishing a City" by the State Great Hural. The initiator of the project believes that establishing the satellite city of New Zuunmod will decrease the concentration in Ulaanbaatar by a certain percentage and can provide opportunities to expand Mongolia's economic growth by 10-15%, becoming a center for transportation logistics and a free zone aided by the Bogdkhan Railway. A comprehensive complex of governmental and administrative organizations will be located in this city. Leveraging the international airport, a complex for organizing international high-level meetings and events will be established, aiming to ensure service management and security systems. In implementing the city's construction, the initiators emphasized the importance of introducing the project to the international arena with favorable conditions to attract investments and to develop the city into a globally recognized one, where its name plays a crucial role. International experience shows that establishing a city name that can symbolize cultural heritage and history of a country, and as an international financial, business, and tourist hub, easily pronounceable and writable, can comprehensively plan marketing and promotion strategies. Therefore, the proposed structure for the name should reflect the distinct characteristics of the city such as history, culture, environment, economic potential, and the development goals and future position on an international level, influencing attracting international investments in the construction and increasing various partnerships and support. The name "New Zuunmod City" might imply reconstruction planning of the satellite city or the central city of Tuv Province rather than establishing a new city. Therefore, the need arises to change the name with a goal to introduce this project to the international level, attract investments and develop it into a globally recognized city. Mongolians have a historical precedent of statehood, with the region being the cradle of famous empires in world history. The Hunnu established a powerful nomadic state organization in the Central Asian steppes, exercising control over international relations and the Silk Road, leaving a deep imprint on the history of Europe and Asia. Therefore, to express comprehensively Mongolia's historical and statehood aspects, and the planning and objectives of the new city's development, it is proposed to name "New Zuunmod City" as "Hunnu City," introducing Mongolia's statehood, history, culture to the world to fit international trends, developing an intelligent city under this law draft. According to the "Vision 2050" long-term policy document, this city is planned to be Mongolia's main transport logistics hub, building on the Chinggis Khaan International Airport established in the Khushig Valley and to be developed further as the passenger and air transport hub of Northeast Asia. In alignment with these objectives, developing "New Zuunmod City" as "Hunnu City" is seen as a combination of tradition and renewal, aiming to create a human-centered, environmentally friendly, smart city, helping to achieve economic independence and ensuring a sustainable model of development with safe living conditions for humans. It focuses on breaking the congestion and load of Ulaanbaatar by providing a significant proportion of living conditions, establishing equal settlement, transportation logistic services, and increasing the infrastructure supply accessibility. Member of Parliament (MP) O. Shijir presented the proposals and conclusions of the State Structure Standing Committee. The standing committee discussed the expedited procedure for considering the projects, following the Law on Procedures of Meetings of the State Great Hural. It was noted that the draft law was posted on the “” electronic system of the State Great Hural to involve public participation and suggestions. The majority of committee members supported discussing the concept of the draft law to amend the law on the legal status of New Zuunmod city. Based on the committee's proposal, the initiators' report, the need and impact of legislation, costs, and the concept of draft laws, several MPs requested questions in advance of the plenary session. In response to questions from MPs clarifying the location and whether there would be other satellite cities of Ulaanbaatar besides "Hunnu City," the Mayor of the Capital and Governor of Ulaanbaatar City stated that amendments to the Law on the Legal Status of Cities and Villages were made, which included passing the ‘Establishment of the City’ Resolution of the State Great Hural. Under this, it was decided to establish Baganuur and Nalaikh districts of the capital as cities of national rank, and to build 14 cities within the administrative and territorial units of Ulaanbaatar, including new satellite cities. Here, New Zuunmod city will be established on a corporate principle for the first time. Specifically, Ulaanbaatar will hold 80%, and Tuv Province will hold 20%. The location will cover around the Chinggis Khaan International Airport in Khushig Valley, with plans to accommodate 150 thousand residents, focusing on tourism, transport, and logistics center establishment. Currently, infrastructure works are being carried out, planning to announce a public-private partnership tender for renewable energy power sources, providing details on wastewater treatment plants, and initiating plans for geothermal investigation. In response to MPs' questions about scientific reasons and explanations for choosing the name "Hunnu," relevant experts provided responses. In connection to the suggestions and conclusions of the Standing Committee on the draft law, an MP expressed support for the concept of the project. A vote was conducted on whether to support discussing the draft law on amendments to the law on the legal status of New Zuunmod city in concept after MP's speech. A significant majority supported the discussion. Proceeding, individual votes were run supporting the accompanying drafts of laws and resolutions, finalizing by transferring the drafts for initial discussion preparation to the State Structure Standing Committee. The session continued, discussing whether to review the draft of the "Resolution of the State Great Hural on Approving the General Plan for the Development of Ulaanbaatar City Until 2040." The government declared 2025 as the "Year of Supporting the Capital’s Infrastructure Development." Experts advised a comprehensive approach to resolving issues of the capital, stressing the importance of reaching a unified understanding of projects, ranking, and chronological order, implementing them by introducing the General Plan for Ulaanbaatar City's Development Until 2040. Continuing, the Prime Minister mentioned the development plans of Ulaanbaatar city and noted priority ranking based on timeframes, project impact, and cost for implementing 24 mega projects addressing pressing issues in the capital. The projects include constructing a 4-6 lane Tuul Expressway, developing a new festival complex for 30,000 people, and a vertical axis expressway connecting to the future satellite city. The general structure of the city’s road network will consist of horizontal and vertical axes and a three-ring road structure. The plan also includes constructing the first and second lines of Ulaanbaatar Metro. The Prime Minister emphasized the need for significant legal reforms to fully implement the mega projects embodied in the general plan, solving capital issues comprehensively. He highlighted the significance of implementing the 24 mega projects included in the General Plan, reiterating the introduction of a "Control Tower" for integrated management, coordination, and control. It is estimated that approving and implementing the “General Plan for the Development of Ulaanbaatar City Until 2040” will greatly enhance citizens’ quality of life. During the unified session, participants of the "Open Parliament" internship program visited, aimed at enhancing transparency and trust, with over 1700 students expressing interest in joining. MP O. Nominchimig presented the conclusions and suggestions of the State Structure Standing Committee. The committee supported discussing the Resolution draft in concept. After MPs asked and received answers, further opinions were expressed about the concept of the project. After moving forward with a vote, a significant majority supported discussing the Draft Resolution on the "General Plan for the Development of Ulaanbaatar Until 2040" in concept, thus transferring the draft to the State Structure Standing Committee for preparation for initial discussions. The session of the State Great Hural continued with discussions on the draft resolution about "Amending and Adding to the Salaries of Some Organizations."
UVURKHANGAI: Continuation of Connecting Ger Districts to Infrastructure Networks
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
The significant construction projects, for which funding was resolved in last year’s state budget, will continue this year. These include the building of a center for people with disabilities in Arvaikheer sum, the building for the Water, Meteorology and Environmental Monitoring Center, the expansion of the Tax Department's building, the Palace of Child and Youth Development in Kharkhorin sum, and a school building for 320 children. In addition, sports halls seating 250 will be constructed in Santi, Guchin-Us, and Uyanga sums, as well as the expansion of a school building containing a library and art hall in Bayangol sum. The construction of a school building for 320 children and a sports hall in Bayan-Undur sum, and the expansion of the 2nd school building in Arvaikheer sum will also continue. This year will also see the advancement of the construction of a kindergarten for special needs children with 150 beds. Furthermore, the ger districts in the 1st, 3rd, 8th, and 9th bags of Arvaikheer sum will be connected to infrastructure networks, and the engineering network in Nariinteel sum will be renovated.
Let's build mixed housing complexes and bring people with different incomes together
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
The meeting of today's Parliament session continues. They are discussing the draft resolution of the Parliament on "The General Development Plan of the Capital City of Ulaanbaatar until 2040.” Member of Parliament J. Galbadrakh said, "We need to take a good hard look at our reality. We have many glassy, tall buildings. But did we develop? No. It has become a high-cost city that is unfriendly to its citizens and frustrates them. Education and healthcare services have deteriorated to the extreme. The main dream of the citizens of the capital is to receive quality education and healthcare services. The standard for the number of students in a class has exceeded the limit. There are even classes with more than 60 students. Many studies have written about the infringement of rights here. There are 152,000 children whose rights are being violated in this way. How many schools and kindergartens have been planned to be built? When students start their vacation, traffic jams disappear. This does not mean to keep them on vacation. What's important is to have schools close to home, and for those schools to be of quality,” he said. The Mayor of the City, Kh. Nyambaatar, added, “We haven't had the opportunity to provide quality education. The norm for class occupancy has been exceeded, and there is a lack of schools and kindergartens in certain neighborhoods. By adding 51 new schools in Ulaanbaatar and 72 in satellite cities, a total of 123 new schools will be established to keep the class size at 30 students. I have this idea. Within the scope of the re-planning of ger areas, let’s create mixed residential complexes and have people with different income levels live in one place. To attract those people, let’s establish quality, program-based schools there. For example, there is a school with a $2000 Singapore program within the 'Gazarchin' town. We will meet with the board of directors of this school on the 29th of this month. Why can’t we introduce such program schools into the redevelopment projects of Selbe, Bayankhoshuu, and Sharkhad areas?” he said.
Planning to combine Naran Tuul and Da Khuree Markets near the old Bayanzurkh toll station
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
The Mayor of Ulaanbaatar, H. Nyambaatar, presented the city's development plans within the '20-Minute City' concept, detailing construction projects for the coming years. In an effort to reduce traffic congestion, he explained to the Unified Session of the State Great Khural that the planning for major markets and trade centers will be changed, combining Naran Tuul and Da Khüree markets near the old Bayanzurkh toll station. He said, "The Tuul expressway will be 33 kilometers long. We plan to start construction by May 1st. The tender will be announced on January 28th and 29th, and selections will be finalized by April, with the contracts expected to be signed and work to start by May 1st. The plan is to complete the project within 24 months after starting. After starting the Tuul expressway, we will negotiate with the management of major trade centers like Naran Tuul, Da Khüree, Kharkhorin, and Bars. Preliminary plans are being developed to combine Naran Tuul and Da Khüree near the old Bayanzurkh toll station. Naran Tuul and Da Khüree marketplaces will operate in combination on the western side. Therefore, there will be no need to enter Ulaanbaatar city as services will be available at a trade center at one of the exits of the expressway." The issue of relocating markets and trade centers out of the city is not a new discussion. Although plans have been discussed for 15 years, execution has yet to be realized. Plans for relocating major markets and trade centers have been discussed as follows: - In 2007, former Mayor of the Capital City, Ts. Batbayar, first proposed relocating the markets and trade centers. - In 2016, former Governor of the Capital City, S. Batbold, stated, "We will expand the city to the west. To alleviate congestion, Naran Tuul, Da Khüree, and similar markets will be relocated as a priority." - In 2018, former Mayor S. Amarsaikhan made a decision to relocate construction and other major trade centers and established a working group for the relocation of markets. - In 2022, former Director of the Capital City, D. Sumiyabazar, planned to allocate 28 hectares of land in Songinokhairkhan district on the western edge of the city for the markets. The current mayor, H. Nyambaatar, announced plans to relocate Da Khüree and Naran Tuul markets near the Bayanzurkh checkpoint in connection with the construction of the Tuul expressway. The expressway is estimated to be completed in 20-30 months.
Ulaanbaatar Centralized Energy System: Transition to Smart Meters Can Lower Electricity Bills
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
In the event of a capacity deficit, there is no choice but to impose sudden restrictions on energy supply, according to the Energy Regulatory Commission. Compared to previous years, the peak energy load has increased, and citizens have no way to save electricity other than limiting their usage. According to information provided by "Ulaanbaatar Centralized Power System" JSC ("UBCTC" JSC), during times of capacity deficit related to the high load in winter, restrictions are being imposed. These restrictions are made following decisions from the National Dispatch Center to reduce load. A capacity deficit occurs when the energy producers cannot supply energy. "UBCTC" JSC does not create the restriction schedule for the particular day, which makes it impossible to inform users in advance. Limitations are imposed based on daily notifications from the National Dispatch Center. Therefore, citizens and the public are advised to save electricity on a daily basis. However, citizens are expressing difficulties due to electricity cut-offs without prior notice for an undetermined period, as well as the increase in prices and tariffs. In response, the Energy Regulatory Commission and "UBCTC" JSC advise users to reduce energy consumption in the evening and transition to smart meters. Specifically, households that switch to a three-tier tariff meter can reduce their monthly electricity bill by at least 20 percent compared to current charges. Users can apply to switch their meter by calling "UBCTC" JSC at 7004-7004. Once switched, both daytime and nighttime usage costs can be reduced.
L. Enkh-Amgalan: A study on taking 7-10 days off for Tsagaan Sar and Naadam will be presented to the government. However, this Tsagaan Sar, citizens will have three days off
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
According to the Law on Public Holidays and Commemorative Days, the first, second, and third days of the first spring month of the lunar calendar are designated as public holidays. This year, the second and third days correspond to Saturday and Sunday, March 1st and 2nd. Due to this, people have been discussing how many days to take off for this Tsagaan Sar and whether Monday, which was supposed to be the third day, should be a holiday. Additionally, there have been suggestions from society to increase the number of traditional Tsagaan Sar holidays. In response, the ministry concerned is working on providing a solution, as stated by the Minister of Labor and Social Protection, L. Enkh-Amgalan. "According to the law on holidays, we have 16 days off. We are calculating whether to use these 16 days for ineffective breaks or for extending holidays like Naadam and Tsagaan Sar. This study will be presented at the upcoming government meeting. For instance, this Tsagaan Sar's holiday falls on the weekend. But there are legal holidays. People are asking whether those mandatory rest days should be moved if they fall on a Saturday or Sunday. Other countries seem to move them around. Perhaps we could adopt a system where we take 7-10 days off during Tsagaan Sar and Naadam. Our ministry is conducting research on this and will present it at the upcoming government meeting. Secondly, there's the matter of winter and summer time schedules. In some countries, they start work early in the summer and get off early, thereby increasing productivity. We will study and present these issues based on the Prime Minister's instructions. Generally, we've researched these issues. People have suggested making the lunar New Year's eve, first, second, third, and fourth days public holidays. If those days coincide with regular days off, they could be moved to the next working day. Thus, if Tsagaan Sar holidays included a total of 7 days, and Naadam holidays lasted 7-9 days, it would be convenient for the public and beneficial to the domestic economy. Such a study has been conducted. As for this year, since the parliamentary session is adjourned, there's no possibility of changing the law. We will rest for three days as prescribed by law," he said.
Studying the possibility of a 7-day holiday for Lunar New Year
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
There has been information circulating that the government is considering a draft law to establish a 7-day holiday for Lunar New Year. Minister of Labor and Social Protection L. Enkh-Amgalan provided an explanation on this issue. He mentioned, "This year, the first and second days of the Lunar New Year fall on Saturday and Sunday, which are legally mandatory holidays. Since the first, second, and third days coincide with Lunar New Year, people are wondering whether the holiday period should be extended. In other countries, holidays are extended in such cases. Therefore, our ministry is researching what it would be like to have a system where we have 7-10 days of holidays during Lunar New Year and Naadam. We will present this to the government meeting next week. If the government supports the motion, proposals will be submitted to change two laws. The Labor Law states that the first, second, and third days should be holidays, but sometimes there is no first day according to the calendar. So there's public support when we ask if starting the holiday from the day before Lunar New Year and extending it through the first, second, third, and fourth days would be acceptable. If the first and second days fall on holidays, people are asking to extend the holidays consecutively. As a result, the total becomes 7 days. Including the weekend, we propose a 7-day holiday for Lunar New Year, and a 7-9 day holiday for Naadam, which is considered important for the people and could make a significant contribution to supporting domestic tourism. However, this year, we will have three days off for Lunar New Year. Even if the government supports the proposal, the autumn session of the Great State Khural (parliament) is currently recessed.
Locations of Tsagaan Sar Expo and Market Starting Tomorrow
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
There is one month left until the Mongolian traditional Tsagaan Sar festival. As the date approaches, people are rushing to prepare gifts for guests and food for the festive table. Starting next week, Tsagaan Sar expos and markets will begin opening. Here's some information about the scheduled expos and markets: "Hunnu Mall" Expo Hall - National Products at Factory Prices The first Tsagaan Sar exhibition of the year will open tomorrow. Residents from the Nisekh and Yarmag areas don't need to travel to the city center and can prepare all necessary food and products in one place at the "Hunnu Mall" shopping center's expo hall. From dairy products to food items, health products, and even free mineral analysis are available. The exhibition will start and end on February 5. "Mongol Brand 333" trade will be held every day from 11:00 to 20:30. Apart from food, one can also purchase ready-made clothes, cosmetics, wooden items, and traditional items like plates and dombs at factory prices, making this expo unique. Imported and Domestic Food and Goods Exhibition An exhibition featuring national and imported specialized products will open at the Mongolian National Circus in the city center on February 1st. This exhibition will have two parts; the first part from February 1-10 and the second from February 17-28. In addition to imported goods, national manufacturers and small and medium entrepreneurs will participate. It will be distinct for providing the most diverse range of products. As an expanded trade in the city center, it will offer a large venue, allowing many people to participate. Daily Program Exhibition Indoors and Outdoors Throughout the Month With increased activity during the festival days, it is time-consuming for Nisekh and Yarmag residents to come to the city center's markets. Therefore, several expos will be scheduled in large venues in the western part of the city this year. This trade will run from February 1 to 28 in a 6000 sq.m large space, making it the largest exhibition fair. 21 provinces and businesses from Ulaanbaatar will participate in this month-long exhibition. A total of 999 businesses will present complete Tsagaan Sar supplies, including unique delicacies, eco-friendly food products, national souvenirs, and traditional clothes from 330 regions. Organizers emphasize that there will be a program and events every day. Apart from this exhibition, a national manufacturer's exhibition is scheduled at the Buyant-Ukhaa Sports Complex in Yarmag from February 15-28. Rent-Free From Producers to Consumers Exhibition Returns This Year Last year's expanded Tsagaan Sar expo allowed over 1000 local manufacturers from nine districts and 21 provinces to participate for a month without paying rent, selling products at factory prices. The city's administration office is discussing this year's organization. Currently, it hasn't been finalized, but there are plans to hold it again by discussing it with the districts. Once the schedule for the rent-free exhibition is finalized, interested manufacturers can contact their respective districts. Outside major centers, markets and shopping centers have already started selling festive goods. Extended markets for meat and dairy have opened at the Narantuul, Dunjingarav, Bombogor, Kharkhorin, Deejin-1000, and Narantuul-2. Therefore, it is advised to buy needed food and goods from these nearby expo markets as it is economical and time-saving to prepare all necessary products in one place, avoiding the hassle of traffic, as people have noted on social media.
Accepting Requests from Participants for the Discussion on the Smoke Issue
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
A discussion on the topic "The Smoke Issue: Legal Environment, Policy, Implementation of Decisions, Financing, Spending, and Responsibility" will be held on the 29th of this month at the State Palace. The meeting is organized by the working group responsible for preparing and organizing a general oversight hearing on air pollution and smoke issues, established by the resolution No. 07 of the Standing Committee on Environment, Food, and Agriculture of the State Great Khural dated December 19, 2024. Requests from citizens wishing to participate in the discussion are being accepted until the 27th of this month via State Palace mail and electronic mail address. Follow
A Project to Improve Peatland Ecosystems Will Be Implemented
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
Implementation of the project to manage Mongolia's peatlands and enhance the adaptability of grazing ecosystems and the livelihoods of nomadic herders will be carried out in the peatlands of Khuvsgul, Arkhangai, Bulgan, and Khentii provinces. As a result, 1,000 hectares of peatlands will be restored, and the landscape of 1,000 hectares of land will be improved using sustainable management techniques, with an increase in carbon absorption and ecosystem services. It is estimated that this will prevent 594 thousand tons of CO2 from being emitted over 20 years. The Ministry of Environment and Tourism reported that at least 14,000 people will directly benefit from the project's benefits and results. The project will be implemented by the Center for Climate Change Research and Cooperation to improve the ecosystem services of Mongolia's peatlands, particularly to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from degraded peatlands, mitigate land degradation, strengthen the capacity of indigenous reindeer herders, and improve ecosystem services. The goal is to increase the capacity of citizens to cope with climate change. Mongolia's peatlands are vital ecosystems for carbon sequestration, water purification, and biodiversity conservation. Unfortunately, peatlands are deteriorating due to climate change, inappropriate use of natural resources, and overloading of pastures, leading to increased greenhouse gas emissions from peatlands and reduced ecosystem services.
The temperature is expected to drop to -48.8 degrees in Zavkhan aimag on the night of January 25-26
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
On January 23, 2024, the air temperature in Otgon soum of Zavkhan aimag dropped to -48.8 degrees, marking the record for the lowest temperature in 2024. According to the Meteorological and Environmental Monitoring Agency, it is forecasted that the temperature in this region will again reach this level during the night of January 25-26 this week. Today, snow is expected in the eastern parts of the western provinces, the western parts of the Gobi provinces, and most of the central provinces, accompanied by a snowstorm. From tomorrow, it is predicted to become colder in most areas. Therefore, it is advised to ensure the full operational status of vehicles and to drive with caution, as slippery conditions and reduced visibility are expected on roads and passes. Warning: Media outlets (Television, Radio, Social, and Web pages) are reminded to always cite the source ( when using our information in any form, either fully or partially.
Initiated Project to Establish a Green Production Innovation Zone
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
A project to rehabilitate a closed mine in the Nalaikh district, supported by non-repayable aid from South Korea, has been launched. In particular, the steering committee of the project "Creating an Environment for Sustainable Development around Closed Coal Mines and Establishing a Green Production Innovation Zone" has met and discussed the work to be carried out over a period of five years. Specifically, efforts will be made to reduce soil contamination caused by the coal mines in about ten closed areas. The project will also restore land subsidence and landslides to ensure the safety of residents, as well as establish green production parks featuring smart greenhouses and forestry intertwined with agriculture. The project will incorporate South Korea's experience in mine rehabilitation and train specialists in the field.
Revenue of Health Insurance Fund Increased by 445.5 Billion Tugriks Compared to 2023
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
The revenue of the Health Insurance Fund reached 2,034.2 billion tugriks at the end of 2024. This is an increase of 445.5 billion tugriks from the same period in 2023. The increase in revenue was influenced by the following factors: - The health insurance premium revenue increased by 209.1 billion tugriks compared to 2023. - The premiums paid by the state budget for citizens the government covers increased by 72.1 billion tugriks. - The state budget allocation for financing health assistance and services, which is covered by the health insurance organization, increased by 163.4 billion tugriks. By the end of 2024, the expenditure on health assistance services of the Health Insurance Fund reached 2,073.9 billion tugriks. This is 521.7 billion tugriks more than the same period of 2023. The primary factor in the increase in service expenditure was the rise in the cost of drug price discounts by 47.5 billion tugriks compared to the same period in 2023. As of the end of 2024, 3,275,000 people were insured in the national health insurance scheme. Of the total insured: - 2,291,200 are citizens whose premiums are covered by the state budget. - 770,900 are individuals whose premiums are paid by their employers or themselves. - 212,800 are individuals who cover their own insurance premiums. Health insurance involves the collection of premiums from the government, citizens, and legal entities as prescribed by law, in order to finance the Health Insurance Fund in advance and purchase health assistance and services. Insured individuals regularly pay their premiums to the Health Insurance Fund as defined by the Health Insurance Law, thereby sharing potential financial risks caused by health reasons with the insurance fund. Other insured individuals include those who self-pay their premiums, as well as all other categories not specifically covered by articles 6.1.2, 6.1.3, 6.1.4, and 6.1.9 of the Health Insurance Law. The government covers the insurance premiums for minors under 18 years old, unemployed citizens who have no regular income other than pensions, members of households requiring urgent social welfare support, mothers or fathers caring for their children, active duty military personnel, and convicts. Health insurance premiums are payments made by citizens or on their behalf by the government or legal entities, to the Health Insurance Fund, at the rate specified by law. The "Health Services Package" covered by the Health Insurance Fund includes essential diagnostic, preventive, curative, rehabilitative, caregiving, nursing, and palliative services, as well as discounts on medications. These services also cover active exercise and sports activities. This comprehensive package of health services is explained by the National Statistics Office.
Event Information: Update on Influenza and Influenza-like Illnesses
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
At 10:00 AM, the regular autumn session of the State Great Khural (Parliament) will convene at the State Palace. At the National Center for Communicable Diseases, at 11:00 AM, information regarding the situation of influenza and influenza-like illnesses will be provided. At 2:00 PM, a Facebook live broadcast will be held on the topic "Advice and information on human papillomavirus, common questions and answers." Notice: All media organizations (Television, Radio, Social, and Web pages) must mention our source ( when using our information in full or in part. Please be aware of this!
Receiving the HPV Vaccine Before Sexual Activity Can Prevent 98% of Various Cancers
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
Today, the National Center for Infectious Disease Studies provided advice and information on Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection and vaccination. During this event, Dr. B. Munkhdulguun from the Emergency Department answered common questions related to the HPV vaccine. - Is the HPV vaccine recognized globally?
It is a vaccine recognized by the United States Food and Drug Administration, the European Medicines Agency, and national regulatory agencies of many countries. - Does getting vaccinated mean you won't contract the virus?
The HPV vaccine is made through recombinant technology of the surface L1 protein. It does not contain DNA information, so when injected into the human body, it forms an immune memory rather than causing an infection. - Can the vaccine be administered to individuals with HIV?
The vaccine can be given. There are no contraindications. The main contraindications are allergies to components of the HPV vaccine or acute infectious diseases, and it should not be given during relapse of chronic infections. Specifically, it can be administered one month after an acute infection or six months after recovering from hepatitis. If you have received another vaccine, you can be vaccinated against HPV after one month. If you missed the vaccination, you can be vaccinated later at your local clinic or district hospital. - What should be cautious of after receiving the HPV vaccine?
Side effects after vaccination are relatively rare. There might be swelling or pain at the injection site, nausea, fever, or dizziness, but these symptoms typically disappear on their own within 2-3 days. If symptoms occur, it is recommended to consult a doctor. By receiving the vaccine early, before engaging in sexual activity, it can provide 98% protection against cervical cancer and many other types of cancers. Therefore, active participation in the HPV vaccination is encouraged. Warning: Media organizations (Television, Radio, Social and Web pages) should always credit the source ( when using our information fully or partially.
Approximately 1.6 Million Citizens Participated in Early Detection
Published: 2025-01-24 | Translated from:
Approximately 47.1% of the entire population, or 1,593,838 citizens, have participated in early detection screenings and examinations. It is reported that 509,072 of them, or 38%, were found to be healthy. However, 62% showed some illness or disorder. Among those with health changes, 54% had a confirmed diagnosis and were included in treatment programs. Additionally, 290,175 people were subjected to further tests to confirm their diagnoses. In the screenings, dental and oral diseases, as well as excess weight and deficiencies, were prevalent among children. Among those aged 0-5, 8.7% exhibited signs of delays in movement, speech, and cognitive skills. For those aged 6-14, 7-30% showed signs of emotional and behavioral issues, attention deficit, hyperactivity, and communication problems. Up to 40% of adults were found to consume alcohol and tobacco through early detection. It was also noted that one out of every two individuals does not engage in active exercise. Additionally, one out of every four people does not consume fruits and vegetables adequately. Among participants in early detection screenings, 20.4% were obese, and 36.4% were overweight. These factors are major contributors to the prevalence of hypertension, ischemic heart disease, diabetes, and chronic gastric inflammation. Furthermore, infections of Hepatitis B virus tripled, and Hepatitis C virus increased by 4.6 times, both contributing to liver fibrosis and cirrhosis, as emphasized by Health Minister T. Munkhsaikhan. Also, one in ten individuals aged 45 and 60 showed signs of mental disorders. Suspicious cases of tuberculosis were commonly found among those aged 11-14 and 30-59. Examinations for colon cancer revealed that individuals over 50 often experienced internal bleeding, and co-infections of Hepatitis B and C viruses were predominant in those over 60. In early detections, approximately 170 new cases of syphilis and four new cases of HIV have been confirmed and are under treatment and monitoring. Moreover, 371 cases of cancer have been confirmed. Therefore, the Ministry of Health considers it necessary to continue early detection, examination, and diagnosis on a large scale. To achieve this, plans are being made to organize these efforts into five components: genetic disorders of fetuses, newborns, school-based, workplace-based, and cancer detection. Of the early detection participants, 43.6% were male, and 56.4% were female. Geographically, 50% were from Ulaanbaatar, while the remaining portion were from rural areas. Among those who underwent preventive screenings, 47.2% were aged 0-17, and 52.8% were 18 years or older.
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