Mongolia News Summary for January 27, 2025

The following news articles are the opinions of their authors and publications. They are presented here as translations for informational purposes and do not necessarily represent the opinion of MongolBeat or its members.
Today's Stories
- New Central Wastewater Treatment Plant to Be Operational by August
- The new central treatment plant will be operational next August
- Partnership Resumed with Kuwaiti Fund in Road Sector
- Ulaanbaatar's New Water Treatment Plant to Be Operational by Next August
- Takanori Shimizu: I Could Not Have Imagined Mongolia's Development Level Fifty Years Ago
- Joint Inspection to be Launched in Child Care and Welfare Institutions
- Students Returning Home After Success in Mental Arithmetic Competition in USA
- Classes for Students in the Capital's Schools Begin Tomorrow
- S. Jigmidsuren: Mongolian Script is a Symbol of Mongolia's Sovereign Existence
- Ts. Unurbayan: The Written Language Can Be Compared to a Mighty Vessel Carrying Human Intellectual Culture
- The Monument to Soviet Soldiers Restored with Funds from Leningrad Region
- Dornod: A Car Submerged in the Lake Was Recovered
- A Car Retrieved from 15 Meters Depth in the Lake
- The Environmental Police Used Drones to Detect 26 Cases of Illegal Mineral Extraction
- Warning about Cold Weather and Slippery Roads
- 250 kg of Salt Provided for Wildlife on Bogd Mountain
- SELENGE: Improved Living and Feeding Conditions for Wildlife
- The Decision on Whether Hoshoryu S. Byambasuren Becomes a Yokozuna Will Be Made Today
- Hoshoryu S. Byambasuren Wins Hatsu Basho, Meets Yokozuna Requirements
- Ozeki Hoshoryu Wins Top Division Title for the Second Time
- Championship Wrestling of 256 Wrestlers with Provincial and Military Titles to Take Place
- G. Munkh-Erdene Qualifies for the World Championship in Short Track Skating
- ZAVKHAN: Athletes Successfully Completed Run in -50°C Cold
Draft Law on Freedom of the Press Submitted
Published: 2025-01-26 | Translated from:
On January 24, the Minister of Justice and Home Affairs submitted the draft revised law on Freedom of the Press to the Speaker of the Parliament. The draft revision incorporates the basic principles outlined in the current law on Freedom of the Press while introducing several fundamental issues. Specifically, it includes explanations of terms related to professional journalism activities in accordance with international trends, the domestic legal system, and the relevant scientific field, to ensure uniform application of the law. Furthermore, it defines the purpose and types of media organizations, and introduces regulations related to the transparency of ownership to foster responsible journalism and support diverse opinions. Additionally, provisions confirming the right of media organizations and journalists to protect their sources are included. According to the Minister, the Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs discussed the draft law four times with potentially affected stakeholder groups and incorporated their suggestions.
Law to Abolish Import Tax Exemption for Flour
Published: 2025-01-26 | Translated from:
Member of the State Great Khural, Minister of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry J.Enkhbayar has submitted a draft law to the Speaker of the Mongolian Parliament, D.Amarbayasgalan, to annul the law on exemption from customs duties. To protect the livestock sector from risks, ensure the stable supply and availability of basic products, increase reserves, avoid supply disruptions, and overcome the challenges of wintering and spring grazing, the State Great Khural discussed and adopted the draft law on exemption from customs duties. The list of animal feed, feed additives, and wheat flour exempted from customs duties was also approved by Government Resolution No. 180. Within this framework, high-grade and first-grade wheat flour, along with nine types of animal feed and feed additives, were exempted from customs duties. As part of the implementation of the law, the quantity of flour entering through border checkpoints has increased significantly due to the exemption from customs duties on flour imports. By the end of the year, a total of 64.2 thousand tons of wheat flour had been imported, namely 35.9 thousand tons through the Sukhbaatar checkpoint in Selenge province, 14.1 thousand tons through the Tsagaanuur checkpoint in Bayan-Ölgii province, 10.3 thousand tons through the Borshoo checkpoint in Uvs province, and 3.9 thousand tons through the Altanbulag checkpoint in Selenge province and the Artsuuri checkpoint in Zavkhan province, all from the Russian Federation. In terms of animal feed, to overcome winter and spring grazing with fewer risks, 117.9 thousand tons of animal feed and feed additives were imported by the end of 2024, which is one-fold more than the previous year's same period. This situation poses the risk of destabilizing the operations of participants in the production and supply chain of strategic food items such as wheat and flour, as well as the potential devaluation of the returns on investments made in these areas, bringing with it many economic and social issues. Therefore, it has been concluded that the law on exempting animal feed, feed additives, and wheat flour from customs duties has achieved its objective to ensure the stable supply of major food items, protect the livestock sector from risks, and maintain supply by increasing reserves. Consequently, a draft law to annul the exemption law was prepared, as explained by J.Enkhbayar, a member of the State Great Khural and Minister of Food, Agriculture, and Light Industry.
Ambition of the Arabs
Published: 2025-01-26 | Translated from:
Visiting Saudi Arabia for the first time, it was to cover the "Future Minerals 2025" forum held in the capital. The name of the conference, “Future Minerals,” immediately evoked the question: What is considered future minerals? When we think of minerals, coal, copper, gold, and iron ore come to mind first. But these have become labeled as traditional mining. Future minerals include copper, uranium, lithium, cobalt, nickel, niobium, tungsten, manganese, titanium, and zircon. Whoever can extract these first, that company or country will capture the market. In the near future, the demand for these minerals will grow, and it is highlighted that their prices will increase. This is because the main raw materials of modern technology, such as electric cars, wind turbines, solar panels, and batteries, are these minerals. Experts point out that although the world is rushing towards a green future and renewable energy, non-renewable resources like copper and nickel are still being mined. Therefore, mining remains an important sector in many countries. Do copper, uranium, lithium, cobalt, nickel, niobium, tungsten, manganese, titanium, and zircon, which will see price increases and competition among countries, exist in Mongolia? Is Mongolia truly a resource-rich country? During the discussed conference that took place this month, Mongolia was not completely ignored. A presentation on the price and demand forecast for copper mentioned that "Oyu Tolgoi" is the fourth largest copper supplier in the world. However, it is unclear whether other important minerals exist in our country, as exploration has not been conducted, nor has it even begun. Moreover, the Ministry of Mining and the Mineral Resources Authority have not issued an exploration license for the past year, leaving the mining sector stagnant. The Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources, Ts. Tuvaan, stated that licenses will soon be issued, a new regulation draft has been developed and sent to the Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs for registration. Once the Ministry of Justice registers it, the new regulation will become official and ready for implementation. There is currently no information about what changes have been made to the new regulation. While we watch a group of citizens' video opposing the initiation of the first rare earth element project "Khalzan Burgedei," debating whether uranium is harmful or harmless, other continents are competing for the next minerals in mining. However, we seem to be left out of the competition. The search for these minerals, labeled critical, has not even begun, and it is unclear what policy the state will implement in this direction. Meanwhile, 8000 km away, Saudi Arabia announces it will become the next Silicon Valley for mining, inviting investors. Becoming a Silicon Valley means focusing advanced technology and knowledge to lead the mining sector further. Just as the United States has a Silicon Valley for information technology, Saudi Arabia aims to become the mining Silicon Valley. Experts with detailed technological knowledge are invited, focused in one place, a favorable business environment is created, supported by investments, and an ecosystem is formed. Human resources are being prepared for this purpose. Saudi Arabia is a major political and economic player in the region. After oil was discovered in Bahrain, neighboring countries like the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, and Qatar opened their oil fields, continuously supplying black gold to affluent countries like the USA. Once desert nomads, the Arabs have developed into affluent lifestyles, attracting foreign tourists through various competitions and sports events alongside oil. Famous footballers like Cristiano Ronaldo and Neymar play here, and modern cities have been built on sand. To maintain stable economic growth further, they aim not to rely solely on oil, but also to mine other minerals. An obvious example is the annual "Future Minerals" international conference held in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The conference took place in the King Abdulaziz International Conference Center. The luxurious conference center, combining Islamic architectural style with modern times, captivates attendees. Tall white marble columns, majestic large light fixtures, emerald-green patterned dome-shaped halls evoke the image of an Islamic mosque. The ornate wooden doors add grandeur to the building. The wall and ceiling patterns, decorations, seem hand-painted, compelling the observer's attention. Outside the center, there is a beautiful garden and a fountain. Guests are transported from the entrance to the conference center by female drivers in small open-top cars non-stop. The green roofed center was built on the outskirts of the city for hosting international conferences. Next to the center is the famous Ritz-Carlton Hotel. In 2017, under the initiative of Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, a wide-range operation to combat corruption and financial crimes took place. Over 200 business people, ministers, and princes were detained in this hotel, as some might recall. Saudi Arabia is one of the world's major economies. It ranks 19th by nominal GDP as of 2021. It is one of the world's largest oil exporters and a price setter for oil. To diversify its economy, the "Saudi Vision 2030" program is underway. At the "Future Minerals 2025" conference, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's Energy, Industry, and Mineral Resources ministers gave presentations. As royals, the attendees stand up to show respect when they enter the hall and when their speeches conclude. If an Arabian man wears traditional clothing, known as thawb (white, black, long-sleeved, ankle-length outer garment) overlaid with gold borders, it indicates high nobility. The ministers, even though elderly, delivered their presentations in English. Based on their years of oil extraction experience, they shared with investors that they will be transparent, share information in the state, collaborate, bear the risks of exploration jointly, cover some costs, offer subsidies if you employ our citizens, and give higher subsidies if you employ women. They attracted investors' attention by stating that the resources discovered and explored so far are equivalent to $2.5 trillion. Again, it seems unbelievable, but in this country with a population of 34 million, they do not work and pay taxes. Instead, the state provides additional incentives. They intensely conduct exploration along the western coast, discovering even the aforementioned critical minerals. They call this region the Arabian Shield. The European Union has approved its critical minerals strategy until 2031, highlighting 49 critical raw materials. These are identified based on criteria such as unstable supply, imports from others, and increasing future demand. Bulgaria, which started from a similar position as us and was a socialist country in 1990, has developed a five-year program to be implemented jointly by 14 organizations. Organizer Saudi Arabia is in its third year of a comprehensive geophysical survey across the country. Without waiting for the survey to be completed, they are issuing licenses for mineral exploration based on interim results. Whether domestic or foreign, if someone conducts exploration in Saudi Arabia and discovers a deposit, the state will cover 70% of the exploration costs. The state will not acquire any shares, but will buy the products later. Six companies have been provided with funding to complete their exploration work. Therefore, there are at least six companies that have conducted surveys, been tendered, discovered drill sites, and found minerals over the past 2-3 years. Another issue discussed at the conference was China's influence in the mining sector. Regarded as the world's second-largest economy, China is both the largest mining producer and a processor. For example, the largest rare earth element deposit lies just south of our border, in Inner Mongolia. Huawei representatives participated in the Future Minerals conference. The country's lithium and aluminum companies also sent their representatives. Despite being challenging, Saudi authorities stressed their determination to balance China's dominance. M. Dagva, Chairman of the Board of the Critical Minerals Association: I noticed that other countries are working rapidly in this direction when I arrived here. Our country needs to act quickly in the critical minerals sector, to communicate this to the citizens, and to push forward. Our country doesn't regard critical minerals on a sectoral level, but discusses it at the level of individual deposits, reducing the issue to a minor scale. This shouldn't be seen as a dispute between the protesting citizens and the company trying to operate it. Behind critical minerals lies a solution to major global issues. Politicians and the public need to have an understanding of this level. General Counsel for Communications and Media of "Rio Tinto" B. Dashnyam: 6 trillion dollars will be spent on mining exploration and extraction over the next decade. The organizer of the conference, Saudi Arabia, is focusing on how to direct this investment towards their country. Saudi Arabia has made it easier for global companies to bring their funds to explore, establish mines, and carry out extraction. This aims to diversify their economy and establish a stronger economy. The world is moving to the next stage and a different computational system with energy transition and artificial intelligence. For example, when searching on Google, it previously required very little energy, but now it requires at least ten times more energy for specialized searches with AI. This will require producing a lot of energy. The demand for metals like copper and lithium that feed these will tremendously increase. Whoever can supply the world market first will achieve great success in the coming decade. More than 30 countries have announced their list of critical minerals. Mongolia has the opportunity to become the 31st country. Mining Insight magazine editor S. Bold-Erdene: Copper use is increasing in data centers and weapons manufacturing. Everyone agrees that copper consumption will continue to rise. Research institutions have forecasted that by 2030 or 2050, copper consumption will double, etc. Different numbers are being presented. As copper usage increases, five large mines need to open each year to meet demand. Large mines, like Oyu-Tolgoi in our country, will need to open anew. When asked where these mines will be opened, research institutions, influential mining sector representatives confidently claim they will open in the Gulf countries, Central Asia, and Africa. More than 30 countries have announced their list of critical minerals. Mongolia has the opportunity to become the 31st country. To do so, the government needs to decide on its policy for the critical minerals sector, establish a Critical Minerals Agency under the Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources, and actively conduct research in this direction. As for Saudi Arabia, they started enacting critical minerals laws from 2020. Considered to have one of the best legal environments in the world in this sector, in our view, we have been focused on one-sided information, assessing that their vast oil wealth made them wealthy. However, correct management of resources is more important. Although women dressed in full black coverings with veils are seen on the streets, there are also women with headscarves whose faces are visible. Women make up 17% of the workforce, and half of the university's mining students are women. The era when only boys entered universities has passed, with girls quickly learning the culture of university life, becoming strong competitors, as highlighted during the forum. From all of this, it can be seen that the Saudis are modernizing without losing their traditions, integrating the new with the old and developing them together.
New Central Wastewater Treatment Plant to Be Operational by August
Published: 2025-01-26 | Translated from:
The regular meeting of the Rapid Response Headquarters to support the implementation of projects and measures for reducing air pollution and infrastructure development in the capital city of Ulaanbaatar was held. Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene familiarized himself with the progress of the new Central Wastewater Treatment Plant in Ulaanbaatar, which is being constructed with a concessional loan from China, following the meeting of the Rapid Response Headquarters. The project is 95% complete and is planned to be operational in August of this year. In conjunction with this project, the implementation of a technology for reprocessing wastewater is underway, with a completion rate of 60%. By reprocessing and reusing the treated water from the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant, the aim is to reduce the use of underground water for industrial purposes.
The new central treatment plant will be operational next August
Published: 2025-01-26 | Translated from:
The third meeting of the Rapid Response Headquarters for reducing air pollution and implementing infrastructure projects in Ulaanbaatar took place yesterday. Scientists, researchers, representatives from political parties in the Parliament, private sector representatives, and former Mayor of Ulaanbaatar E. Bat-Uul participated in the meeting to exchange views on the development plan of Ulaanbaatar city and the new and ongoing projects and programs. Discussions were held on the projects such as the Tuul highway, Ring road, and Selbe highway to reduce traffic congestion in Ulaanbaatar and create a comfortable living environment for the citizens, as well as setting up the Selbe sub-center as part of reduced air pollution measures. The meeting also addressed the use of renewable energy sources and gas fuel to resolve heating issues for some households in ger districts. It emphasized the importance of focusing on improving project progress and solving issues through public-private partnerships. Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene, Ulaanbaatar Governor and Mayor Kh. Nyambaatar, and related officials reviewed the progress of the new central treatment plant being built next to the old treatment plant in the 20th district of Songinokhairkhan district. The new central treatment plant will purify 250,000 cubic meters of domestic and pre-treated industrial wastewater per day to meet standard levels, thereby reducing negative environmental impacts. Additionally, a water recycling plant is being constructed in conjunction with the new central treatment plant under the Millennium Challenge Corporation agreement. This plant will re-treat 50,000 cubic meters of water daily from the treated water discharged by the central treatment plant and use it in the cooling systems of CHP-3 and CHP-4. This initiative has the potential to save 14-18 million cubic meters of clean water annually, as reusing treated water from the treatment plant is crucial in preventing the use of underground water for industrial purposes. The construction progress of the central treatment plant is at 95%, and it is expected to be operational next August, while the water recycling plant's progress is over 60%. Moving forward, projects to dry, incinerate, and clean sludge from Ulaanbaatar's treatment plants, as well as to eliminate odor and environmental pollution, will continue, emphasized Mayor Kh. Nyambaatar.
Partnership Resumed with Kuwaiti Fund in Road Sector
Published: 2025-01-26 | Translated from:
The State Secretary of the Ministry of Road and Transport Development, S. Batbold, while working in Kuwait to establish an Air Relations agreement with Kuwait, met with Waleed Al-Bahar, the Acting Director General of the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development. During this meeting, they exchanged views on current collaborations and future projects and programs. Mongolia's road and transport sector has been collaborating with the Kuwaiti Fund since 2002, and projects funded by the Kuwaiti Fund between 2002 and 2015 included the construction of a total of 415 km of roads on the routes Darkhan-Erdenet, Erdenet-Bulgan-Unyt, and Unyt-Tarialan. In 2018, the Government of Mongolia established an agreement with the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development to provide a grant of 3.5 million USD for the "Undurkhaan Airport Renovation Project," and the renovation project for Khentii's Undurkhaan Airport is being implemented. Further collaboration with the fund aims to jointly implement the project to expand and modernize the 101.7 km Ulaanbaatar-Lun highway, a part of the 382 km road project from Ulaanbaatar to the New Kharkhorum city. Discussions are underway to carry out this project with funding from the Qatari Sovereign Wealth Fund, Dubai Investment Fund, Omani Investment Fund, and other international investment entities. Waleed Al-Bahar, the Acting Director General, expressed that the Kuwait Fund, in cooperation with other Gulf Cooperation Council funds, will provide full support for the involvement of these funds in the project and for its complete implementation.
Ulaanbaatar's New Water Treatment Plant to Be Operational by Next August
Published: 2025-01-26 | Translated from:
The regular meeting of the Rapid Headquarters was held yesterday to provide support in reducing air pollution in the capital city of Ulaanbaatar, implementing infrastructure development projects and measures, and to provide sectoral coordination and rapid management. At the beginning of the meeting, the project for connecting the tunnel in Khushig Valley with the Selbe Expressway was presented. The Tuul Expressway, Bogd Khan mountain tunnel, and Selbe Revival Project are being implemented to reduce traffic congestion. The Selbe Expressway is 25.2 km long with four lanes and 15 intersections, and it will provide uninterrupted traffic movement without traffic lights. The Selbe Revival Project's road is 21.6 km long, starting from the back intersection of the Songsoglon Bridge, joining the Selbe sub-center road. Due to the 6.5 km of overlapping roads in the southern part of the Selbe Expressway and the northern part of the Selbe Revival Project's road, the design plans need to be updated. Several options to interconnect the roads with multi-level intersections and connect to the Bogd Khan mountain tunnel were proposed. The Ulaanbaatar Chamber of Commerce presented issues to consider in creating a favorable legal environment to develop public-private partnerships. In combining the opinions of more than 150 organizations, it was highlighted that to develop public-private partnerships and increase private sector participation in projects, the rights of domestic and foreign investors should be equally protected until the deadline specified in the investment contract, and systems to protect technology and business secrets of the project initiators and implementer companies should be established. The Prime Minister instructed N. Ukhrell, head of the Government Cabinet Office, to work with the chamber to improve public-private partnerships and align with the "Business friendly" program being implemented based on Bahrain's experience. It was also instructed to present the issues introduced at the meeting to the Government meeting for related decisions. Additionally, the headquarters members proposed to apply the FIDIC model contract in our country, modify the relevant law to incorporate the four main principles of international procurement, pass the "Infrastructure Development Law", update the standards and technical requirements for improved solid fuels, and recommend new procedures for evaluating and reporting air quality index. Former Mayor of Ulaanbaatar and current Governor of the Capital City E. Bat-Uul stated, "We reviewed the comprehensive planning of Ulaanbaatar city. A new space for the city has emerged by connecting to Khushig Valley. If the planning is approved by the Parliament (Ikh Khural), investors see it as a reliable, legalized plan." After the Rapid Headquarters meeting, Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene visited the construction progress of the new central water treatment plant being built in Ulaanbaatar with a concessional loan from the People's Republic of China. The project's progress is 95%, with plans to operationalize by this August. Along with this project, there is an ongoing effort to introduce waste water recycling technology. The implementation of this project is at 60%. Reusing water treated by the central plant is expected to reduce the use of groundwater for industrial purposes, as reported by the Government Press Department.
Takanori Shimizu: I Could Not Have Imagined Mongolia's Development Level Fifty Years Ago
Published: 2025-01-26 | Translated from:
Takanori Shimizu, president of the Mongolia-Japan Friendship Society, served as the Japanese Ambassador to Mongolia from 2011 to 2016. We met with him during his recent visit to Mongolia. - You first set foot in Mongolia in 1977, meaning it has been around 50 years. What do you feel most when you visit Mongolia? - I first set foot in Mongolia in 1977. At that time, I came to learn the Mongolian language. Unfortunately, as Mongolia was a socialist country back then, I was not housed with local students at the university dormitory to study. Instead, I learned Mongolian with Vietnamese students. Life was difficult during those times. Many years have passed since then. In truth, reflecting on the changes that have occurred in Mongolia during this period, no words come to mind other than "amazing." Fifty years ago, I could not have imagined Mongolia reaching this level of development. Since then, I have been appointed to work in Mongolia four times, and thus, Mongolia has become my second home. - You have served in various capacities at the Japanese embassy in our country, from attache to ambassador, a total of four times. It's been 8 years since you handed over your duties as ambassador. Can you share the purpose of your current visit? - Since handing over my duties as ambassador, I have continued to engage with Mongolia through various channels. Three years ago, we established ties between my hometown Kokonoe in Oita Prefecture and Tsenkher Sum in Arkhangai Province to implement student exchanges. In the future, there are plans for Arkhangai Province and Oita Prefecture to cooperate further. Therefore, this time we are here to donate 550 iPads previously used at Chiba Institute of Technology to schools in Ulaanbaatar and Arkhangai Province. Specifically, 350 of them will be distributed to sum schools in Arkhangai Province. I believe this effort will make a meaningful contribution to Mongolia's education sector. Naturally, compared to my duties as ambassador, my current work is not as extensive. However, my main goal now revolves around initiatives directed towards children. - During your tenure as ambassador in our country, you successfully implemented numerous projects in the education sector. Why has your work historically focused on children and youth? - For any nation seeking to accelerate its development path, focusing on human development is essential. A healthy, educated Mongolian person can intelligently overcome any challenges facing your country. Therefore, I believe Mongolia must prioritize its education sector and work diligently in this area. - I heard a story connected to you about investing in renovations for the Children's Creative Center, which was on the verge of privatization. At that time, you reportedly thought, "This is the work I must do." Could you share that moment with us? - Thank you very much. In fact, I had forgotten about this matter. Many excellent teachers worked at that center, educating many children from ger districts. Preserving those training programs and related activities was critical. So, I repaired the roof and handed it over. This was indeed one of the projects I had to pursue actively. - "Half of my working years at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were related to Mongolia and Mongolians," you once recalled. Which of the projects implemented during that time do you consider the most "major?" - During my tenure as ambassador, several large projects were implemented. Among them are the international airport project in Khushig Valley, the project to train thousands of engineers in Japan, and the project to build a hospital affiliated with the Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences. Implementing these projects was no easy task. Initially, a loan agreement was made for $278 million to support the Khushig Valley International Airport project, but the airport could not be built at today's level. An additional $390 million was needed. However, the Japanese side initially proposed constructing the airport within the original financial allocation, leading to a misunderstanding. Therefore, I approached late Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, saying, "We need to resolve this issue; otherwise, it will be challenging to proceed to the next phase." Some politicians in Mongolia also questioned the economic benefits of building the airport, leading to challenges in progressing the project. - The Khushig Valley International Airport has surely become a remarkable construction, beyond dispute. However, how do you see its expansion in the future? - If Mongolia expects to receive several million foreign tourists in the future, today's airport capacity will not suffice. If the Mongolian government can realize a new expansion concretely, it will be excellent. However, Mongolia currently faces severe challenges such as air and water pollution and traffic congestion. I hope government representatives will solve all these practically in a short time. - In your experience as a diplomat, could you share the moments you felt the most proud? - I have been involved in various projects. Whether as attache or ambassador, I have consistently focused on the education sector. When visiting local areas, I prioritized acquainting myself with schools, dormitories, and school activities, especially in rural areas. If problems existed, I would involve them in the "Grassroots" project. There are over 200 projects that I directly participated in. As a diplomat, the matters that I most quietly cherish in my heart involve my work for children's benefit. - One of the other things I take pride in is that the officers I worked with at the embassy consistently supported my ideas, policies, and actions. In addition, I must state that the current Japanese embassy in Mongolia is making great efforts to improve the education conditions of local schools. - Our country successfully established the Economic Partnership Agreement with Japan. Are we fully enjoying the benefits of this agreement? - I don't think so. Unfortunately, we could not fully utilize this opportunity. The governments of both countries should discuss and resolve this. Since the agreement was concluded, exports from Japan to Mongolia have steadily increased. However, Mongolian exports to Japan have remained almost the same. The reasons must be clarified, and more diverse Mongolian goods and products should be exported to Japan. - As someone familiar with us, what do you suggest to Japanese businesspeople regarding the Mongolian market? - To be honest, Japan's interest in the Mongolian market has decreased. There are several reasons for this. For example, the government level has seen cases where contract terms deteriorated. Such mistakes need rectifying. However, I understand that recently your government has made considerable efforts to improve market conditions and attract Japanese companies. - What would you like to propose from Japan's market to Mongolian entrepreneurs? Perhaps you wish Mongolian businesspeople would see this opportunity? - Mongolian businesspeople should create opportunities for themselves by visiting Japan to meet private sector representatives, establish connections, and learn how to form agreements. Without acquiring such knowledge and experience, it will be difficult to form contracts with Japanese companies and attract investment. - Japan is one of our country's significant third neighbors. As an experienced diplomat, what activities do you believe could elevate relations between the two countries to a new level? - During my five years as ambassador, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visited Mongolia three times. Since then, Japan's prime minister has not yet visited Mongolia again. Therefore, high-level visits from the Japanese side must be conducted whenever possible. I worry that the situation may slightly weaken otherwise. In parallel, exchanges of people are crucial. Notably, increasing the number of tourists from Japan to Mongolia should be considered. - What achievements have you made after stepping down as ambassador? May we ask about your future plans? - I am a graduate of Chuo University. After stepping down as ambassador, I worked as a professor at my university for five years. During that time, I researched Mongolian tourism and taught seminars related to Mongolia. I am now working as an advisor at Chiba Institute of Technology. As mentioned at the beginning of our conversation, we will donate 550 iPads with the support of this university. Additionally, for the past two years, special flights have been operated from my hometown Oita Prefecture to Ulaanbaatar. I intend to organize this flight this year. These flights now operate not only from Oita Prefecture but also to Fukuoka and Miyazaki Prefectures. This expansion will increase the number of tourists from Japan visiting Mongolia. - Did you visit every sum (administrative subdivision) as ambassador? Do you miss the Mongolian steppe? - I couldn't visit every sum, around 200 sums. I visited one aimag (province) 5-6 times. Since residing in Japan, I constantly think of Mongolia. I particularly like Uvs Province. I have a great desire to visit the shores of Lake Khyargas. - I hope your wish will come true. If it's not too personal, were you able to complete everything you intended during your time as ambassador? - I believe I did everything necessary at that time. During my five years as ambassador, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visited Mongolia thrice. The President of Mongolia visited Japan twice, the Speaker of the Parliament three times, and the Prime Minister four times. I can't say whether there will be as many visits during one ambassador's tenure. - In recent years, our country has implemented several national programs at the presidential level. For example, the "One Billion Trees" national program can be mentioned. I heard you are implementing a similar program. - Your President has launched the "One Billion Trees" movement a few years ago. It is a very good initiative. However, bringing trees to "life" is not easy. This work should rely on experts. I wish you success in your effort to plant one billion trees. In my hometown, we are planting sakura trees up to one meter high in collaboration with local children and elders. - Do you think of writing a book about your experiences related to Mongolia? - I recently discussed this with friends. I know many things that young Mongolians of the new generation do not. How was the situation in the socialist era, what challenges were faced during the transition, how did we overcome those times, and what roles did I play? I think it is necessary to document events truthfully. When I first started working at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, my supervisor instructed me to learn Mongolian. Realizing it has been 50 years since then, I think writing a book is appropriate. - Thank you for taking the time to speak with us.
Joint Inspection to be Launched in Child Care and Welfare Institutions
Published: 2025-01-26 | Translated from:
The Office of the State Prosecutor has announced that a joint inspection will be initiated to protect children's rights and prevent crimes and violations. Specifically, the Bayanzurkh District Prosecutor's Office, the National Human Rights Commission, and the Investigation Department have started an inspection of child care and welfare institutions. As part of this effort, they are familiarizing themselves with the activities of these institutions, the work and measures taken to protect children's rights, uncovering and halting any actions indicative of crime or violations, and working to restore children's rights. Bayanzurkh District Prosecutor's Office Control Prosecutor B. Chimbilig said, "We plan to conduct the joint inspection in January and February 2025. We are getting acquainted with the activities of care centers and the preventive measures taken against crimes and violations. The inspection features monitoring for peer bullying and other actions or inactions with characteristics of crimes or violations in child care and welfare institutions. We are also meeting with the management of care centers to discuss the work being done to protect children's rights, receive their difficulties and suggestions, and provide the prosecutor's notice to address identified violations. Currently, there are over 660 children in 12 child care and welfare institutions within the territory of this district," he stated. Warning: Media organizations (Television, Radio, Social, and Web pages) must cite their source ( when fully or partially using our information.
Students Returning Home After Success in Mental Arithmetic Competition in USA
Published: 2025-01-26 | Translated from:
The "International Mental Arithmetic World Championship" was held in Los Angeles, USA. In this competition, 22 students and 3 teachers from the "Toya" Children's Development Academy represented Mongolia. They achieved the following results: - 5 Gold Champion titles - 3 Silver Champion titles - 1 Bronze Champion title - 14 Gold Cups - 2 Bronze Cups - 4 Flash Anzan Champion trophies By winning in the international championship and raising their state flag, the students of the "Toya" Children's Development Academy will return to their homeland tomorrow at 3:30 PM.
Classes for Students in the Capital's Schools Begin Tomorrow
Published: 2025-01-26 | Translated from:
The first semester break for students in the capital's schools is over, and classes for the second semester will begin tomorrow, on January 27. The last week of the second semester will be an independent study week, and students in the capital will continue classes until April 4, 2024, while students in rural areas will continue until March 28, 2025, then have a one-week break. The second semester break for students in the capital will start on April 7 and end on April 11. The third semester break for students nationwide: Elementary schools will start their break on June 9. Meanwhile, middle and high school students will start their summer break on June 16.
S. Jigmidsuren: Mongolian Script is a Symbol of Mongolia's Sovereign Existence
Published: 2025-01-26 | Translated from:
The "Mongoliin Saikhan Bichigten-2024" international competition, which has become a tradition organized by the "Humuun Bichig" newspaper of the National Information Agency MONTSAME, has announced its top participants, who received their awards last Wednesday. This year's competition received over 1,200 entries from 9 districts of the capital, 18 provinces, as well as Inner Mongolia of China and the Republic of Buryatia of Russia. The oldest participant in the competition was 102-year-old S. Jigmidsuren from Bayangol district of the capital, while the youngest participant was U. Ganzaya, a student in grade 1A of classical music at the Mongolian Conservatory. During the award ceremony for the best participants of the competition, we heard the impressions of these two participants. 102-year-old S. Jigmidsuren said, "This is my 27th participation in the international competition 'Mongoliin Saikhan Bichigten'. The Mongolian script is not only a wonderful creation of the Mongolian spirit but also a symbol of Mongolian people living as Mongolians and Mongolia's sovereign existence. Therefore, every Mongolian must learn the Mongolian script. I have continuously participated in this competition with the hope that our future generations will learn and diligently become excellent writers in the Mongolian script. I have dedicated my conscious life to the development and progress of my country for 75 years from 1940 to 2015, with 46 years in the field of education and science, and 29 years in military service. During this time, I have taught the Mongolian script to 40,100 people. My advice to future generations is that a person is a natural creation made up of body, language, and mind. The mind was bestowed upon us to live wisely. The strongest thing in this world is intelligence, which is sharpened by books. The purpose of human life lies not in merely being alive but in truly living. Therefore, uphold and elevate your language, culture, and literature," he advised. The youngest participant, U. Ganzaya, said, "For the 'Mongoliin Saikhan Bichigten-2024' competition, I created things I like. I made a Mongolian ger and my toys. I included the letter 'B' in drawing a house, the letter 'SH' in drawing a bird, the letter 'B' in drawing a tiger, and the letter 'KH' in drawing a violin. I just thought of making something beautiful," she said.
Ts. Unurbayan: The Written Language Can Be Compared to a Mighty Vessel Carrying Human Intellectual Culture
Published: 2025-01-26 | Translated from:
"The Beautiful Mongolian Script-2024" international competition concluded, revealing its best participants. During the event, we asked several questions to Ts. Unurbayan, People's Teacher, Doctor of Linguistics, and Professor. - How can we define the contribution of the Mongolian script to the history of world literacy? - The most wonderful creation of human intellectual culture is language. The most remarkable creation that has overcome the challenges of space and time is the written language. Our Mongolian script represents the rich heritage that the Mongolian people have contributed to the intellectual repository of humanity. Every nation carries forward its script, history, and culture as a chain linking past, present, and future minds. The written language can be compared to a mighty vessel carrying human intellectual culture. Therefore, the Mongolian script bears the immunity of the Mongolian people and nation. - As of January 1st, it was decided to conduct state affairs in both scripts. How do you see the significance of this? - It is a noble endeavor that the Mongolian state is initiating to preserve the Mongolian script, which has been solidified as a national script across three eras, for future generations by conducting state affairs in both scripts. As someone who grew up cherishing the Mongolian language and literature, I am very happy. I am fully confident that by meeting the demands of the current era, we will all widely adopt our Mongolian script as the state script. - What do you think is needed to further disseminate the Mongolian script? - At a time when state affairs are starting to be conducted using the Mongolian script, it is necessary to create an environment. In general secondary schools, the Mongolian script is taught from grades 6 to 12, but there are few reading materials for students. Except for the "Humuun Bichig" newspaper, there are hardly any reading books. Therefore, if we aim to teach the Mongolian script to everyone, we must first publish many works in Mongolian text through media outlets. We need to create conditions by publishing books that preserve the traditional culture and mindset carried by the Mongolian script. - At this time, the most crucial assistance comes from dictionaries. How is the Mongolian script dictionary creation process going? - The work to produce a standardized dictionary for the Mongolian script began in 2021. This work, in which Mongolian language experts and teachers participated, is now in its final stages. Due to the passing of the great scholar Sh. Choimaa who was leading the effort, time constraints might present challenges in continuing the work. When it comes to the extensive use of any script, nothing is as important as a dictionary. Therefore, the standardized dictionary of the Mongolian script will be published soon, I believe. If this dictionary is not published, since the Mongolian script is distant from spoken language, everyone might not be able to use it as easily as the Cyrillic script. Thus, I think it is right for everyone to learn both of these marvelous scripts that carry the intellectual culture of the Mongolian people. - How do you see the significance of the "Beautiful Mongolian Script" competition, now in its 28th year? - The "Humuun Bichig" newspaper, which carries the national Mongolian script with high prestige at both the public and governmental levels, is playing a very important role. I have participated from the first competition of the "Humuun Bichig" newspaper to the 28th competition today. This wonderful competition by the "Humuun Bichig" newspaper has now become international. Therefore, I would like to thank the MONTSAME agency and the "Humuun Bichig" newspaper team for organizing this competition further.
The Monument to Soviet Soldiers Restored with Funds from Leningrad Region
Published: 2025-01-26 | Translated from:
In commemoration of the 85th anniversary of the Battles of Khalkhin Gol, the monument to Soviet soldiers at Zaisan Hill has been restored with funding from Russia's Leningrad region. Today, a ceremony was held at the Zaisan Hill complex to reopen the monument. The event was attended by the Mayor of Ulaanbaatar City and Governor of the Capital, Kh. Nyambaatar, and the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia to Mongolia, A.N. Yevsikov, along with other officials. The restoration work was completed with the support of the Ulaanbaatar City Administration, the All-Russian Society for Preservation of Historical and Cultural Monuments, and companies from both countries.
Dornod: A Car Submerged in the Lake Was Recovered
Published: 2025-01-26 | Translated from:
In Choibalsan, a small truck fell through the ice and had an accident in Khukh Lake, located in Choibalsan soum. A team from the Eastern Region's Emergency Management Center's Search and Rescue Unit, responding to local residents' requests, worked to retrieve the vehicle from a depth of 15 meters from the 19th to 21st of this month. As of a week ago, the ice thickness of Kherlen River is between 74-77 cm, which is about 10 cm thinner compared to the same period last year. Ulz River's ice is between 64-74 cm, 2-46 cm thinner than last year. Khalkh River's ice is between 69-74 cm, 2-4 cm thinner, while Buir and Khukh Lakes have ice thickness between 75-79 cm, which is 11-25 cm thinner than the same time last year. Therefore, people are advised not to cross the ice over the main rivers and lakes to shorten travel routes.
A Car Retrieved from 15 Meters Depth in the Lake
Published: 2025-01-26 | Translated from:
The emergency agency is warning that accidents such as vehicles breaking through ice, sinking, and having mishaps continue to occur when transporting over the frozen surfaces of rivers and lakes. For instance, in "Khuv Lake" located in Choibalsan district of Dornod province, a Porter-2 model cargo truck broke through the ice and sank. Rescuers from the Eastern Regional Emergency Management Department of Dornod province's search and rescue team conducted a diving operation to a depth of 15 meters in the lake and managed to retrieve the vehicle. Hence, citizens and transporters are being warned not to transport goods over the frozen surfaces of rivers and lakes.
The Environmental Police Used Drones to Detect 26 Cases of Illegal Mineral Extraction
Published: 2025-01-26 | Translated from:
We spoke with Colonel M. Batsaikhan, Chief of the Environmental Police Department of the General Police Agency. Greetings. There is a training and advisory meeting being held for senior officials of the police and internal troops organizations. Could you provide a brief update on this? Greetings. This conference aims to create a unified understanding among the leaders about the laws of the Police Service and the Internal Troops, as well as the Government's Action Plan for 2024-2028 and its priority directions. In addition, the conference is organized to successfully implement reforms in the police and internal troops organizations, improve the services provided to citizens within the framework of their legal duties, and learn from the experiences of other countries and global trends that have achieved results. It also aims to identify operational challenges and future policy goals. This time, the meeting is held under the theme "Let's Grow Together," focusing on "Organizational Development and Future Trends," "State Policy and Development Management," and "Professional Leadership," covering current and future actions and measures to be taken. The Environmental Police Department is a key organization fighting crimes and violations against the environment. How has the situation of such crimes and violations been this year? Last year, the police received 2399 complaints and reports of crimes and violations against the environment and conducted investigations into 782 cases. The detection rate of the cases reached 72.9%, an improvement from the previous year. In the direction of supervision, unified and targeted measures, 73 inspections and oversight activities were conducted in provinces and districts to prevent crimes and violations against the environment. This led to the detection and resolution of 72 criminal acts, and 18 unified and targeted operations such as "Detection," "Resolution-2024," "Plant," "Electronic Control," "Control," "Warning," "Eco-2024," "Water Reserve," "Nut," and "Substance" were organized. The issue of environmental restoration is frequently raised. Companies and enterprises claim to restore, but many do not meet the requirements. Some even do not work at all. Is such a situation present? An important task of our organization stems from the joint decision made in 2020 by the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Environment and Tourism, Minister of Mining and Heavy Industry, and Minister of Justice and Internal Affairs. It involves conducting the "Restoration 2024" comprehensive measures over four years, covering 195 sites affected by mining operations across the country, carrying out biological and technical restorations on 3.773 hectares, exceeding the plan by 1.773 hectares. Furthermore, as part of the national movement "Billion Tree" initiated by the President of Mongolia, we organized the "One Million Trees" event and planted 141,851 trees across a 70.9-hectare area within the police and internal troops units, achieving the target by 35.4% and exceeding the plan by 21,851 trees. Do you have any new initiatives introduced in the fight against environmental crimes and violations? In the fight to detect, stop, and prevent environmental crimes, the following initiatives have been introduced: - Using "DJ Matrice 350 RTK" drones for detecting 18 cases, and incorporating technological advances in combating illegal logging. - The "Wood watcher" program, which helps officers determine the volume of timber and wood materials loaded on vehicles or stored in open areas without relying on internet or mobile networks. - Remote sensing methods using high-resolution satellite imagery to conduct spatial analysis on ArcGIS programs to detect illegal mineral extraction and usage crimes. - Using motor boats in areas where technical equipment access is impossible due to mud, bogs, water, or heavy snowfall on rivers to detect 26 cases of illegal mineral extraction activities on site. What policies and principles will your department follow in the future? Preventive measures against crimes and violations will be organized based on theory, research, and analysis, ensuring public and organizational participation. We will continuously introduce information, technology, and modern methods, using satellite remote sensing and spatial analysis programs like ArcGIS in our operations while adhering to principles to protect citizens' and legal entities' lawful rights. Thank you for this interview, and I wish you great success in your future endeavors. Thank you. I call on everyone to recognize our role as guardians of nature and work together to leave a better environment for future generations.
Warning about Cold Weather and Slippery Roads
Published: 2025-01-26 | Translated from:
Attention livestock farmers, citizens, and drivers: Today, snow is expected in the eastern parts of the eastern provinces, accompanied by blizzards limiting visibility. The cold weather will intensify across most regions, and slippery conditions will form on roads, passes, and slopes. Weather forecast from 8 AM to 8 PM on January 26, 2025: The eastern part of the country will be overcast, while other regions will have partly cloudy skies. Snow and blizzards are expected in the eastern parts of the eastern provinces. Winds will change from southwest to north in the eastern parts, and from the northwest in other areas, at 5-10 meters per second, reaching 13-15 meters per second in the Gobi, steppe, and plain regions. In the areas around Uvs Lake and the Darkhad Basin, the mountainous regions of Khuvsgul, the sources of the Zavkhan River, and the valleys of the Ider, Tes, and Baidrag Rivers, temperatures will range from -28 to -33 degrees Celsius. In the mountainous regions of Altai, Khangai, Khentii, and around Khurenbelchir, as well as in the valleys of the Eg, Uur, Orkhon, Selenge, Kharraa, Eröö, Tuul, Terelj, and Kherlen Rivers, temperatures will range from -20 to -25 degrees Celsius. In the southern parts of the Hangai Mountain Range's front slopes and the southern parts of the Gobi region, temperatures will range from -11 to -16 degrees Celsius, and in other regions from -15 to -20 degrees Celsius. AROUND ULAANBAATAR CITY: Partly cloudy. No snow is expected. Winds will be from the northwest at 5-10 meters per second. Temperatures will be between -17 and -19 degrees Celsius. AROUND BAGANUUR: Partly cloudy. No snow is expected. Winds will be from the northwest at 5-10 meters per second. Temperatures will be between -16 and -18 degrees Celsius. AROUND TERELJ: Partly cloudy. No snow is expected. Winds will be from the northwest at 5-10 meters per second. Temperatures will be between -16 and -18 degrees Celsius. At 5 AM in Ulaanbaatar, it was -23 degrees Celsius, with 72% relative humidity and an atmospheric pressure of 881 hectopascals. Pressure is expected to remain stable throughout the day.
250 kg of Salt Provided for Wildlife on Bogd Mountain
Published: 2025-01-26 | Translated from:
Biotechnical measures are regularly organized in the protected area of Bogd Khan Mountain to protect the habitat and pastureland of wildlife. Since the beginning of 2025, more than 250 kg of salt licks have been provided in five locations for the benefit of deer, roe deer, ibex, and others. These biotechnical measures for wildlife are planned to continue step by step according to the plan. To ensure the social security of environmental rangers, improve their working conditions, and strengthen the material base, in 2024, the ranger workstation in the Manzushir Valley of Bogd Khan Mountain was renovated and put into operation. Through this training and information center, information can be provided to travelers, and environmental education programs can be organized for up to 15-20 people. The center also aims to improve the monitoring of the Manzushir-Tsetsee Gun walking route and provide comprehensive information about rare plants, wildlife, and bird species in the protected area to travelers and the public in one location. With the establishment of the ranger research and information center and the beginning of 2025, more than 150 citizens have already been provided with environmental information, initial health care, and ecological services. State inspectors of the protection administration are conducting regular inspections and checks. On January 22, 2025, they discovered a possible illegal logging operation in the Bumabt Valley of Bogd Khan Mountain and reported it to the ecological police department.
SELENGE: Improved Living and Feeding Conditions for Wildlife
Published: 2025-01-26 | Translated from:
Within the framework of forest management plans and the social responsibility of forestry leaseholders, biotechnical activities are being carried out. Under these activities, measures were organized to improve the living and feeding conditions for wildlife in areas where heavy snow had caused food scarcity. Specifically, companies such as "Nogoon Nars," "Terguun Telmen," "Agii Tovgor Konden," "Hyaraanii Khonkh," "Mongol Safari," "Chagtain Ekh," and "Misheel Ariun" collaborated to distribute bundles of green hay and 120 kg of natural salt in two directions in Altanbulag sum, Selenge aimag.
G. Enkhjargal: Air Pollution Affects Birth Weight of Newborns
Published: 2025-01-26 | Translated from:
The National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS), in collaboration with Simon Fraser University in Canada, is conducting a cohort study to determine how PM2.5 particles in the air affect fetal and infant health. Initial results from the study have been revealed. We interviewed Dr. G. Enkhjargal, a senior lecturer and an associate professor in the Department of Environmental Health at the School of Public Health, NUMS, about the findings. Dr. Enkhjargal graduated as a hygienist and epidemiologist from Irkutsk Medical University and has over 30 years of experience in the field of public health, especially environmental health. - You mentioned conducting a cohort study on the effects of air pollution on fetuses and newborns. Did you start this research about ten years ago? - Yes. Since 2014, teachers from the Department of Environmental Health at the School of Public Health have been conducting a cohort study to understand the effects of air pollution on health, especially on fetuses and newborns. We have included 540 pregnant women in this study with their consent on a voluntary basis. The study began with the support of the Sukhbaatar district Health Center. As researchers, we're unable to reduce external air pollution, so our goal was to reduce indoor PM2.5 pollution in the homes of our participants. We evaluated the results based on this intervention. Essentially, the study called "UGAAR - Ulaanbaatar Gestation and Air Pollution Research" follows women split into two groups: one with air purifiers installed in their homes until childbirth and the other without. This setup was to determine how air purifiers affect fetal growth and early child development. - How were the women participants selected for the study? Were there any criteria? - We are completing three phases of this study. During the first phase, we informed the participants about the study when they were 9-10 weeks pregnant and included them voluntarily. The criteria were women over 18 years old, non-smokers, living in apartments, and residents of Ulaanbaatar, specifically in Sukhbaatar district due to the high levels of air pollution there. We used apartments as the focus since air cleaners could not handle the heavy pollution typical of ger areas. The study required significant manpower, resources, and time, leading us to represent Sukhbaatar district, which is highly polluted. This type of longitudinal research requires substantial resources and long-term commitment. - Did you say initial findings are available? - According to WHO, people spend 80-90% of their time indoors. Thus, interventions to reduce PM2.5 pollution inside homes were implemented. We placed high-efficiency air purifiers in 50% of the participants' homes to assess the impact. One primary goal was to detect any differences in birth weight between the control group and the intervention group to see whether air pollution affects infant growth and development, specifically birth weight. The results showed a difference: air pollution contributed to lower birth weights. In the second phase, from 2016 to 2020, we aimed to study the influence on childhood growth and development of children born to mothers exposed to varying levels of air pollution. Measurements of height, weight, and cognitive abilities were taken. Despite starting life lighter, children from polluted environments caught up in weight with the intervention children by age two and four. - A study of children's cognitive abilities and autism spectrum disorders was also mentioned. What were the outcomes? - Our study showed that lower birth weight infants reached similar weights as the intervention children by age four, with potential trends towards gaining more. We assessed four-year-olds using cognitive ability tests. By reducing indoor PM2.5 pollution by around 30% with air purifiers, cognitive abilities in children of the intervention group were 2.8 points higher. Air pollution adversely affects cognitive abilities. We also looked at autism spectrum disorders using a test that relies on parental input. However, we did not find a direct impact of air pollution on autism disorders. - Has there been a similar long-term cohort study before? - The children who were unborn when the study began are now 10 years old. Over 10 years were invested, including initial preparations. This type of study meticulously establishes cause and correlation, demanding significant resources, hence it's rare in Mongolia. - You collaborated with Canadian researchers. Will this study continue? - This research was conducted in partnership with Simon Fraser University. As the study lead on the Mongolian side, the team involved detailed measuring of air pollution exposure and its impact on prenatal and postnatal child health, which is challenging. We received ethical approval from Mongolia’s Ministry of Health. 20 researchers from both countries participated. The third phase has concluded, with data collection finished recently. The research possibly revealed links between air pollution and childhood obesity and diabetes, pending further phases of research. - How do you intend to apply these findings? - We emphasize implementing the study results into practical life and influencing policy decisions. We discovered that air pollution leads to lower birth weights. It is now up to policymakers to act based on these findings. The study's real-world application is essential to address public health concerns. - What can be done to prevent indoor air pollution? - Air pollutants are released from combustion processes, including burning coal and smoking. In 2013, PM10 and PM2.5 levels were recorded at 165 and 75, respectively, with improvements observed since the introduction of refined fuels in 2019-2020, but still exceeding WHO recommendations. Our air quality standards need urgent updating, as current standards are higher than WHO guidelines, which set PM10 at 15 µg and PM2.5 at 5 µg, while Mongolia’s thresholds are much higher. National air quality standards should align with global benchmarks. - Are these higher standards inhibiting healthy living? - Although air pollution has reduced, it remains 7-8 times higher than WHO recommendations. In our earlier study on the impact of air pollution on mortality among individuals over 30, it was estimated that 10% of deaths in this demographic are attributed to air pollution. On average, about 6400 deaths occur annually in Ulaanbaatar, with 500-600 related to air pollution. Cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, lung and esophageal cancer deaths are significantly linked to air pollution rates. The results underscore urgent public health policy needs to address the ongoing air quality problem and its health impact.
The Decision on Whether Hoshoryu S. Byambasuren Becomes a Yokozuna Will Be Made Today
Published: 2025-01-26 | Translated from:
The Hatsu Basho of professional sumo concludes today with the champion being determined. There are two decisive matches on this 15th day of the basho. Yesterday, leader Kinbozan Kirishima B. Lkhagvasuren met in a bout and won. As a result, he remains solely in the lead with 12 wins, while Kirishima now has ten wins and four losses. If Kirishima had won this bout, it would have greatly aided the path for his countryperson Hoshoryu S. Byambasuren to become a yokozuna. Unfortunately, it did not happen. On the other hand, Hoshoryu S. Byambasuren defeated Takerufuji yesterday, bringing his record to 11 wins and three losses. Hoshoryu and Oho are in pursuit of the leader. Today, Oho and Kinbozan will face off, creating the possibility of a tie in wins and losses among the three wrestlers. Hoshoryu will wrestle against ozeki Kotozakura. The Sumo Association has stated that Hoshoryu S. Byambasuren would be granted the yokozuna title if he wins this basho or performs at a champion level. In any case, he is exhibiting champion-level performance. Regarding other Mongolian wrestlers, Osoma P. Delgerbayar and Tamawashi B. Munkh-Orgil also won yesterday. Both are achieving kachikoshi, meaning they have secured eight or more wins. Meanwhile, Chiyoshoma G. Munkhsaikhan, Tamashoho E. Enkhmanlai, and Onokatsu B. Choijilsuren suffered losses.
Hoshoryu S. Byambasuren Wins Hatsu Basho, Meets Yokozuna Requirements
Published: 2025-01-26 | Translated from:
The Hatsu Basho of professional sumo wrestling concluded today. At the final moment of the last day of the bouts, there was an additional match between three wrestlers. In this additional match, Hoshoryu S. Byambasuren defeated Kinbozan and Oho, who had the same win-loss record, and emerged victorious with a record of 12 wins and 3 losses, thus meeting the requirements for the title of Yokozuna. Regarding this, Hoshoryu S. Byambasuren’s uncle, former mayor D. Sumiyabazar, shared his thoughts: "My elder brother D. Sugarrachjaa's son, my nephew Hoshoryu S. Byambasuren, today won the professional sumo Hatsu Basho, being selected as the champion for the second time. You were excellent today. It was thrilling to watch. Congratulations to my nephew who met the requirements for the Yokozuna title. I wish you even greater success. In the coming March, my nephew S. Byambasuren will compete with the Yokozuna title, and my younger brother D. Serjbude’s son, my nephew, S. Luvsangombo, will start wrestling in professional sumo," he shared.
Ozeki Hoshoryu Wins Top Division Title for the Second Time
Published: 2025-01-26 | Translated from:
The 15th and final day of the January professional sumo tournament concluded today. On the last day, Kazakhstani wrestler Kinbozan, with two losses, faced off against Ono. Meanwhile, Ozeki Hoshoryu Byambasuren competed against Ozeki Kotozakura. As a result, Ono defeated Kinbozan with the technique of 'oshidashi,' and Hoshoryu overcame Kotozakura, leading to a decision by extra bout to determine the tournament winner. In the extra bouts, Hoshoryu Byambasuren successively defeated Kinbozan and Ono, thus claiming the Emperor's Cup for the second time. He first won the top division title in July 2023, leading with 12 wins and three losses. Following that, in the November tournament, he finished runner-up with 13 wins and two losses. By winning the first tournament of the new year, he has been considered for the rank of yokozuna. The Yokozuna Deliberation Council of the Sumo Association held an extraordinary meeting before today’s tournament to discuss whether to confer the yokozuna title on Hoshoryu. Some members of the Association believed he should receive the title if he won, while others were doubtful due to his loss to lower-ranked wrestlers. One member suggested that even if he won, his performance should be observed in the next tournament. The decision to award him the yokozuna title will be made next week. This month’s Fighting Spirit Prize was awarded to Kirishima B. Lkhagvasuren, who finished with 11 wins and four losses, while Kazakhstani wrestler Kinbozan, who fought in the extra battle for the championship, received the Fighting Spirit Prize, and Ono received the Technique Prize. Notice: Press organizations (Television, Radio, Social, and Web pages) must cite the source ( when using our information in any form, either fully or partially.
Championship Wrestling of 256 Wrestlers with Provincial and Military Titles to Take Place
Published: 2025-01-26 | Translated from:
The wrestling competition in the name of "ATAR" khyviin boov, jointly organized by "Takh Chiher" JSC and the Mongolian National Wrestling Federation since 2006, is set to take place at 11:00 AM today at the Mongolian Wrestling Palace. This event is traditionally held as a lead-up to the Lunar New Year celebrations. From this competition, which celebrates excellence in wrestling, a number of celebrated wrestlers have emerged, including 12 who have attained the rank of "nachin" (falcon), 2 "khartsaga" (eagle), 4 "zaan" (elephant), and 3 "avarga" (champion) of Mongolia. Thus, this wrestling contest named after "ATAR" khyviin boov is renowned for fierce competition among powerful wrestlers who showcase their strength and skill, with wrestlers holding provincial and military titles striving to perform at their best.
G. Munkh-Erdene Qualifies for the World Championship in Short Track Skating
Published: 2025-01-26 | Translated from:
At the Winter Universiade for university students, held in Turin, Italy, Mongolia's short track speed skater G. Munkh-Erdene raced the 500-meter short distance in 44.682 seconds, securing qualification for the World Championship and the "World Cup" series. Meanwhile, in the alpine skiing slalom event, O. Usukh-Ireedui finished 58th out of 102 athletes in the first run with a time of 1 minute 5.35 seconds. In the snowboarding event, G. Ganzorig competed against 38 athletes in the first run, finishing 15th in a race with Hungarian competitor M. Szano with a time of 47.91 seconds. A total of 54 countries participated in 11 sports at the Universiade, with France, Finland, Germany, Japan, and Poland's student teams securing the most medals.
ZAVKHAN: Athletes Successfully Completed Run in -50°C Cold
Published: 2025-01-26 | Translated from:
In Otgon soum of Zavkhan province, a preliminary trial was successfully conducted to set a Guinness world record for a 65 km ultra-cold run. The ultra-cold run began at midnight on January 23 and concluded early on January 24. Due to extreme weather conditions on the night of the 24th, athletes who stopped running after 15 km resumed and successfully completed their run the night of January 25. This run is a preliminary trial aiming to set a Guinness record. The trial took place in Otgon soum of Zavkhan province, known as the coldest point in Mongolia, at temperatures of -50°C. Three athletes participated in the trial. Led by ultra-long-distance runner and extreme cold athlete, mountain trail runner, icy water swimmer, and rescuer R. Erdene-Orgil, the team included marathon master J. Batchimeg and runner B. Saruulmaa, all successfully completing the challenge. Athlete R. Erdene-Orgil covered 65 km, J. Batchimeg completed 60 km, and B. Saruulmaa finished 58 km. This run not only tested the endurance and preparation of the athletes but also marked the beginning of an event to set a world record, according to the Body Sports Agency of Zavkhan province.
PHOTO: Restoration of the Zaisan Memorial Completed
Published: 2025-01-26 | Translated from:
The reopening ceremony for the Soviet soldiers' memorial on Zaisan Hill, which was restored with funding from the Leningrad region of Russia, was organized today. The restoration of Zaisan Hill was completed and officially opened in honor of the 85th anniversary of the victory of Soviet and Mongolian troops in the Battle of Khalkhin Gol. The ceremony was attended by A.N. Evsikov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia to Mongolia, H. Nyambaatar, Governor of the Capital City, and other relevant officials. Mayor H. Nyambaatar said, "Over the past 40 years, the Zaisan Hill memorial has suffered significant damage. More than 50 million rubles were spent by Russia to repair it completely. Mongolian construction companies participated as subcontractors in the restoration project. In the future, cameras will be installed on the Zaisan Hill complex under a unified system to monitor violations." WARNING: Please note that when using our information, media organizations (television, radio, social, and web pages) must always cite their source (
Member discussion